Sure enough, it's because it usually becomes the background and then comes out to rage for the sense of existence?

Well, Ye Shenyue admits that it would be very bad for Miss Jeanne to be so excited...


At this time, the slight footsteps caught Ye Shenyue's attention. This was not coming from a distance, but the sound of hiding here and preparing to leave.

In other words... someone is peeping!

How can it be repaired!


With a slightly dignified drink, the figure fled quickly, Ye Shenyue had the heart to chase it, but Joan fell asleep again, so he wouldn't leave her here, otherwise she would really become a woman when she woke up accidentally. The words "actually in the corridor, actually in the corridor" have opened up.

It's not that hysteria is better than hysteria!


After taking Jeanne back to her room, she took off her shoes and covered the quilt. After Ye Shenyue carefully sneaked, touched, and scratched, she breathed a sigh of relief. How did Miss Joan of Arc of Iceberg become so enthusiastic?Passionate!It can be said that he is indeed a warm foreigner. As soon as he was about to leave Ye Shenyue, he found himself being hugged, his soft and soft body was tightly pressed against him, and his slender, snow-white arms were wrapped around his neck, almost almost. Can't feel the weight.

The side of his face was slightly attached to his fair cheeks, and from his angle, he could see the girl's wine-red eyes slightly.

"Why are you so active today?"

Ye Shenyue's hand went back, and the girl let go of him slightly, then one hand was close to his palm and grasped, and then with a little force, the whole body slid directly in front of him.

Ye Shenyue hugged his wife and kissed her on the lips, then touched her cheek.

"It's not that you are too busy... You are always busy with this Holy Grail battle. It's obviously a must-win battle, and you always go out and busy yourself. It's not like a winner at all."

A slightly appetizing voice came from the girl's mouth, with a slightly sour taste in her tone, but she was still very satisfied with the intimacy with Ye Shenyue.Although there is no more inextricable intimacy, this touch of intimacy makes her feel comfortable, as if at this moment she is not a mother with an eight-year-old daughter but always young and wants to be loved and fondled by her boyfriend. girl.

"Okay, okay, it will be over soon. I thought they would all come to sneak attack right away. It seems that I still underestimate them. I guess they are thinking about how to combine and then fight... If that's the case, then Let it be this weekend, when the war ends."

Ye Shenyue is also a little annoying. After all, in this Holy Grail battle, the women who should have intersections have been gathered by him, and the rest are all men... He has no motivation...

But the girl in front of him who was complaining slightly made him interested.

Ye Shenyue whispered a word in the girl's ear, and then the 223 girl almost jumped up.

"Huh? Over here?"

The girl opened her mouth slightly, showing a shocked expression, as if she saw something incredible, and then felt that her voice was too loud and whispered, "Jane is still here, and it's not our room, this is really... …It is really……"


Ye Shenyue touched her chin. Irisviel is no better than Sister Kwai, who has the experience of serving him in bed with Maiya. Now that she has become his woman and knows that he has other women... ...then this kind of thing should have been adapted earlier.

With this thought in mind, Yashenyue suddenly threw the girl on the bed and pushed Jeanne over a little so that she would not be able to hold it any longer.

In the exclamation of the girl, it was another beautiful and wonderful night. Outside the window, the moonlight was thick.

ps: fatezero is about to enter the final stage, thank you for your support, the next world is Inuyasha.Of course, it can also be a rumor of fate, but if it is a rumor, it is likely to be a spoiler, and if a rumor is written, there will be a false ending.

Chapter 0080 Impossible to join forces!The strongest soldier! (Second, please subscribe)

The moonlight poured down like water on his body as if it was covered with a silver light, but under the same moonlight, the hero king over there was unable to express his bitterness, and he had already begun to curse him.

"Damn Yeshenyue, and that bastard from BerSErker... actually... actually dared to snatch my King's Deviance Sword and Heaven's Lock... This King... This King will not let you go! The opportunity must give you..."

The hero king made a vicious oath, and then looked behind him depressedly.

That is the golden golden gleaming treasure of the king no longer shines like it once was. If the brilliance of the past was the sun, it can only be fireflies now. How can a little brilliance compete with the sun and the moon?

It was his last possession, the last third of the king's treasure.

As for Yanfeng Kirei, even though his body is much stronger than ordinary people, he is still a lackey of the Holy Church, but he was still dizzy in such a powerful competition. After all, no matter how strong he is, he is still a human being, right?How can you enjoy the battle with Heroic Spirits?Otherwise, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was struggling at the beginning, would not have been unable to resist when he encountered the lancer, but could only summon Saber and then went to the road of failure.

Even the current King of Heroes is extremely hard. The golden armor that was originally broken has completely evaporated without leaving a fig leaf, just like someone who just escaped from the fire.

"Tsk tsk tsk...Isn't this the King of Heroes? How did you become so embarrassed?"

However, at this time, a bold and slightly surprised voice came, and there was even a hint of embarrassment!

"Conquer King!"

The annoyed hero Wang Zhengqi was on his head, "You also want to do this kind of conspiracy and tricks that only scumbags can do to get a bargain after this king and Ye Shenyue fight to the death?"

Gilgamesh immediately recognized the person who appeared in front of him.Tall and imposing with incomprehensible red hair and red eyebrows and a red beard.

This is the Conqueror King.

" could I do such a thing? I just felt a violent explosion and came out to see it. I didn't expect to meet you. Is that Yashenyue really so powerful?"

The King of Conqueror widened his eyes, "I knew it would fail, but I really want to fight him once..."

While speaking, the silver-white sword on his waist also made a dragon roar and seemed to be very surging.

" go to your own death and disappear like a piece of shit."

The King of Conqueror didn't have that kind of arrogance. He immediately took out a new armor from the dim king's treasure and put it on, also golden.

It seems he likes gold very much.

"Gilgamesh, I think we need to have a good talk."

The King of Conqueror didn't mind the golden glitter flashing in front of him. Anyway, everyone was a normal man who looked at each other's naked body or something. Maybe they could exchange feelings with each other.

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