"Where? My palace?"

Kagura's nervousness made Ye Shenyue speechless, making him seem to be coveting the property of his subordinates. Is he that kind of person?

"No, go to my palace!"

Chapter 0013 Robbery, Kagura! (three more for subscription)

"The city lord has been beheaded by me, and everyone who wants to live will surrender to me!"

A girl with red eyes in a refreshing kimono said with a fan in hand, she had a smile on her face, her face was so beautiful, but what she said was alarming, "Of course, what I like most is that you don't surrender, That way you can kill more!"

As her voice fell, the plain hand holding the fan moved towards the city gate, and the dozens of soldiers standing there and the huge city gate exploded in an instant, as if they were hit by a tornado and completely empty.Because those soldiers and city gates were all gone.



The guards in the city, who were already terrified when they saw this terrifying scene, immediately dispersed.The generals who came to assist the city lord also stared at each other and didn’t know what to do. Loyalty told them that they should go ahead and kill the guy who killed the city lord, but the reality told them…

This is unrealistic, even if you are all on your side, you can only turn into pieces of meat.

Just when several generals were in a dilemma, a voice came.

"Kagura, why do you have to make such a big stance? It's so bloody so heart-wrenching..."

The boy who was wearing clogs and had changed into a blue bachelor's uniform came slowly. Behind him was a little white-haired girl with a big round mirror in her hand. The girl's mirror radiated brilliance. Seems to be absorbing something.

That is absorbing souls.

Absorbing the right amount of soul for the mirror of the gods can enhance its power.

One kills one and the other has to reap the soul, which is a really good match.

"It's not that your master said you would take this castle as quickly as possible and use it as a palace. I asked the city master here, but he didn't agree, so he had to use brute force to solve it."

Kagura said displeasedly, she seemed to be disliked after working hard for a long time. Is there such a tangled thing in the world?

"Well, it's your credit, but the guards here are too weak to even reach you."

If there is no communication between the two, other people will be nervous and scared, because according to the content of their conversation, everything is the idea of ​​this young man, he is the one who calls the shots, and the dangerous murderous girl is This boy's subordinate?

Then the power of this young man should be...

Everyone was nervous, and some people wanted to run away.

"And you..."

Ye Shenyuexiang, these are also middle-aged people who are also the city lords, "If there is nothing else, let's go, I don't want my subordinates to become murderous guys, I tell you clearly and promise to admit my identity as the city lord. , do what we should do as usual! This is the last retreat for me as a human... En ぉ."

"If you don't agree... hum..."

Ye Shenyue looked at Kagura, "Kagura, you can go to the territory of these guys and see, how much do you kill? One thousand or one hundred thousand? And then publish the news to kill these people because their lord is stubborn, I I believe that after doing this kind of thing a few times, the rest of the people of the other lords will not hesitate to tie up their lords and hand them over to me..."

"How is this retreat?"

Ye Shenyue said while rubbing her chin.

And the lords below were in a cold sweat. This young man claimed to be a human?Are people who can say such things still human?

Those in high positions are very clear that although power is killing people now, once a city is slaughtered, other cities will surely panic, and their enemies will mercilessly join the people as sacrifices in the tense situation. presented.

So where is the choice?It's obviously coercion!

"Lord City Lord!"

A general shouted so.

"Lord City Lord!"

Then more people shouted like that.

"Lord City Lord..."

XN "Kagura, you see it's as simple as that. 2.6 orders... This palace... accept it!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the castle built halfway up the mountain and nodded slightly.

Since you're already a half-demon, let's do what a monster is supposed to do!

Robbery is such a shame, you have to rob a palace anyway.


On the other hand, Kagura was staring at Ye Shenyue with her scarlet eyes. If she hadn't used force to shock everyone first, how could everyone be so easily subdued?

It's a pity that Ye Shenyue didn't even look at her, but entered the castle and started to watch the palace.

Chapter 0014 This is the shining Crystal Palace (four more subscriptions)

The castle has a history of [-] years. It looks magnificent on the outside but it is very cramped on the inside. Some grounds have been eroded by ants.

"It seems that this is also the failure of Jinyu outside of it."

Ye Shenyue sighed.

And Shouqi Kagura, who was following behind him, also nodded, "" Ye Shenyue paused, "Why do I think you care about something?"

"No, you must have heard it wrong, but I have already acted as a thug for you, master, so now it's your turn to help."

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