"...the previous sentence is better."

The coquettish girl stepped back, and then the long feather in her hand instantly became the size of a small boat and sat up first, her body moved forward slightly to leave a space for Ye Shenyue.

Ye Shenyue was not polite and sat up directly. As soon as she approached, she smelled the faint body fragrance of Kagura, but it was mixed with a scent of spices.

It seems that Kagura also likes women's things.

Learn to dress up.

Ye Shenyue felt special comfort in her heart.

Feather boats slowly fly in the sky under the movement of Kagura, but the refreshing wind blows, but it makes people feel relaxed and happy. In the Warring States Period, there were not so many high-rise buildings with only villages and large tracts of well-divided fields and undeveloped lush greenery. forest.

beautiful view.

Ye Shenyue can understand why Kagura can fly for a whole day without coming down... Well, it seems that he explained that Kagura flying is a matter of the day before yesterday, which means that Kagura has been flying for two days?

"It's been so long, does Kagura miss me?"

Well, the heart that was turbulent in the forest became even more turbulent after smelling the drunken and human breath of the girl.


"...Where are we going now? Kanna is already waiting at the base."

Kagura wisely chose not to answer Yagami's words, and then turned on the weapon to change the topic.

Because she already felt a hand on her soft waist.

God knows what terrible things will happen if something is said "right" at this time?

Being XXOO in the air?

Some people think this is a great first experience, but Kagura-san is not that kind of person.

At least now...she doesn't want to...

That's why I changed the topic and betrayed my sister, Kanna.

"Then... let's go back to the base camp first."

Well, Kagura-sang poured the cold water on it well, most of the desires and thoughts in Ye Shenyue's heart disappeared, and the loli control thoughts in her heart came up again.

Lolicons, legendary creatures, are the least resistant to items called lolitas.

Therefore, Miss Kagura maximized the speed of the feathers without being harassed.

Forge ahead...

"You said...you lived here for the past fifty years?"

Looking at the small wooden house in Lingshan, Ye Shenyue showed an unbelievable expression, and then said in an unbelievable tone.Is this the base camp of the legendary Naraku?

It has become mottled under the annual rings of fifty years, and the wood is a small house with vicissitudes of life.

Is this... a dangerous building?Not even a building!

"It's not that you didn't tell me to change the base, otherwise I would have built a palace long ago!"

A dissatisfied look appeared on the face of the girl named Kagura. She is a girl who likes beautiful and gorgeous girls. She has lived here for fifty years because "there is no master's order". The girl's heart is full of depression. She spent less than a year in the house during the years...


Ye Shenyue is quite helpless, do you have to order everything by yourself?

However, from another aspect, Kagura and Shenwu are very good, at least Shenwu is like this, he only obeys his own orders, and Kagura... Ye Shenyue does not believe that this fellow can eat light tea and live in a dwelling. ?

It must be... there is another villa, only his base is so... miserable.

"Well, since there is no order from me, then forget it, so what have you done in the past fifty years?"

Ye Shenyue looked directly at Kagura, Shen Wu belongs to absolute loyalty, so this is an opportunity for Ye Shenyue to give Kagura, look at her... whether she is honest.

The coquettish girl first glanced at Shen Wu, and the white-haired little girl shook her head expressionlessly and then fell down, "I destroyed a human country and then occupied their land and castle. But... this is a world where the weak eat the strong. I don't think I did anything wrong."

Kagura said while paying attention to Yagami's expression.

"anything else?"

Ye Shenyue's expression did not change, so Kagura didn't know what Ye Shenyue was thinking, was she blaming her or what?

"And... Fifty years ago, when you just left, you made a prank because you wanted to get into the human society and then met a man while drinking, because he was disrespectful to me and wanted to seal me when he saw me. So in a fit of rage, I cursed that man, so that he, who conquered the monster, was finally swallowed by the wind hole in his right hand."

According to Kagura, it seems that the mage is angry because the wizard is sealed when he encounters a monster, no matter how good or bad. It seems to be somewhat similar to Fahai.

"Curse? Is that person a mage?"

"Well... how do you know?"

Kagura looked at Ye Shenyue nervously. Could it be that that mage... can't be bullied?

Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered Maitreya, a lecherous mage in the small team looking for the Jade of Four Souls. It seems that Naruo's curse on his grandfather got the wind cave, and then he became one of the group looking for the Jade of Four Souls.

It turns out the history is so strikingly similar, though.

One very important thing needs to be done now.

"Kagura, Shenwu, let's go!"

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