The King of Conquerors and Gilgamesh were stunned, but... it really ended like this.

Ye Shenyue didn't even look at them but walked towards the beach.

Lots and lots of loli and a troubled teenager by the sea.


It stands to reason that the matter of the Holy Grail has been resolved, but now looking at the cute little loli in the sky...Yishinyue's heart is full of joy and depression, and as a lolicon, there is a loli in her arms. The beauty that can't be rejected is just... the beauty in the heart is beauty, how to bring these girls back?It seems that the time for this card to expire is also one day, N Ariel, N Lady Queen, N Chrissy, N Jingshuijiu, N before the jade bath, N Shenwu...

This, to explain it?

Are all three thousand brought home?

ps: Next, let’s write the extras first. Don’t worry, the extras won’t be too long and less than ten chapters. It’s just for the daughters to be cute.

Chapter 0087 Chaos (two more for subscription)

Maybe it was because they showed off their skills a little as soon as they appeared on the stage, and the girls' interest was immediately aroused, and they started talking.

However, if there are only a few of them, but now the people who are speaking are actually... um, three thousand!

Five hundred loli have the same appearance and say the same thing, five hundred loli have the same appearance but say different things, and there are five hundred loli who have finished speaking and five hundred loli Loli is speechless...

ah ah ah...

Ye Shenyue had an unprecedented headache, and now he even resented how he had made so many... Loli?There is no room to listen to anyone.

Of course, the lovely Haruna-chan, who was already holding Mister Ding and succeeded in transforming into a successful girl in a magical costume, always moved faster than words while rushing over and shouting, "Idiot step, it took so long to remember that Haruna-chan would come out. I'll set you up for the scene..."

Then the petite body hung over like a koala.

When a loli rushes over, Ye Shenyue can greet her with a happy mood, and when two loli rush over, Ye Shenyue can hold her from left to right, and four lolis rush towards her. Hang one on each side...

But what happens when five hundred loli rush over?

Ye Shenyue was thrown directly to the bottom of the sea.Instantly wet, but the petite body that was almost the same as small was tightly attached to his body, which made Ye Shenyue dark and cool. The loli's chest squeezed his face a little bit.

his face?

Yes, Ye Shenyue has been buried by five hundred loli.People were crowding and pushing people, and he felt that if he didn't do something, he would be crushed.

Only at this moment did he realize that the so-called "meat bath" was not so... comfortable.

But this is not the end, "Roar..."

A huge water dragon emerged from the water with its tail as if it was swatting flies, and slapped the Haruna-chan one by one, and then sitting on the top of the water dragon were the water snakes. The voice of Shizuojiu was so loud. Qing Ling, "Don't worry, I will rescue you soon."

The voice is so rude or faintly with a little blood.That's right, Jing Shui Jiu has a little bit of blood in the monster's blood. Just now so many loli shot together, she doesn't seem to have enough fights, and now there are so many "sisters" in her wish to "test" [-] of her own. strength.

"Damn guy... don't you want to bully Haruna-chan too? Haruna-chan is a genius girl in magic costume... Hmph, the current Chunna-chan is even more powerful... five hundred times stronger!"

Well, Haruna-san, who was slapped into the sea by the water dragon, was successfully provoked, "If that's the case, then it's decided. The winner can get the fool's step."

"Although I think your statement is stupid, I think it's acceptable."

Jing Shui Jiu, who was sitting instead of standing, nodded slightly, his dark green eyes exuding a terrifying brilliance.It makes every Haruna-chan feel like being stared at by a snake, which is very scary!

She is a genius girl in magical costume, how could she be afraid?

"Master, are you not participating?"

Haruna, who was slightly dazed by the snake demon, began to shift her attention to Ariel, who was just watching without doing anything.

"Haruna has also learned to look for helpers... However, people haven't done it for a long time, and the battle just now has aroused the desire to beat people... I didn't expect Haruna to be so considerate... As expected of my student …”

Ariel glanced at Yagami, who had fled to the shore at some point, and looked at Haruna.

The five hundred Haruna became high-spirited under the encouragement of the big teacher.

On the other hand, Shizuojiu's expression was also slightly solemn. If it was just Haruna, it would be fine to just shoot it, but the attack of the wall of flames that Ariel showed just now caught her attention.

water and fire...

This is a sure foe!

"Wait a minute... If it's a competition, then I'm also participating, how can you ignore me? You still don't think of me as the queen of Bi Liye... Be careful, I'll cast a curse on you again!"

The movements and steps of the five hundred queens were almost completely planned, and their voices were also extremely loud in a row.

First of all, Chris looked over with an extremely dissatisfied look, but she looked cute and didn't have much lethality, but Ye Shenyue knew that Lady Queen was being watched by Chrissy, who was once turned into by Lady Queen. The middle-aged uncle has been full of bitterness for a hundred years. Originally, the bitterness has been put down and Her Lady Queen has mentioned it again...

can only say……

Her Lady Queen, this is definitely killing her. The little lion that was also successfully copied and lay on top of each queen's head meowed a few times as if she was helpless and worried for the queen.

When she said this sentence, she was killed, so what about [-] people saying it at the same time?This time it is estimated that he will be bullied very badly.

The horn of a battle of strife and death was sounded.


What's up with this civil unrest?

On the sea, there were huge waves and flames, and from time to time, Haruna, who was photographed flying, appeared, one, two...three...

If it wasn't for the fact that he had arranged the barrier in advance, such a big shock would have drawn ordinary people here!But even if the barrier is set up, they can't let them fight like this!

"Stop...stop...stop it all for me..."

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