Due to the lack of transportation, even the trip was only a carriage or an ox cart, and the villages controlled by the city lord's mansion also took N days to travel, so... the ten girls from each village under the edict had not yet come over.

In this city lord's mansion with only a few dozen people, Ye Shenyue rolled around helplessly.

Kagura was so rude, and ran out to fly to the sky early in the morning, and although Shen Wu didn't say anything, this little guy doesn't seem to be a role that can take care of people, and the young girls in the city all ordered to work, pouring Watering the flowers, cooking, cooking, cleaning, but...the rest of the girls are gone.

Short of manpower!

Although Yu Wei who robbed the castle is still there, he still needs a decent samurai to guard it, but Yagami has rejected the male samurai, so he can only choose from the dozens of girls left.

It seems that it is not so boring to teach these girls who have no foundation to practice martial arts.

"Hoo! Ho~ho~" The girls held sharp steel forks and stabbed them one by one, then took back their steps and moved away.

The sun in the sky is not big, but the girls only wore thin obscenity clothes. After practicing for a while, the clothes got wet and their delicate skin was faintly exposed. Yeshenyue was facing them and saw the raised peaks and peaks in front of their chests and the Pale blush...

What a spectacle...

The Lord of the City is about to get drunk.

"Master, you have been like this for three days, should you do something normal?"

Miss Kagura, who had been flying in the sky for N days, finally found her home, but as soon as she came in, she saw Ye Shenyue lying softly on Shen Wu's legs, a feeling of weakness and depression swept her heart.

I thought that the fifty years when the master was away was boring, but now that the master is back...it seems to be even more boring!

This is this...

After eating, sleeping, eating, and then putting on a lap pillow to watch the girls dripping with sweat, this, this... This master must be too decadent!

"A normal thing?"

Ye Shenyue turned her head to look at Miss Kagura. Kagura adhered to the fine tradition of wearing a set of clothes every day. Today's robes are something I have never seen before. The pale white dotted plum blossoms match her style.Walking slowly, the waist swinging is also a pleasing picture.

"As the city lord, in order to show respect for other city lords, isn't it a business for me to stay in the city and wait for them to present Princess Luji? Kagura, it's my fault, I didn't teach you such things as politeness... Do you understand the etiquette?"


I'm so stupid trying to persuade you.

The coquettish girl's movements were stagnant, and then she held her face depressed, like a thoughtful girl, "If it is a real courtesy, it should be to greet the princess, what you are doing now is really... difficult to enter. Look, if you are a big monster, you will show the demeanor of a big monster, it will kill you to be at ease!"

"I didn't expect Kagura to say such a thing, but asking me to greet Princess Ruki will make us look down upon us. After all, no matter how we look at it, our castle is stronger now, but... I can't go there... so god Le you go on my behalf, I'm sure it won't be boring."

Can it be boring? How cool is it to fly in the sky? If the district greets the princess, then you have to ride slowly with her in the car. How boring?

"I am a free and free wind, and no one can restrain me."

The coquettish girl stood up as she spoke, and was about to leave. It was better to continue flying instead of riding a carriage...

She just came back to see if Yagami Yue had any orders. If it was something interesting, it would be fine to do it, but if it was to greet the princess...

No, absolutely not!

"Is that so..."

Ye Shenyue's eyes flickered for a moment, and a silver-white iron chain suddenly appeared in the air, trapping her wrist, and the demon power in her body seemed to be completely restrained, and her whole body immediately softened.

"What do you want to do?"

Chapter 0016 Reverse hair knot (two more for subscription)

The bewitching girl is bound.

"Don't do anything, just want to restrain you."

Ye Shenyue stood up and touched Shen Wu's face, "I'll take Kagura for a walk first, maybe I won't come back at night, everything in the castle is left to you."


The white-haired little girl nodded, and took out the white mirror she had put in her arms and held it again.

"Hey...what is Yoyo...I'm not a dog!"

The struggling girl seemed to understand what Ye Shenyue meant, but her tone was quite excited, "Do you want me to tie your neck?"

Ye Shenyue glanced at the bewitching girl lightly, and the girl immediately stopped talking.

If the neck is tied, it really looks like a puppy...

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Kagura, who is proud and likes freedom!


Kagura's words just now really reminded Ye Shenyue that such a decadent life is good, but he came here not only to be the city owner, but also to have a mission!

Not to mention Naraku who has become completely insane, but he also has to be a good villain, right?

In the original book, Naruo is a half-demon who also robbed the jade of the four souls. There are also many disgusting plans. These plans are not planned to be carried out by Yashenyue, but they have to do harmonious things, right?

The first is to recruit some men. If you are alive and God is omnipresent in the castle, what can you do if the enemy comes to attack?

Princess Lu Ji, who is about to marry, is likely to be taken away!

So... so in order to avoid the green hat road, Yagami Yue is going to take action, and go out to recruit people.

But if Kagura knew that he was going to recruit people, he would probably feel bored, so Yagami used such a method.

The art of binding!

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