ps: Fatezero will end soon, which one do you want to watch first?Inuyasha or Fatestaynight?

Chapter 0082 Emiya Kiritsugu's Wish (one more subscription)

Yagami Yue thought about the order in which the remaining three masters appeared, maybe the King of Heroes who wanted to die or the King of Conquerors who wanted to fight, but it couldn't be Emiya Kiritsugu, no matter if it was the snatch after losing Saber, the lancer shot Kai. Whether Nas killed the priest to take away the curse mark, or even forced the lancer to attack the saber, it can be seen that Emiya Kiritsugu is an unscrupulous and insidious person who failed to achieve his goals.

Such a person will not give up when there is still hope of winning. The best way is to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and watch RIder fight against the King of Heroes and Yashenyue. Then he will see if he can do something cheap. For example, the wife who robbed Ye Shenyue threatened him or something.

That's Emiya Kiritsugu's style, but now that's how he appeared first!

In the end... what is the conspiracy?

"Emiya Kiritsugu, I'm curious why you appeared first?"

Looking at Emiya Kiritsugu Yashinyuki who was standing at the door, she took the initiative to speak, and took a look at the lancer who appeared!

Someone like Emiya Kiritsugu would definitely be suspicious, even if he appeared, he would not let Lancer appear on his own initiative, but let him act in secret, just like when he appeared for the first time and then let Saber secretly protect him.

So the whole thing has a strange aura about it.

This... what exactly is Emiya Kiritsugu... trying to do?

People can't understand.

"I have given up the Holy Grail."

However, what was even more confusing was that Emiya Kiritsugu answered directly, Yagami looked at him carefully, Emiya Kiritsugu did not dodge, but also looked at Yagami.

Ye Shenyue quickly withdrew her gaze, after all, how could he not be gay and have been "seeing each other" with a man for so long!However, he also found that Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes have not changed, and it is still unwavering but faintly revealing firmness.

People will change and make all kinds of disguises to hide themselves, but the eyes can't disguise. The eyes are the source of the soul. What kind of person can't be hidden, just like the king of heroes, his eyes show arrogance and arrogance. !

Emiya Kiritsugu at this can believe it!

Ye Shenyue came to this conclusion.

"So...what else are you doing here? If you want to give up the Holy Grail, just give up the contract with Lancer and go away, just like Kariya."

"No... I have a condition to give up the Holy Grail."

However, Emiya Kiritsugu shook his head. "I want make my dreams come true!"

"Dream? And you want me to help you realize it?"

Ye Shenyue was amazed, is this Emiya Kiritsugu joking?Or when he Nc?

"No, you still don't understand what I mean. I haven't closed my eyes for more than [-] hours and thought about the Holy Grail. Yes, if I compete with strength, I have no chance of winning this Holy Grail, but if I kidnap yours The wives are blackmailing you. You might give me the Holy Grail, but I didn't do that. I was thinking about a question, why...why did you choose to destroy the Holy Grail when you already had the Holy Grail in your hands? Destroy...yes, It's destruction."

"I know from Ahad that Irisviel is the container of the Little Holy Grail. If you don't destroy the Holy Grail, then she will gradually lose her human abilities. But the Little Holy Grail has been taken out by you, so why do you want to destroy the Holy Grail? I don't want to. Let the cups be staged on Ilya?"

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at Yagami and found that he asked him to continue, and then continued, "I can understand you, just like you can understand me, I know... You can call me when I order Lancer to attack Saber. The other masters completely destroyed me but you didn't...I can understand my dreams."

"Do not……"

Yagami interrupted Emiya Kiritsugu's words, "I know your ideals, world peace, to save the majority of the few who sacrificed, but... I'm not interested in such a desire, and life must be full of joy. Let the golden bottle face the moon!" Emiya Kiritsugu is actually an admirable person and a hero, but... this hero is a bleak hero in his twilight years.

"Ha ha……"

Emiya Kiritsugu laughed dryly, and then continued, "Then I observed, why you can make a dagger that deprives you of the contract and summon it again... There is only one possibility, you can make a wish! You already have the Holy Grail I only hope that you can help me realize one wish, and I want to see if my wish can come true."

"I can make your wish come true."

"If you don't agree then there's nothing I can do... um... what did you just say?"

Emiya Kiritsugu has already decided that if 4.4 If Yashinyuki doesn't agree, then he will give up the Holy Grail and continue his own path.Didn't he kill them in the first place to keep more people alive?He still needs to do more.

"I said...I can fulfill your wish."

Ye Shenyue said word by word, he touched his chin and was very interested.

ps: Fatezero is coming to an end...

The current vote is that the Holy Grail dominates. Is it really going to write the Holy Grail? (Please think about it, the Holy Grail is the Holy Grail of the daughters, the role of the protagonist will be greatly reduced...

Chapter 0083 Under the wishes of Emiya Kiritsugu (two more subscriptions)

By the way, why is Yagami so generous to ask Emiya Kiritsugu to make a wish?

In fact, there is another reason here, that is the power of the world, just like the president who has become the agent of God has to act in accordance with the "big events" of the book of truth, and there can be some collapses in each world. It's bad, but it can't be destroyed in large doses or the world will be completely destroyed.

If Yagami is to destroy the Holy Grail, it is a collapse. If you want to maintain this can only make a small step backward to promote the development of the original plot.

The option that Ye Shenyue chose to promote the development of the original plot has never been to choose girls but cute boys. If there is no holy grail of coyotes, can it be regarded as the holy grail?

It was Yagami's choice to let the coyote appear and keep the world going.

And to achieve this, he had to hook up with Emiya Kiritsugu.In the original book, Emiya Kiritsugu was about to get the Holy Grail, but at this time, he discovered the essence of the Holy Grail's sin, and then let Saber destroy the Holy Grail and cause a burning fire, and then found the surviving coyote.

In the end, the emergence of Red A and the last Holy Grail battle were created.

What Yagami wants is that the disappearance of the Holy Grail has seriously affected the world, so the coyote can only be promoted immediately.

After all, the coyote has the aura of the protagonist, doesn't it?There is a price to be paid to do something.

At this time, Yagami 07 months somewhat understands Miss Yuko.There is nothing in this world that you can get for nothing. There is nothing you can get without paying a price.

Therefore, Yagami wants to let Emiya Kiritsugu go to meet the coyote quickly and produce a red A, but the first thing is to disappoint Emiya Kiritsugu.

Why is he disappointed?How could he be disappointed that he no longer wanted the Holy Grail?So... only let him be disappointed with his own wishes.

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