Ye Shenyue came out of the shadows, walked down the stairs step by step and looked at the "seal" ancient well that had been destroyed, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Then he jumped down himself.

Enter another world, the World of Warring States, or the world of Inuyasha.

ps: Although it is the world of Inuyasha, both the plot and the heroine serve the protagonist... Well, that's it.

By the way, what is the name of the Inuyasha heroine you watched?Ari or Kagome?

Chapter 0003 The return of Nailuosang (one more subscription)

The ancient well of the Niigata Shrine is like a time-space tunnel. In the purple brilliance, Yashenyue has stood firmly in the ancient well of the Warring States Period. This is an abandoned well, and the four walls of the well are covered with vines.

It is fresh air, and the air of the Warring States period without chemical products is as always.When Ye Shenyue crawled out of the ancient well, A Li had disappeared, and even the hundred-legged monster had disappeared.

It is estimated that A Li broke into the forest of Inuyasha and was caught by innocent villagers, while the hundred-legged monster was because he used a "spiritual power" in the ancient well, and the effect was outstanding. I don't know which one The place recovered his body and was ready to continue looting the Jade of the Four Souls.

Ye Shenyue came out of the ancient well and stood still.As if waiting for someone.

But other than him, there are some simple animals around.


"Kagura...Aren't you coming out yet? If you don't come out, then I won't ride your feathers, but instead ride you!"

Ye Shenyue frowned slightly, his patience is not very good, and he can't give too much patience to some people, otherwise, he will have to make progress just like he is now.

When Ye Shenyue's voice came out, a white feather that was constantly magnified appeared in the high sky. The white feather was like a crooked boat, and on the feather was a half sitting with a hair bun. The young girl, wearing a large red and white kimono, looks like a lady, but the slightly aggressive red eyes make people feel that this is a guy who doesn't like to be quiet.

"If you haven't seen your master for so long, can't you cultivate a little bit of self-cultivation? It's like riding and riding... Only the most vulgar samurai can say such words. Does it mean that you have to give up your identity as a half-demon and become a contemptuous one? Samurai?"

The girl controlled the feather and landed in front of Ye Shenyue, and then spoke in a leisurely manner, the white and slender fingers gently moved the feather of the size of the boat, and instantly turned into the size of a quill pen that Westerners like to use, and then skillfully inserted it. On the hair, this feather can be used as both a flying device and a hairpin, which is extremely convenient.

"I think you should cultivate your personality. I didn't expect that after [-] years of not seeing such a bad character, it will still be as bad as ever."

Ye Shenyue looked at the girl in front of her. She hadn't seen her for fifty years, but the years had not left any scary marks on her, as if... well, although it was a large kimono, her figure seemed to have gotten better now, and she was quite tall. Beautiful bulges on the buttocks and chest.

Appearance points are qualified, but this personality... is still the same as before.


The girl snorted lightly to express her dissatisfaction, but still said honestly, "Sister asked me to pick you up."

"Shenwu? Well... or Shenwu is more cute, you should learn a little bit as a younger sister. Like Shenwu, she is such a petite and small body. As an adult, you should protect her well...En , but also to help her with things, such as housework and so on, you can't let her white and tender little hands do it, understand?"

Ye Shenyue nodded as if there was an expressionless Sanwu Loli in front of her again, with white hair, black pupils, and an expressionless face, which was a good attribute.


The girl walking behind Ye Shenyue really wanted to use the folding fan in her hand to directly blow the opponent away.

Do housework?If you don't let Shen Wu do it, can you still let her do it?Shen Wu's hands are white and tender, so she doesn't need it, and she can't be so biased!

Ye Shenyue walked out of the forest from the ancient well. He wanted to see the situation of A Li. After all, this is his and Kikyo's daughter, and he has to take care of him. If he is kidnapped by a bad guy or something, he must secretly take care of him first. These tricks ABC dealt with.As for that Inuyasha...

Ye Shenyue looked over to Yushenmu to see that the seal was still stable.Anyway, he is a half-demon, even if he is sealed, but his power is still there, there will be no snakes, insects, etc. to attack him, so let's continue to stay in the tree.Boys, need to be trained.

This is definitely not biased and it is not so obvious...

The forest is not big, but it takes ten minutes to walk to the exit. From here, you can see the village built on the flat ground below. The village is still like the one he came here before, with rows of wooden houses built on the open ground. The villagers in sackcloth and sackcloth with their hair in a bun surrounded A Li.

A Li was sitting on the straw mat with his hands tied and there was no trace of trauma on his body.

It seems that these honest and friendly villagers do not have A Li. It is estimated that she was surrounded by inhumane onlookers because she stayed in the forest where Inuyasha was sealed and then added "exotic clothes".

This scene made Ye Shenyue have a... very subtle feeling, thinking that when he came to find Kikyo, he was also surrounded by onlookers?

Sure enough, it should be said that the son inherits the father's business... No, is it the daughter's father's business?

Ah Li is really his child.

Ye Shenyue's face was full of cows, but he continued to watch. According to the plot, at this time, the villagers should invite Grandma Feng out, recognize A Li's appearance, and let A Li go into the house.

The plot is going on.

"Master Miko Feng is here!"

The two villagers made way for Feng who was in the back row to appear. As soon as Feng appeared, the surroundings immediately became quiet and there were no more whispers. It seemed that Lord Feng was very respected.

As a village with both humans and monsters, ordinary villagers can only resist some low-level monsters, while witches can deal with some medium or even high-level monsters. In the eyes of ordinary villagers, witches have powerful strength and are walking in The mortal messenger, it is an honor to have a witch in a village.

So when Feng appeared, they were very respectful, so Ye Shenyue had to recall the scene of Kikyo's trip. Those villagers were also very respectful and sometimes they didn't even dare to lift their heads.

Feng first grabbed a handful of ash that he didn't know what to expect, and sprinkled it on A Li's body, and then he didn't respond. If it was a monster, it would show a human shape, but A Li didn't respond and could only say that it was a human.


little girl?little girl?Lord Feng?

The little girl in the little red and white witch costume... is the famous Grandma Feng of Feng-sama?Kikyo's sister?

Cough, his sister-in-law?

"Eh? Kagura? Did you do something?"

Even from a distance, Yashenyue's eyesight is not comparable to that of ordinary people. She wiped her eyes three times in a row before looking at Kagura, "Why is Feng still a child? Fifty years later, she should also Will... En can't stand the erosion of time."

"Neither Shen Wu nor I did it. Her body has stopped growing. It's neither through sucking demon power nor using human souls to supplement herself, so... I don't know, maybe it has something to do with you, master, after all, he and she more contacts.”

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