The girl's thinking is normal and can't be normal anymore, so she pointed it out.

"That's right..."

"As expected, you worked hard."

"What's with your sympathetic expression?"


Just as Kagura and Jero were discussing how many animals and animals the owner had, Yagami had already landed on the ground. This was a human army.

Although it was not yet dark, the soldiers were already stationed there and started to make a fire to cook.

The staple food is wild boar.

I have to complain that the pigs here are really... too abstract. They don't look like real-life pigs at all. They are completely wild boars with sharp fangs. The sturdy ones have become monsters, so the low-level food can only grow up and have no potential to become monsters...

A stout man sat at the top and his subordinates sat in two rows, with a proud color on his face.

"Our powerful and powerful Lord Zorro will definitely ride the wind and waves when he sits in the enemy's army."

"The powerful and powerful Lord Zorro will definitely win!"

"Yes, we will definitely win!"

The subordinates made the leader sitting at the top happy, because everyone likes nice words, after all, there are only a few people who like to scold and abuse.

"Okay, let's take a good rest today, everyone has pork to eat!"

The leader is not only taller than Dalian, but also the loudest, and then the subordinates burst out with a corresponding sound. This is pork. In this country where things are scarce, even most of the soldiers who are fighting in the war have to save one meal after eating one meal.And it is rare to use pork directly as a staple food, so this time is a big reward!


However, at this time, a soldier stumbled over and ran over, "The leader has challenged us with 2.2!"

The leader named Zorro frowned, and then slammed the big bowl in his hand, "Come and see!"

It would be a real shame if the guy who was just praised was so powerful that he didn't solve this guy who ruined the atmosphere at this time!

So the leader directly stood up.

"The leader, it's that person|!"

Then everyone saw a very noble and full of temperament figure appearing in front of them.

ps: Roll around and ask for comments, by the way... If the protagonist has tentacles, can you watch it?

"Tentacle binding" "Tentacle burst clothes"...

Chapter 0019 Kill the princess?Next (one more ask for subscription)

The long silver-white hair slanted down, the pure and slightly cold eyes, and the white skin that did not look like a human being.

He was wearing a snow-white long gown, with a pure white hair shawl around his right shoulder, and the fingers exposed under the sleeve were slender and white.

The whole person exudes a strong and extremely noble, a powerful and extremely elegant.

Ran didn't dare to touch her cold eyes easily, as if she didn't care about anything.

Where is this gentleman from?

In the hearts of the soldiers who surrounded the boy, there was a feeling of inferiority that was also extremely strong.It's just that it's easy to bluff when you have an inferiority complex to the extreme.

The soldier leader was extremely dissatisfied with the subordinates who did not dare to go forward, and he drank heavily. "Where is the monster from, dare to appear in front of us!"

it is good!

What a monster!

When his eyes just fell on the spotless clothes of the other party, he already felt the nobleness of the other party in his heart. Such people and them are simply two worlds. In front of such a mysterious nobleman, he can't raise his confidence at all.

If you are like this, let alone a subordinate who is not as good as 07?

So the leader said one word, monster!

What else could such a perfect person be but a monster?

Then when they heard the word "yokai", the panicked soldiers suddenly moved, because in their impression, encountering a monster is only a lore!

The monsters won't let them go, only they can kill the monsters!

With their lives in danger, the soldiers took out their weapons.

Katanas, bows and... muskets!

"Everyone, get on me! Even monsters are not our opponents, archers, musketeers, prepare!"

All the katana swords were drawn out with a chilling brilliance in the air, and the archers were all ready to shoot arrows.

The leader's movements were quickly commanded, and then he shouted, "Archers, musketeers, shoot, samurai sprint with me after the first round of shooting!"


The soldiers launched an attack, both bows and arrows and gunpowder, and flew towards the imaginary noble boy standing expressionless on the ground.

"It's really boring."

A cold voice came from the elegant mouth, and then she didn't see any movement. The slender fingertips slid from the waist in an arc, and then a dark green long rope with lingering brilliance appeared in her hand.

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