The toes were slightly staggered, and the long rope was held in her hand as if she was performing a gymnastics dance, and the body spun in place. A powerful demon force wrapped her whole body, and the arrows and gunpowder shells were all smashed to pieces, and the thin The long rope was attacking the archer and the musketeer like a hurricane, and the soft rope like cutting meat turned into a sharp steel knife and crushed it directly.

"Evil view, get rid of these warriors who stand in the way."

After the hurricane, all that was left were the samurai.

"As ordered!"

The dark green little monster with a pair of big lantern eyes, called the evil view, jumped out with a slender human head stick with the heads of a man and a woman in both hands. The crushed warriors showed a look of disdain, "How dare you block His Highness Sesshomaru's way, human beings... You are courting death!"

While talking, before the warriors could react, the head stick in their hands suddenly sprayed out a large area of ​​flames with a temperature that could instantly vaporize people, and in less than three seconds, there was an empty space in front of them.

There are no people in the way....

According to the wrong view, Sesshomaru is actually just passing by, and these ignorant human beings are not only blocking the road, but also attacking His Highness Sesshomaru. Isn't it courting death?And now it's really cheap for them to be able to kill them with one blow. After all, as a high-level monster, Sesshomaru-sama, he can see the soul.

"Xie Jian, find a boat."

Sesshomaru's tone was very flat, as if she had never done anything just now, but in her heart she had really done nothing. After all, these human beings didn't even make any sense for her to work hard, it was like they were trampled to death. A bunch of ants, do you need to work hard?

"Ah... Yes, Sesshomaru-sama, there are many ships here, and the ships are all here."

The little Xie Jian saw that Sesshomaru was about to take a step forward and hurriedly followed, because they came here to look for a boat.

And then found their ship after killing this gang of unknowing humans.Immediately after that, he was commandeered by the evil view.

After Sesshomaru got on the boat, Xie Jian also jumped on it, stood attentively and rowed the boat with his head crutches, acting as a boatman.

Really beautiful.

Ye Shenyue, who had landed safely one step earlier, looked from a distance in front of Sesshomaru, who just swung the whip in his hand and wiped out all the warriors who were in his way, with color in his eyes.

Then he made a secret comparison with the Inuyasha he saw, and shook his head. Why is there such a big difference between children born to the same father?

From Sesshomaru's body, Yashinyuki felt extravagance and elegance, while in Inuyasha... um, impatient, arrogant, arrogant, stupid.

This difference... As brothers, people are very suspicious of whether they were born from the same father.

Wait... Ye Shenyue suddenly thought of something very important. Apart from being Naraku, he seems to have another identity in this world. Since he is Inuyasha's father, then... he may also be Sesshomaru's father!

Oh, it is said that the child inherits the good genes of the parents. Now no matter how you look at Sesshomaru... um, it is not very similar to him, so it is the mother who inherited it?

Ye Shenyue touched her chin and secretly made a decision... Well, if I have time, I will go to 620 to see Immortal Fairy Lingyue in the demon kingdom in the west.

But after watching Sesshomaru leave Yagami, he stopped for a while and then followed. He gave up "playing" with Kagura and Kagura Kagura in order to fulfill his mission as promote the plot.

For example, leaking news made Sesshomaru find trouble with Inuyasha and then help Inuyasha get Iron Broken Teeth or something.

And Ye Shenyue is very interested in her "cemetery".I don't know what the cemetery in this world looks like, and what that huge skeleton is.

It's just that when Ye Shenyue followed, he almost fell because he saw such a scene.

Xie Jian was rowing desperately and then said something about Inuyasha, and then Sesshomaru made such a move. First, he slapped his right hand directly on Xia Jian's body and then threw Xie Jian off the boat and fell into the water. If only That's fine, but at this time Sesshomaru used the head stick that was dropped on the boat against the head of the evil view who was desperately trying to emerge from the water.

Then he pretended not to be able to see anything and kept poking at the evil view until the evil view fainted and then retracted the crutch.


Ye Shenyue, who saw this scene, had a bad feeling, why did he think... this Sesshomaru is so... black-bellied?

ps: The next chapter... Sesshomaru's bathing chart, gays, get the soap!

Chapter 0020 Female version of the killing pill (two more for subscription)

Sesshomaru's boat went for a while and then stopped, the wrong view is that the boat continued to get seasick, although to use the exact language he did not faint on the boat but in the water.Now it was picked up by Sesshomaru like a fish and then thrown on the boat.

Then Sesshomaru stood up.

"Xie Jian, you are guarding where you are."

Sesshomaru's voice was still so cold, but when Xie Jian heard his master's voice, he immediately stood up and promised.And waiting for Sesshomaru to leave is like dying...

It seems that the pain of water dizziness has not eased, and the excitement just now may just be an instant burst of hormones in the body.Then the master was gone, and there was no desire to continue to explode, and he was exhausted.


It's just that when Xie Jian was lying on his back and exposing his bulging stomach, he tried hard to push his body... um, when the water he drank in the water just now was pressed out, he suddenly felt that there was a wind that almost wiped the boat and flew past.

"Imagination... I'd better recover quickly, lest Sesshomaru-sama come back from taking a bath and I won't be able to come in handy."

Xie Jian widened his eyes, which could be used as lanterns, and found that there was no one around. He immediately felt that he was overwhelmed, and then continued to hold his stomach to prepare to squirt out the excess water.

The number of times Xie Jian presses his stomach is very rhythmic and extremely skilled. It seems that it is not the first time to do this kind of thing, or he is used to being abused by Sesshomaru...

On the other side, Ye Shenyue stopped on a branch, took out a boiling outfit that had been prepared a long time ago, and draped it neatly on her body. He just thought that he came as Naraku. If you don't put on the boiling outfit, it seems very different.

And... the next thing to do is to fool the brothers and kill them... Well, it's best not to show your face.

Then, Yagami, who was dressed in a boiling outfit, only showed her chin and walked in the direction where Sesshomaru threw his evil views and went alone.

I have to say that Sesshomaru chose a good place. The surroundings are very quiet and there is only the sound of the wind blowing through the treetops.On the left side there is a pool.

Although there are no small waterfalls falling above the water, the water is very clear.

There was a ripple on the pool, as if someone was stirring it gently.

Because in the pool, someone is actually taking a bath!

Said it was a bath, or Ye Shenyue saw the clothes not far away, and the only person who came in just now was Sesshomaru. Could it be... looking at the pile of clothes, the white kimono and the shawl.

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