"Why did my father suddenly propose to us the name of a person we have never met or even heard of? It must be... hum hum hum... that Emiya Shirou has a secret relationship with him! And In order to favor him, Father said," "So... what are we going to do?"

Mordred nodded, and Illya's analysis seemed to be very powerful.

"It goes without saying...of course..."

The angel-like little girl slowly spit out a few words, "Of course she did the opposite, bullying him hard..."

The smile on the little face is like a cute little angel.

the other side.Ye Shenyue also called the Dancheng family and told Illya the same thing.

It was Sakura and Sakura Matou who answered the phone.

"Sakura? What did Dad say just now?"

Rin, who was excitedly holding a magic book to study, put down the fiery red simple magic book in his hand and looked at his sister who put down the phone and looked slightly gloomy.

"Dad said... Well, I will see Emiya Shirou bullying him well in the future. It seems that his relationship with my father is very bad."

"So this is ah……"

Rin nodded, no wonder Sakura's expression was not very good, it turned out that someone was hostile to his father.

Rin then continued to focus on the magic book, she was fascinated by magic.On the other side, Sakura sat quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Everything seems to be going according to the historical trajectory Red A has not changed anything.

Or maybe it was because of the words he said today that the future ending was formed.Really cruel causality.

ps: Well, tomorrow I will start writing the dark holy grail of the extravagant golden branches.

Chapter 0085 Three thousand loli VS the strongest soldier (four more subscriptions)

Shelley said that when winter comes, will spring be far behind?

And now Emiya Kiritsugu, who feels the most difficult to deal with, appeared first and then left, so what about the remaining RIder and the King of Heroes?

The two people appeared at almost the same time, and the cool night breeze at six o'clock in the evening brought a little taste of the salty sea breeze.The wind blew the clothes and squeaked, but it brought a bold feeling.

"I didn't expect the arrogant King of Heroes to learn alliances too. I thought you would just die helplessly!"

Ye Shenyue said sarcastically as she looked at the King of Heroes who had turned into golden light again.Depressed in my heart, this guy really likes Jin Shining. He has spent two-thirds of his treasure, but he still has so much armor in stock... I don't know how much armor he put into the treasure.

"Hmph... This king is just trying to build a strong army. This king just has weapons, and the conqueror just has soldiers."

The king of heroes pretended to be disdainful.

On the other hand, the Conqueror King, who has become a passerby, has nothing to anger his sense of existence. His actions are just to build momentum for the King of Heroes.

Forbidden!The scene in Wang's heart!

Taking a deep breath, the King of Conqueror erupted with a powerful force. A powerful force spread around him with him as the center. In the blink of an eye, everyone appeared in a field filled with yellow sand. In front of them were endless soldiers. Looking down, what you can see is the layers of soldiers that make your scalp numb like ants!

The soldiers are also shining golden, and the muscles on their bodies suddenly swelled up and looked extremely powerful, and their bodies were also equipped with a variety of suitable bronze or gold or sacred armors, and what they were holding were also The rarest sword in the world.


At the same time, the sound of the roar can almost shake the clouds in the sky away, and it is powerful and extraordinary!

This is the army...the strongest army!

No one dared to face them like this.

"Finally combined?"

However, the King of Heroes and the King of Conquerors were a little disappointed. They didn't see the fear they wanted to see on Ye Shenyue's face...or the flustered expression, not even a trace!

"It's just a little bit of a head-scratcher this way... Otherwise, it would be overkill for them to appear."

Ye Shenyue straightened her arm, "I, Ye Shenyue, cursed it with a command, and summoned Icarus here."


The King of Heroes snorted loudly. He would never forget this girl with pink wings when he turned into ashes. It was because of her that her appearance and the prestige of the King of Heroes greatly reduced him and finally ended up in the current bitter end.

"Finally let your killer appear?"

The King of Heroes is very proud, "Even if you destroy the world, you may not be able to destroy the strongest soldiers, they are equipped with the treasure of the king, which will be more powerful than the treasure alone, so it is only a blow to destroy a third of them. The treasure of her won't necessarily win."

"No...not Icarus."

However, Ye Shenyue shook her head, I was letting my... Three Thousand Harem appear!

Three thousand harem?

Hearing this, not only the conqueror but also the hero king showed a sluggish expression. As a king's harem, it is almost a theorem, but these three thousand... three thousand are really busy?


"Don't you want them to be torn to shreds by our strongest soldier? What a shameful bastard, this king seems to be looking down on you by going against you."

In the eyes of the King of Heroes, Ye Shenyue seems to have become a mudblood who will only sacrifice girls.

"No... Maybe I think highly of you guys. Because... they are the elites of every world, and the elites among the elites are definitely not comparable to you."

Ye Shenyue took the universal card from Icarus's hand, and the card lay quietly in the palm of his hand, exuding a faint brilliance around him.

Three thousand loli VS the strongest soldier!

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