"No... just wait..."

Ye Shenyue hesitated for a moment. He said this against his will. His sincerity was to escape this terrible world as soon as possible. For the first time, he regretted how he found so many girls.And... what are you doing with so many copies of yourself when you have nothing to do?Even with Kurumi, it wouldn't be so scary...

Well, it must be because the appearance of Kuang San brings at most ten different timelines, so that Kuang San can deal with it easily instead of being drained of his efforts now...

However, if the Holy Grail is destroyed, then he stays in this world... It seems that there is no point in it, and the world of Inuyasha is waiting for him... It's really difficult, how should I explain it to the daughters here?

Let's just say... Dad went on a trip and left for... more than ten years?

ps: Next, I will write the Holy Grail first. The chapters will not be too many and it will end in two days, and then I will enter Naraku's Inuyasha.

Chapter 0089 Follow-up you don't know (four more subscriptions)

Ten years or something generally won't agree.

"What? Father, don't you think you're going too far? You actually want to travel alone..."

When Ye Shenyue said this, Rin was the first to object, her dark green eyes like her mother's widened, looking at him as if she was looking at an unbelievable person, "First, I went to the British Academy of Magic to study for five years. And then to leave me alone, Sakura and mom go to other countries to find new women... Father, don't you think you're going too far?"


Ye Shenyue's head is getting bigger.Rin's words are too much, but... it seems to make a lot of sense. Isn't he going to the world of Inuyasha to find Kikyo?It was indeed another woman...

"But definitely not abandoned! Will come back."

Ye Shenyue could only touch Rin's head like this to comfort her, "Soon, time will pass and Rin will grow up all of a sudden. Dad will come back when Rin grows up."

Ye Shenyue put her face close to her daughter's face, Rin's little face turned red all of a sudden, he gently kissed her on the forehead, "It is said that there is no scenery in familiar places, maybe Dad will come back after leaving. I found that Rin has changed a lot and became more and more beautiful."

"So...it makes sense."

Rin was also very concerned about this matter. It had been a long time since Ye Shenyue complimented her on her cuteness, and there were a group of little boys staring at her in class, but she still felt unhappy.

Sure enough, it's because it's too close?If you stay away and wait for her to grow up...

The girl's heart moved.

Good, Rin solved it.

Ye Shenyue breathed a sigh of relief. Girls of this age are really not easy to coax.

Then, he focused his attention on Matou Sakura, who stared at him with a creepy expression on his face since he said he wanted to "single tour".


For some reason, Ye Shenyue also has a hairy feeling. He has been hunted down by blackened girls so many times, but now Sakura's real eyes make him... um, it feels bad.

It's just that no matter how bad it is, it's his daughter's cute and slightly introverted Sakura.

Ye Shenyue slowly pulled Sakura over, and then hugged her hard, "Dad didn't forget the promise with Sakura. Dad will definitely come back when Sakura grows up."

He felt his petite body, which had been slightly stiff, slowly relax, and then two small hands moved around his neck. Sakura's face seemed to have washed away the ice and appeared Haruhi. The warmth, "Since that's the case... then Sakura is waiting for Dad."

What a lovely girl, the shuddering look just now seemed to have never appeared before.


Gently kissing each other's cheek, Ye Shenyue also gave her a warm and sunny smile.

Anyway, the daughters here are coaxed, and there is another side.

Fortunately, Ilya on the other side didn't think so much as Rin and Sakura thought, but she showed a pitiful expression, her big eyes fluttered, her cheeks slightly puffed out, "Why does Dad want to go alone? Why can't I bring Ilya? Ilya doesn't want to be separated from Dad."

It has to be said that on the one hand, Rin's slightly angry Sakura's extreme silence or the current Illya's pitiful begging has the biggest advantage.Ye Shenyue has never been a person who can be hard-hearted with girls.I almost softened my heart under Illya's pitiful begging.

I just remembered that no one took it with me but Illya's other daughters... Uh, I don't know why, Yagami Yue recalled Sakura's blackened expression again.

Moreover, Yagami threw this idea out of her mind, and if Illya was taken away, what would Irisviel do?Her love for Illya can't be expressed in words, and the idea of ​​separating her from the child just pops up and she will reject it.

"Illya, I'm so sorry, when Illya grows up, daddy will take you there, okay? Illya is too young now..."

Ye Shenyue found a bad reason to fool her, but this is what Illya has to admit, she is still too young, she is a little loli less than eight years old.


She puffed out her cheeks and seemed annoyed, "Illya will work hard to grow up."

"Well, Dad will definitely come back by then."

"We agree!"

Elijah held out her little finger.

"Okay, promise."

Ye Shenyue and Illya pulled the hook, and the fingers were intertwined, but when the thumbs were about to be printed together to complete the last procedure of the hook, there was a strange feeling in Yagami's heart for no reason. Feel.


The thumbs, one big and one small, had already touched each other, and Illya laughed, "Dad can't be fooled like this, when Illya grows up, I must take Illya to travel with me~~ "The little face was close to Ye Shenyue's face, and the top of the lips slid gently, "I just want to be with Illya, not with any sister or sister~"

The kid is still complaining about having too many sisters.

Ye Shenyue nodded with a wry smile.

"Ah, by the way, Dad, can I lend Illya that universal card to use?"

However, just when Yagami thought that Illya was almost completely coaxed, Illya suddenly tugged on Yagami's clothes. "Illya wants to make a wish. If Illya grows up and her father doesn't come back, then let this universal card bring her father back."

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