That's why Ye Shenyue agreed to fulfill his wish.

Ye Shenyue took her hand out of the space pocket, put his hand in the pocket and grabbed the gleaming universal card, but with a change of heart, the universal card turned into a golden holy grail.

Glittering gold, the holy grail he took out was glittering with powerful magic.

"Is this... the Holy Grail?"

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the golden cup with a strange pattern engraved in the air with a slightly excited expression.

Is this the Holy Grail that can make all wishes come true?

You can make your wish come true!

"It's a product of another world."

Ye Shenyue explained that the Universal Card is really another world and he is not a liar.

But Emiya Kiritsugu didn't seem to listen at all, and then he grabbed the Holy Grail anxiously. The moment he touched his hands, countless people ran through his mind. Charlie, a childhood sweetheart with a smile on her face and then bloody, always showed that she was right. He was not interested in anything, but secretly created the father who was killed by himself, and the adoptive mother who was annihilated with missiles by him in the cockpit of the plane with the three hundred dead disciples...

Now that the Holy Grail is in his hands, he has a wish that he can resurrect them...but.

"Charlie, I'm sorry."

He shook his head and held the Holy Grail, "Holy Grail, please grant my peace!"

World Peace!

Even though she knew that Emiya Kiritsugu wanted to be a partner of justice, the corners of Yagami's mouth twitched when she really uttered the words world peace.

But although it is a universal card, can such a wish come true?

Even Ye Shenyue doesn't know that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are people, there will be disputes and there will be no peace.

It's like Sakurai wants to become the ruler of the world among the things that fall from the sky, but the final result is that all human beings disappear!

So now Emiya Kiritsugu's wish is fulfilled to obliterate all mankind?

When Yagami Yue took out the Holy Grail that was transformed from the Universal Card, he had already set several restrictions. Once it was a wish that endangered his side, it would not be allowed. Otherwise, if Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly turned against the water. Are you not killing yourself?

no Zuo no Die.

Ye Shenyue obviously didn't want to die or die.Then he watched Emiya Kiritsugu's "wish fulfillment" holy grail disappeared, and then there appeared a tall man over two meters tall, with sharp silver hair but slightly deep eyes, and his muscles were covered in rows. A red cape.

this... this this...

Looking at this sudden appearance of the man Yagami, it was a little unbelievable, because of this appearance, isn't it Emiya Shirou?To be precise, it is the finished product after the heroic spirit of the coyote!I was just planning a coyote and he appeared directly?


Yagami confirmed that now is the time to realize the "world peace" of the shreds. That is to say... the product of the wish of "world peace" is Red A?

what happened?

At this time, Emiya Kiritsugu also wanted to ask what was going on?Has his wish come true?Why is there only one Heroic Spirit?Although this heroic spirit gave him a comfortable feeling.

"Dad...I didn't expect to see you in such a situation. But I know..."

However, Red A explained it by himself. When he looked at Emiya Kiritsugu, his eyes flashed with a little softness and nostalgia.

It is true that in his time and space, Emiya Kiritsugu died a long time ago, and he became a heroic spirit again. I don't know how many years have passed.In terms of age, he is much older than Emiya Kiritsugu...

"It is impossible to want world peace alone."

Rebut directly.Looking at Emiya Kiritsugu, he wanted to speak, and he continued, "And I am the product of your wishes, and I have obtained the supreme power to constantly protect human beings, hoping that no one will hurt, but in the end I can only choose to sacrifice a few people. …”

"You keep talking."

Emiya Kiritsugu was obviously moved, this red A said to his heart, what he has always adhered to is the concept of sacrificing a few to save the majority.As long as he can save the majority of people, he can do it by any means.

"This is an ideal and it can only be an ideal. As a product of this ideal, I fought to the end but found infinite emptiness, and I could no longer find hope."

Emiya Kiritsugu's brows furrowed tightly, "Could it be that the end of an ideal is only despair? I don't ask anyone for anything in return."

"Yes, I didn't pursue anyone's return, but what I got was more and more emptiness, because it is impossible to achieve world peace, as long as everyone has selfish thoughts, disputes and conflicts of interest will arise... And all I can do is "stop" instead of obliterating the original "ideas" like firefighters can only put out fires and can't prevent them before they happen."

Red A looked at Emiya Kiritsugu, her tone softened a lot, "Although it is full of helplessness and emptiness 213 and hopeless and even full of despair...but..."

His tone became firm, "Although the ideal is difficult to achieve or even out of reach, don't despair when there is still a road ahead. Desperately praying for the Holy Grail to make the vision of miracles fail, you have to go your own way. Go, and the ideal in your heart must be realized by yourself, even if you can't achieve it, then find someone who has the same ideal as you and let him take the torch in your hand, even if he can't complete it, let him pass it on... …”

"Because the miracle...that's how it happens."

"Do it yourself?"

Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly took a sharp puff of cigarette and then spit it out, a picture like this suddenly popped up in his mind, about him and his childhood sweetheart Charlie, he followed his father to the island at that time, and then met this girl.

"Hey... Chisi, what kind of person do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Of course a partner of justice."

That's what he answered at the time.

Then saw Charlie's death.He was morbid to stick to the original answer.


He slowly relieved his breath and looked at Red A, "You are very similar to me or you seem to have taken over my wish... I really hope... I can also have a child who can walk on my own like you. Even if I can't do it alone, I still have a son, but I won't" "No...he won't refuse."

Red A put both hands on Chise's shoulders, he looked at Emiya Kiritsugu and then the corner of his mouth twitched into a smile that was so gentle and gentle. "Because that child is me."

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