So Ye Shenyue was looking at Joan, for fear that it was Ye Ye's disguise, but this look made Joan misunderstood, and she almost read out in broken thoughts, "Sure enough, I am dissatisfied with desire and demand, and I am not willing to summon from another world. The maid who came here is in love... how terrifying it is, it really looks like the butcher in the slaughterhouse is looking at the prey..."

What is she thinking about!

She was shaking slightly.

"Uh...this...let's talk tonight by candlelight..."

Ye Shenyue didn't know that the current Miss Jeanne had gone astray. He returned Miss Jeanne with an ambiguous answer. He was thinking about whether to tell Jeanne that when Miss Yuko held a banquet last time, Baixue and Aria were already there. Meeting girls from other planes.

The girl who wanted to explain seriously was immediately trampled on by the girl, and she started a more terrifying brain trick.

Candle night talk?That means two people in the room?

Then there was a big bed, and she couldn't move when she was tied up.

"You call... hurry up..."

Then the young man dressed as a beast took off his clothes but unreasonably took off her clothes but took out a candle, lit it and dripped to melt the clothes?

What a terrible night talk!

The girl of Joan of Arc felt that her physical strength could not support "Night Talk" for so long, I am afraid that the first wave of drops and wax would make her unable to bear it...

Thinking of this, her body trembled again. It was only slightly trembling just now and now it is almost stiff.

"No, no, as a strategist, I have [-]% confidence that you have all kinds of lewd purposes. Our Joan of Arc family has always hidden merit and fame, so I have no choice but to reject you. invite."

Joan of Arc extended her hands and refused in the most ruthless tone, and also showed an expression of extreme vigilance and fear.

Alert and fearful?worried about him?Think he's a bad guy?


Ye Shenyue is very doubtful that her appearance is really so unscientific?It was just a sincere invitation that actually scared the other party into such a state.Do you really have the super effect of "seeing who is pregnant, and getting pregnant even if you don't see"?

Maybe, I really need to give Joan a little education.

Let her know that many people in this world are not because of the terrible aura they exude or are really terrible. He is just pursuing the lowest level of "getting pregnant if you want to".

"That... Joan of Arc. I think you may have misunderstood something in 2.7... so..."

Ye Shenyue took a step forward but Jeanne took two steps back, trying to pat her on the shoulder, but she ducked far away.

How can he eat people if he is not a tiger?

"No no no... You don't need to explain, I believe you are a good person, I believe you are an upright person."

What surprised Ye Shenyue was that the girl Jeanne showed an unprecedented panicked expression.

"So... please don't play the game of dripping wax. If you really want to, then... please face me!"

The hysterical decision is not as straightforward and decisive as what she said now!

But Ye Shenyue was almost dumbfounded when she heard this sentence.

ps: Fatezero is coming to an end...

Chapter 0079 tenderness (one more subscription)

Please face me!

When this girl, who was always expressionless and even had a little bit of coldness, "suggested" such a "request" that made the beasts and blood boil Something banged and just exploded.!

"Jane... Do you know what you're talking about!"

Ye Shenyue was shocked by the simple five words of Joan of Arc, and then her body actually moved towards Joan of Arc because of the intense thought explosion, and her hands pressed her petite and small with a speed that she couldn't even react at all. Thin shoulders!

Yes, Ye Shenyue admits that Miss Jeanne's icy look is not very cute, but now her hands are covering her chest and a look of "about to be bullied or being bullied" is absolutely adorable.

It turns out... It turns out that cold people will be so enthusiastic when they are ignited by the 07 flame in their hearts.

Please face... me!

Such words... can only be shouted out by Jeanne herself!

How hysterical!

Ye Shenyue was so shocked that she was almost speechless and could only blindly hold Joan's shoulder, but this small gesture was immediately misunderstood by the lovely Miss Joan.

A very serious misunderstanding.

"Aren't you satisfied with the positive ones? You... a beast... you really want to do this in a place like this? This is a corridor, a corridor!"

When Joan of Arc was held down by Ye Shenyue, she was first shocked and then a little irritated, and no longer cared about any image.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue understood Socrates' mood a little bit. His mother-in-law can definitely compete with Joan of Arc, who is hysterical now.

Joan of Arc grabbed his arm fiercely as if to vent, extremely excited.


Ye Shenyue's hand pressed on the girl's clean forehead, making a sleepy magician Joan of Arc's body that was almost convulsed with excitement finally relaxed.

"Eh...what the hell is going on?"

Ye Shenyue quickly caught her and let her lie in his arms. He just wanted to say hello to her and ask if she was comfortable here. He didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so big, even "Face me "The powerful lines were shouted out.

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