Ye Shenyue shouted but no one seemed to pay attention to him...

Ye Shenyue turned her face angrily and saw the calm standing with a small book in her hand and wrote "Don't quarrel, too much action will cause trouble to others..."

With such a row of words, You immediately warmed up in his heart. Sure enough, You was the most caring, but he saw You and quickly added a few words to the book.

"But there should be no problem with the enchantment already set up, everyone is really enthusiastic."

There's a parenthesis after the period... lol!


Ye Shenyue should smile bitterly, why did he believe in You in an instant?In fact, Yu is the most black-bellied one!

This tens of thousands of years of life is not in vain...

Then a whole row of expressionless little Lolita Kanna who was ignored and treated as a stranger walked over, "The fifty-year deadline has come, Naruo should go back."

The voices are not all made but which one takes the lead.The voice seemed slightly light, as if it was lowered, and it would be bad for it to be loud enough to lead the war to his side because of the "fighting fire".

The other side, who expressed disdain for fighting against the loli, also looked over before the jade bath. The petite first loli suddenly jumped out of nine tails, and the tail slid through the air in beautiful arcs and appeared in the air. The slight fluctuations are impossible to notice if you are not very careful.

This is the innate ability of the nine-tailed fox, and illusions confuse people.

Then others can only see "Ye Shenyue" sitting in place, holding his chin in his hands, and waiting for the "winner" with his hands, full of the consciousness of serving as a "prize". The Loli in "Struggle" was strongly encouraged, and the direct result was all kinds of attacks in the dark.

But the reality is this.

Ye Shenyue was pressed in front of the two small jade baths, and then looked at him with a burning eye, and he felt like he was going to be "eaten".

A Xiaoyou, on the other hand, helped him undress with a sense of 0.0 in anger.

"It's not good...while they are fighting..."

Ye Shenyue still had five words that she didn't say, that is, "This is cheating." It would be too unkind to "steal prizes" for those loli who are still fighting with all their hearts.

"It's ok."

Yu's face was still expressionless, and there was no guilt in his eyes, and yes... You are a veteran in "stealing fruits", and he has done a lot... and his face has naturally thickened.

A beautiful night came, accompanied by the mingling of water and fire, and the screams of Haruna who was shot flying and Her Lady Queen who was being chased around.

It was so peaceful at night.Shen Wu sits on the beach and feels the breath of incomparable tranquility. The environment here is not very good, but it is wonderful that there are not so many monsters.

Although five hundred water monsters on the other side of the sea are fighting wildly with the flames.

ps: Next, I will write the Holy Grail first. The chapters will not be too many and it will end in two days, and then I will enter Naraku's Inuyasha.

Chapter 0088 Follow-up you don't know (three more subscriptions)

The first faint rays of light appeared on the sea, and the sun came into the day.

"It's a pity... This time has passed so fast."

Ye Shenyue stood up vainly, and then watched the sunrise on the sea. His strength seemed to be completely drained and his body was extremely exhausted. He could only rely on Shenwu who did not "participate" in the fierce battle last night.

He also had the foresight to know that the spare time of the girls after killing the strongest soldier would definitely cause quite a stir, so he added a time limit of 07 when using the universal card to realize his wish, and the clones would disappear soon. When the sun falls on them, they merge.


Because of the weakest strength, it was beaten by Jingshui for a long time, and finally was collected by Shenwu one by one, and the five hundred fainted Haruna threw them on the shore. They merged little by little and became one again. The concentration of five hundred made Haruna temporarily sober. But the after-effects of being photographed [-] times were all concentrated on her body. It is estimated that she will not be able to wake up without sleeping for a few days.

And the same Lady Queen, who was tied up and piled up by Kris with a long rope, also merged, but the sequelae after the fusion was that the rope that had trapped one person turned into [-] ropes and completely tied her even now She couldn't even crawl like a caterpillar and could only look at Chris pitifully. It wasn't that she didn't want to ask Ye Shenyue for help, but the direction she could see now could only be Chris's place.

But Chris took another sip from the magnum and seemed quite happy, "It's so refreshing..."

I don't know if it's because the ice-cold wine is refreshing or because I bullied the queen, the big enemy, I'm in a good mood.

Ye Shenyue maliciously guessed that it should be more fun to bully people.


Woman, it's so scary.

Countless jade baths have also become one, and last night's "stealing" before the jade bath was discovered after a short war.

It was discovered by Shizuojiu who immediately begged Ariel to make peace when he saw that the fighting situation was not right.

This youkai understands the powers of youkai very well, so he immediately discovered that something was wrong with Yagami Yue, who was sitting down and trying to get a prize.


Yuyu invited them to join.

For Yu, whether it was Ariel, Chrissy, or even Shizuojiu, they just glanced at them casually and acted like they didn't see what the other party was doing.Typical fear...

Before seeing the jade bath that was undulating on Ye Shenyue's body, the three of them looked at each other and didn't pull each other down, grab them, and beat them up...

Sure enough, the powerful performance of the three monsters makes everyone can only see but can't speak?Not even angry...

And then the night continued, Yagami Yue really became a prize.The enthusiasm that I haven't seen for a long time has all been transformed into a passion that Yagami Yue can't bear.

The final result is what it is now. After the same fusion, there is only one Ariel left, Yu, and Chris is fast asleep, while he is vain and has less air and less air...

"Do you want to return to the Warring States World immediately?"

Shen Wu looked at the weak Ye Shenyue and asked in silence for a while.

She was created by him, so she has a stronger dependence and consideration for Yagami Moon than other people.

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