Emiya Kiritsugu looked up at him blankly and then clenched Red A's hand, the scene was gentle and touching.

Father and son love.

Chapter 0084 The cause and effect of red A brewing (three more subscriptions)

Emiya Kiritsugu had already embraced the heroic coyote.


Why do you want to achieve world peace... It has become a picture of a father and son's deep love?

When Yagami came back after drinking a cup of tea, they still kept the same movements, but Red A also guessed that if this continued, there would be suspicion of cheating, and he finally let go of Emiya Kiritsugu.

"and also……"

At this time, Hong A suddenly looked at Ye Shenyue, "I also want to give you a piece of advice."


It stands to reason that Ye Shenyue secretly detected that Red A's strength is far less powerful than his full strength. If it was the rash and arrogant guy from the King of Heroes, he would have rejected it immediately and shouted, "How dare you give advice to this king?"

But this red A is from the future. Maybe there is really any useful advice?

Ye Shenyue made a gesture of listening attentively, and then Hong A's slightly low male voice sounded, "Yeah... the time is up... I'm really sorry, next time... Well, if I have a chance, I'll talk to you next time... "

While speaking, Red A's tall figure turned into a golden brilliance little by little, and it was his face that finally turned into brilliance, with a big smile on his face.

"Everything is because of you... I want to repay."

The person has disappeared but the voice remains, return?Is this revenge?

You must know that Red A is Emiya Shirou, but a person who "doesn't want to hurt anyone", such a person actually wants to take revenge... What kind of injury did he suffer?

I don't know why Ye Shenyue has a shuddering feeling, this feeling Xuan and Xuan does not seem to happen soon.

"That's it, disturbed. I'll break the contract with Lancer and set him free, or you can continue to accept him, anyway, people like me are not worthy of him."


However, Lancer, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly made a voice and slowly knelt down, "Yes, I was originally a SErvant of Kainas and I was very dissatisfied with the fact that you killed the master, and also Very dissatisfied with the fact that you made me hurt Saber. But."

Lancer paused, "But no matter what, I'm already your SErvant. I just want to fulfill my wish to serve the Lord well that I haven't done."

"That's my wish."

Got... just finished the father-son relationship, and now it has become a master-servant relationship.

Ye Shenyue felt that it was possible to take a camera here to shoot.

Anyway, let these two disappear first, but tonight only Emiya Kiritsugu and Lancer appeared Gilgamesh, Iwamine Kirei and even the Conqueror did not appear. It seems that they will appear tomorrow, which is just right You can only use this universal card once a day...

But when she returned to the castle, Yagami Yue immediately found Ilya and also called Mordred over.

With a serious look on his face, "You must remember your father's words well. In the future... well, if you meet someone from Emiya Shirou... Then you must not bully him. It's okay to pretend that you don't know him or ignore him."

"Emiya Shirou?"

Mordred shook his head slightly, she didn't know the name.

However, Illya moved slightly closer to Ye Shenyue, and put her little hand around his neck, "Is this Emiya Shirou very important?"

The little girl's soft body rubbed against him, which made Ye Shenyue feel comfortable. Ye Shenyue thought about whether the aboriginal protagonist of this world was important?Immediately nodded.

"Since Dad said so, then I will do as Dad said."

Illya raised her little face slightly as if to admire her, and Ye Shenyue kissed her pink and tender little face.

"Miss, it's time to take a shower."

At this time, the maid came over to urge her. It was already time to take a bath, but Ye Shenyue came over and delayed it for a while.

"Okay, you go ahead."

Ye Shenyue touched Ilia's head and then touched Mordred's head as usual, her eyes widened immediately, "I'm not a child, don't always touch my head."

"But you are Elijah's sister."


Mordred was silent or speechless.This is called... self-inflicted sin.Then she bleakly followed Ilia to take a bath.

bathroom 1.

"Hey... Mordred, what do you think of what Dad said just now?"

Illya was foaming her body, she instructed the two servants to go out and then said to Mordred who was washing her hair.

"What about Emiya Shirou? Didn't you say just ignore him according to Father's wishes?"

Mordred was a little strange, because Ilya not only promised but also asked for a reward!Is she knowingly asking?Or underestimate her Arthur II?


However, Illya snorted softly, seeming to be quite dissatisfied, "I have to say Mordred, you are not smart enough..."


Arthur II, who didn't have much sense of existence in the first place, was depressed.

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