Looking at the girl Yagami, who was tightly trapped by her wrist, she approached the girl, then plucked the feathers from her bun, floated in the air and floated into the size of a small boat, then grabbed the iron chain and flew with Kagura. go up.

"This is... are you going to find Inuyasha?"

Kagura found that he was only bound by his wrists and then gradually relaxed, but following Yagami in the sky, he found that the place where Yagami was going to fly was actually the village at the beginning.

Who is that conspicuous half-demon lying on the tree who is not Inuyasha?

"No... This time we are looking for a companion! Naraku, who has been silent for [-] years, should also show his power."

Ye Shenyue shook her head and flew towards a gloomy valley. The gloomy aura that came from made Kagura frown, because it was... the breath of a skeleton.

The cave is not big, but the cold aura became more intense when it was about to approach, Ye Shenyue frowned, and then clapped her hands in front of Kagura, and then she felt a burst of tears. open volatility.

That is the wave where the enchantment is damaged.

"Since the enchantment is set, it means that the person inside is sleeping?"

Ye Shenyue murmured, but the coquettish girl who continued to be trapped always felt a little cold, and it seemed that her master was going to do something shameful.

Is it a sneak attack?

It's a sneak attack!

The light in the hole was good. There was a small hole at the top where the sunlight could shine in, and the two of them saw the skeleton under the brilliance.

Countless piles of skeletons formed a hill!

It was a flat ground made of skeletons, and a girl in revealing clothes was resting on the pile of skeletons, breathing smoothly and continuously like she was hibernating.

She didn't wake up.

Ye Shenyue's footsteps did not make any sound, and then appeared in front of the girl.

The girl still didn't wake up.

Ye Shenyue circled around her and she still didn't wake up.

"It's too much to wear revealing clothes. I have to teach you a lesson, so that you know that wearing such revealing clothes will easily attract horny wolves..."

In her mouth, Ye Shenyue held the noble heart of justice to guide the lost lamb, and decided to "educate" this scantily clad girl by turning theory into the most direct action by example.

His eyes were tightly closed, his mouth was slightly open, and his skin tone had the color of wheat, but he looked very cute.

And the chest... well, it's quite material.

"This is education... don't get me wrong."

Ye Shenyue murmured like this and then stretched out her hand in the stunned expression of Miss Kagura, one hand slipped from the fork in the exposed clothes to the girl's chest, and then the other hand also reached in, also jumping. over exposed clothing.

Be quick!

Then I felt soft and soft!

"It's really shameless to break into other people's homes and then be reckless and frivolous. Haven't you learned what politeness is?"

The short-haired girl who should have forced her eyes suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes flashed with chills, and a red-handled tachi appeared out of nowhere, drawing a half-moon arc in the air, while Ye Shenyue moved her feet. A quick step back made her blade rip through the air.

And Ye Shenyue was standing far away.

"I'm an educator, I just use practical actions to tell you to be a person... Dress conservatively."

"Is that so?"

The girl with neat short hair used a sarcastic tone, "But why do I feel that it's just a perverted wolf playing with the girl's innocence?"

"You must be feeling wrong!"

Ye Shenyue said without hesitation.

Must be feeling right!

The bewitched girl who was trapped was thinking silently in her heart. Now she is in the stage of being trapped, but she is not stupid enough to oppose her master like this.

"...It seems to be more brazen than I imagined!"

The short-haired girl was shocked for a moment and then showed a bloodthirsty smile, "If that's the case... then I'll accept your hair. Although it's a bit short, I'm... open to anyone!"

While talking, red silk threads appeared on the slender fingers, which were hair, and piles of hair suddenly appeared in the entire cave. The long, dark hair was thick, thin, long and short, all integrated like It was a tentacle that flew directly towards Ye Shenyue.

"It seems that education is not enough."

Ye Shenyue didn't move, "Kagura, it's your turn."

Yagami released the Heavenly Chain that was trapping Kagura's wrist, and as soon as the chain went away, the girl felt that her body was full of power.

It's a great feeling that the restrained power bursts out!


"You brought me here because you wanted me to be a thug?"

Kagura looked at Yagami with a serious expression.unprecedented seriousness.

ps: begging for comments.

Chapter 0017 Women's War (three more subscriptions)

"Are you trying to get caught by these hairs and give them to this hair star?"

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