No one is more arrogant than her, she is arrogant, but now she has the capital of arrogance!

The Deviance Sword in his hand has been swung down, and the violent destructive power of the Sword of Oath Victory, which is almost as strong as Saber's, rushes directly toward Gilgamesh, which is more terrifying than the roaring flood.

"The King's Treasure!"

The King of Heroes didn't have time to do other things, and he didn't even have a chance to dodge. His strongest sword... was attacked by his strongest sword, but he felt powerless and powerless. Gilgamesh was making his last effort!

That is the treasure of the king!

In front of the Deviated Sword, any obstruction is powerless and pale. The King of Heroes made countless treasures in the king's treasure explode in front of him, trying to use the huge whirlwind generated by the explosion to eliminate "Boom boom boom..."

The violent explosion and the terrifying cyclone made it almost impossible to stand.However, the fireworks will bloom and the ending of the war will also be drawn, and the fundraising of the Deviance Sword VS King's Treasure will also fall.

The golden armor of the King of Heroes seemed to have been burnt, and the upper body was like charcoal. The armor was also broken, and he himself was lying on the ground.

Deviance Sword VS King's Treasure, Deviance Sword prevails!

And the King of Heroes managed to carry it under the sacrifice of a lot of treasures...

"Damn... bastard... this king... this king can't spare you..."

Gilgamesh tried his best to get up and then spit out another mouthful of blood. This was the third time he vomited blood, and it was still heavier and more embarrassing!

"This king will come back again!"

Gilgamesh clenched her teeth when she saw that the king girl was about to swing her sword again, and waved the king's treasure behind her... um, only one third of the king's treasure was left, and Gilgamesh pulled back. Shi Yanfeng Kirei's arm drilled directly into the treasure and disappeared.

The Noble Phantasm in the King's Treasure, "Space Jump."

This is the treasure that the King of Heroes feels the most shameful, how can he escape as a king?But now...have to run!


Gilgamesh fled with anger and resentment, and the Tohsaka family fell silent.

But Ye Shenyue looked at the devastated Tohsaka house and let out a long sigh, "It seems that I am the one who suffers in the end!"

Ye Shenyue came down and moved for a while, but another treasure of the King of Heroes that slipped on his waist, the "Sky Lock", which was said to be able to trap the gods, was silently stuffed into his arms.

"No, this is my trophy too!"

The king girl, who was satisfied with the power of the Deviance Sword, immediately noticed Ye Shenyue's misdeeds.

As early as when the hero king was about to strike a sword, the king girl was ready to attack, increasing her speed to the maximum, and then "assimilating" the "sky lock" that trapped Ye Shenyue into her own thing, and then Catch the "Deviance Sword" with your bare hands, as long as you touch the weapon, you can turn it into your own weapon!

This is BerSErk0.7er's Noble Phantasm, like the King of Heroes has countless Noble Phantasms in the King's Treasure Treasure, and BerSErker can turn other people's Noble Phantasms into his own Noble Phantasm!

A thief is a helpless thief!

It can be said that the ability of the hero king is a bug, and the ability of the king girl is designed to restrain him! The silver-white "Sky Lock" with powerful power fell obediently in her hand, and Ye Shenyue held the "Sky Lock" in her hand. "He looked at the purple-black inscription on the chain belonging to BerSErker.

"That's a sign of my stuff, only I can use it."

The king girl was originally unhappy because Ye Shenyue wanted to take her "trophy", but now she found that the other party was looking at the inscription and immediately became happy. As long as there was her imprint, Ye Shenyue couldn't use it. In the end, it still belongs to her. !

The king girl seemed very happy, but she seemed to have overlooked something.

On the back of Ye Shenyue's hand, there is a Command Spell specially used to control her.

Chapter 0074 The robbed hero king and the indebted Toki minister (four more please subscribe!

"It seems that Kariya gave me a big gift before going to find a passionate French lady."

Yagami raised her hand in front of BerSErker, the back of her hand was facing BerSErker, and the Command Spell was also facing BerSErker!

"Do you want me to use the Command Spell to get the "Sky Lock" or do you obediently contribute?"

Threat to Chi Guoguo!

BerSErker's forehead was faintly sweating, how could she forget about it?She is still under control now!

"You use the Command Spell."

BerSErker said gloomily, the Command Spell is a gift from the Holy Grail to the Master, which can be forced to do three things against the will of the Heroic Spirit. If Yagami uses the Command Spell, then she really can only let go obediently.

What a broken Holy Grail!

BerSErker's goal is one more thing, and that is to meet the Holy Grail and turn it into his own so that he can take revenge on the Holy Grail!

Rather than hand it over voluntarily, it is better to let Ye Shenyue use the Command Spell 07, so that the Command Spell can be consumed faster, and her bondage can also be changed, and she can no longer control her!

So BerSErker was silent for a while and immediately chose to use the Command Spell.

Take the initiative to let me use the Command Spell?

Such a docile BerSErker gives people the feeling of "nothing to be courteous, either a traitor or a thief".

"Really? But I'm a little reluctant. After all, some people are so unbelievable, they can't even keep their promises. I don't know how Saber was educated. When you go back, you must talk about her..."

Ye Shenyue kept looking at BerSErker when she said this. He knew that BerSErker admired Saber in particular, so just talking about Saber would instantly make her furious.

Sure enough, the king girl was like a cat whose cat was blown up and immediately raised her vigilance dangerously, "Just say me, don't bully my father!"

It's my father again!

It is estimated that the title of the king girl will never be changed.

"It looks like you've become responsible, but you seem to have forgotten that I brought you here, I told you to take away Gilgamesh's Deviance Sword, and your initial goal was only Deviance Sword, so The lock of the day does not belong to you."

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