Chapter 0001 Higurashi Shrine and Higurashi Kagome (one more subscription)

The morning sun shines directly on his face through the floor-to-ceiling windows, making him feel hot. Ye Shenyue rubbed his eyes and sat up slowly. He didn't occupy much space, but at this time he understood what it means to pull a hair. And move the whole body!

He just turned his body and then three people changed their positions. Rinko, who was sleeping on the outermost side, fell off the bed smoothly and covered her buttocks. It was obvious that she fell hard.

She was fully awake, awakened by pain.

"Sorry, Rinko."

Ye Shenyue apologetically pulled Rinko up from the ground and released Guangdu with both hands to help her recover.

The painful expression on Rinko's face disappeared, and then she stood up, "It's getting late, so I'll cook first. As for the should sleep slowly and be a pet for the rest of your life~~" Rinko moved towards Ye Shenyue smiled and then glared at Fei Ju, needless to say that the word "pet" in her mouth must contain a full derogatory meaning.

"Young Master|~~" The cat girl who was lying on Ye Shenyue's chest moved with her big cat ears, and the long shirt draped over her body slipped off, revealing her delicate skin like white jade.

Rinko's face instantly turned red.Or "annoyed" is more appropriate.

"It's really shameless to be naked and naked early in the morning!"


Fei Ju rubbed her eyes slowly, and Bai Bai's ears moved, "I don't think you have the confidence to say things that others don't know about when you don't wear clothes at all."

Fei Ju paused, "And shameless is referring to this..."

The smooth body moved down a bit. The soft and soft touch made Ye Shenyue unable to resist a quiver.

"Well... I won't fight you anymore!"

Rinko has turned into a complete blushing and she knows that it is useless to say anything at this time.

She quickly put on her clothes and wanted to leave. She didn't want needles to grow here. She knew that this cat was shameless and didn't expect to be so shameless.

Even though Rinko is also light and slippery, as Hiiju said, she doesn't seem to have the confidence to say some justice.

Ye Shenyue was lying on the bed and let Feiju continue to "serve" for him, while he folded his hands and put his head on his head, thinking about what had happened in the past few days.

First of all, the world of Fatezero has come to an end, and the little girl Kanna returned to the world of Inuyasha when the three thousand loli VS the strongest soldier. According to the news brought by Kanna, the world has passed fifty years. It's time for the drama to happen.And his Naraku seems to have a good "tune and play" about Inuyasha.

But Ye Shenyue was in no hurry. He remembered that the official start of the plot was on the day of Kagome's birthday. On that day, because she was helping her brother find the cat in the house, she accidentally went to Gujing and was taken away by the hundred-footed monster by accident. Warring States Period.

And now, according to the information from Jingu Temple... well, there are still three days left.

Three days later is Kagome's plot time.

So don't rush.He can also do some things, by the way, the world of this catgirl is connected with the world of Inuyasha, otherwise there will be no monsters, and before the jade bath, there was a thousand-year-old monster nine-tailed fox.

You can go back to the Warring States Period just by passing through the ancient well of the Nippon Shrine...

"Gao Wei, why don't you watch TV? Why are you going to sleep so soon?"

Watching her daughter come out of the bathroom while wiping her wet hair, her mother quickened her speed of washing the dishes and asked.

This is Kagome's mother in this world, the Higurashi. She is average in appearance but very gentle and is considered a good mother.

"No, I have to go shopping with my classmates tomorrow, so I have to go to bed early."

"So this is ah."

Mom nodded. As a woman, she understands that shopping... Well, that is a physical work that requires energy.But after a while, he added, "Would you like to bring some money? Mom can give you pocket money in advance."

"No need for mom, I still have pocket money."

The girl shook her head and picked up the big cat who was sitting at the entrance of the stairs.

"Hey... Kagome can already be married, she has become so sensible."

Mom sighed and continued to wash the dishes.It's just that she didn't notice that a figure quickly went upstairs, as if there was no extra sound from the majesty.

This is an ordinary girl's room, not too much pink and not too many plush toys, with a little girlish atmosphere in the middle of the rules.

In general, it can be seen that this is an ordinary girl.

It's just that Kagome still has an advantage despite being an ordinary girl.

Ye Shenyue first glanced at the big cat and Xiaopang on Kagome's bed, she was indeed fat...and these eyes...why are they so yd?Always smiling!

Well, now is not the time to look at cats, Ye Shenyue feels more and more that her cat is cuter, but the cat is cute and this one can only continue to gain weight...

Kagome had just taken a shower with a little fragrance on her body, her long hair was black and smooth, and her face was clean and tidy. She was a beautiful girl.She is also an energetic girl.

Ye Shenyue paused with a little doubt in her eyes, the girl in front of her really looked too much like Kikyo, Ye Shenyue was scum to a certain extent, but he didn't forget Kikyo's face.

In the world of Inuyasha, in the eyes of ordinary people, Kikyo died of serious injuries and was eventually cremated with the jade of the four souls. Kagome in the original book was the reincarnation of Kikyo, but Yagami knew that it was only used to deceive children. Children, the real Kikyo is "fighting for hegemony" in hell.

Yagami had said to Inuyasha that Kagome would be his half-sister, but that was just nonsense.

So now... who is Kagome?

Ye Shenyue has an answer in her heart, she just hasn't confirmed it, but now...

It's time for sure.

Kagome was already asleep, even Xiao Chuan was asleep, and there was no one else in the room except him.

"Bang bang..."

Looking at this face that was almost identical to his wife's, Ye Shenyue's heart beat a little faster, as if she was guilty of a thief, but she still squeezed her fist and lowered her head to gently kiss the girl's soft lips.

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