Warm and sweet, no memory changes.

Ye Shenyue finally understood and understood why Kikyo smiled mysteriously at him at that time.

Because, Kagome in this world... is actually his child.

In the flames, with the Jade of the Four Souls, it is the child in the belly of Kikyo, and that child is Kagome at this moment.

ps: This is the first update in the world of Inuyasha.

After Inuyasha World is Godslayer and this book is about the same... Well, that's it.Please support the new book "Naruto: Shinji's Counterattack" I am grateful,

Chapter 0002 The plot begins (two more subscriptions)

Kagome's birthday.

Kagome was interested in the Jade of the Four Souls that Grandpa spoke of, and somehow she felt that word was familiar.

"Yes, it is the Jade of the Four Souls. In the future, our shrine will use the Jade of the Four Souls as a commodity... ah no, it will be sold as a fetish that can ward off evil and remove disasters... You see, there are red and green ones. , purple and blue..."

"...Don't you think there is something more important than this grandfather?"

Kagome listened to the first half of the sentence with relish, and the second half of the sentence immediately lost interest. Grandpa Emotion is selling peripheral goods, so she thought it was the real jade of the four souls.

This name... well, it's really familiar.

"Of course...that's my precious granddaughter's birthday! Look...the claws of the kappa that brings happiness!"

Grandpa took out a mysterious package, and Kagome's declining interest slowly increased and then looked at the dark green giant claws that looked like frog claws... Well, then he lost interest.

"Little fat, eat it!"

A ruthless refusal.She threw her paw to the cat who wasn't a picky eater, and Fatty dragged the paw away immediately.

"No...why is this...it's such a waste..."

The grandfather looked at the big cat who was gnawing on "the paws of the kappa that will bring happiness" with tears in his eyes. He was very sad and his granddaughter's various expressions showed a terrible fact.

Kagome is not interested in the shrine, nor is he interested in inheriting the shrine.

"The Jade of the Four Souls..."

Walking out of the grandfather's room, the girl glanced at the little fat man who was holding "the claws of the kappa that will bring happiness", and murmured these four words, the jade of the four souls, which really gave her a familiar feeling The feeling, how can I say it, it feels like a part of my own body.

She was a little confused, but she was walking towards Gujing for some reason, and she felt as if something was attracting her there.

It was pitch black, even when the door was opened, it seemed pitch black, and there seemed to be a gloomy feeling around.

"Eh? This is... a letter?"

Kagome noticed, and noticed that there was a letter at the top of the well that was crisscrossed with the spell.

Kagome's house is a shrine. There is an ancient well that has been sealed and a sacred tree that is said to be thousands of years old. Grandpa always said that the ancient well seems to be something bad and does not let her approach, but now she is coming here for some reason. As if something was attracting her.

And now, there is a letter above the well.

Is it for her?

it's wired.

But Kagome was a daring child, and even though the gloomy environment around her was really nervous, she still walked over and picked up the envelope.

This is an ordinary-looking letter, and when I open the letter, I see such handwriting.

"Ge Wei: You have the jade of the four souls on you. If you don't pay attention, the jade will be taken away by the monsters, but don't be afraid that you have hardware and software.

First of all, you have perfect spiritual power, which is inherited from your witch's mother, so you can use it when you need it, and you also have a brother who is a half-demon who will assist you in guarding the jade of the four souls.By the way, he is trapped on the Mikami tree. You can release him by pulling out the Demon Breaking Arrow on him.

good luck.

When you see this is when your journey begins.

Are you ready?

A girl who is about to enter the Warring States Period. "

"Eh? Brother? Warring States? What is this?"

Kagome, who read the letter, was confused, because she wanted the room to be darker, so she turned her back to Gujing and read by the light of the open door.

But suddenly there was a gloomy wind behind him.

"The Jade of the Four Souls...is the taste of the Jade of the Four Souls...I finally found it..."

The gloomy woman's voice made Kagome nervous, who was looking at the letter, but she didn't realize that she was already caught by three hands, two grabbing her waist and one holding her head.

It was a hundred-footed female monster that came out of the ancient well in an instant!The long body with countless claws and countless hands makes the scalp numb.


Kagome, who was suddenly hugged, screamed, but the whole person fell into the ancient well, "Wow..."

Furui erupted with a burst of purple light and Kagome's voice was weakening a little bit.

Then there was the scream of the hundred-footed monster, it is estimated that Kagome happened to use the spiritual power to inflict heavy damage on the hundred-footed monster.

The house became calm again.

Has it finally started?

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