This is Sesshomaru's outfit.

In other words, Sesshomaru went in to take a bath?

Ye Shenyue's actions suddenly stopped, but he didn't expect that Sesshomaru left suddenly because he found him and then let Xie Jian stay outside, while he was waiting for him inside, such as wanting to compete with him or something.

But now... um, the development of the plot seems to be uncontrollable, how could it be... um, Sesshomaru came in just to take a bath?

Could it be that Sesshomaru didn't find him at all, and then just took a bath on his own?

Or Sesshomaru is trying to catch him and then attack him when he is not prepared, but Sesshomaru doesn't seem like that kind of person, and noble people like Sesshomaru hate sneak attack schemes the most.

Because such people firmly believe that any conspiracy and tricks are pale and powerless in the face of power.

They don't need to use intrigue, just energy is enough.

But... what kind of trouble is this going to make!

Could it be that Sesshomaru is really just here to take a bath?

Ou... And I finally put on a hot outfit just to watch Sesshomaru take a bath?Looking at a man's forehead, although this man looks very beautiful... If it is Sesshomaru, it seems that it will not be so good... No!

Ye Shenyue, who was wearing a heavy boiling outfit, suddenly felt physically and mentally exhausted, how could she have such a thought?His goal is the three thousand in the harem, not the three thousand pseudo-mothers!

Think about Yu, think about Kanna, think about loli...

Ye Shenyue felt that her heart... calmed down, no one knew that he wandered around the taboo level just now, and then finally returned to normal.

Now that I know that the person bathing in it is Sesshomaru, then... um, Ye Shenyue is not interested anymore.

After all, what does it mean to a man to see a man?What's more interesting is that men look at women or women look at men. After all, how do you fall in love with the same gender?

Ye Shenyue was going to turn around and go to Sesshomaru's boat to wait for Sesshomaru to come back from the bath and then start the flickering plan.

It's just that his nose moved when he was about to step away. Maybe it was because he had a son of a dog demon, and Ye Shenyue's nose was also very smart. He smelled a faint fragrance, and that fragrance was from Floating from the pool.

The refreshing breath is like the faint milky fragrance of Lolita, the kind of breath that can make Lolicon instantly turn into a ghost and beast.

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but glance over there.

When he looked into the pool, he found that he really couldn't take his eyes off.

What kind of picture is that?

The slightly misty water pool seems to have dyed the surrounding with a hazy beauty. In the haze of the clumps, there is a hazy figure. The curve of the figure is very beautiful. the wind and emotion.The beautiful shoulders, white and tender skin that seems to be able to squeeze out water, and the round water droplets slowly slide down on the smooth and beautiful body, creating a mysterious and thrilling beauty.


Three thousand silver-white filaments hang down in the water.From the back, it is a beautiful picture of a beauty bathing.

Suddenly, when he was pouring water on Xiao's shoulder, his brows twitched, and his slender fingers swiped in the direction of Ye Shenyue. Without any delay, it flew towards Ye Shenyue's eyes at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

The long rope has a strong energy and the support of the demon energy is no longer soft and soft, but a steel-like substance.

If it is touched by this string, it must be cut like tofu.

Feeling that her skin didn't reach the thickness of the city wall, Yagami didn't even think about it, and Rinku rolled backwards and dodged.

ps: Well, look at Sesshomaru's clear water coming out of hibiscus, and naturally de-carved out of the bath... the integrity is not there.

Chapter 0021 This is not malicious? (three more for subscription)

When there was an elegant girl in front of me, I didn't know her real gender and I mistook her for a teenager.

I'm guilty.

I repent.

I'm annoyed.

It wasn't until this girl attacked me with an angry knowing blow with a whip that I realized that I had made a big mistake, and Yagami Yue's heart was full of repentance.

The above repentances were echoed in Ye Shenyue’s mind when she rolled backwards to avoid the attack of the bathing girl, because he saw it, saw the face of the bathing girl who attacked him, it was gentle The pouring down of finely groomed silver-white hair, the mysterious half crescent on the perfect white forehead, the lines on both sides of the cheeks... This is not the Sesshomaru that I have seen before the human army. Or who?

The girl in front of me is Sesshomaru!

It's actually a killing pill!And Sesshomaru is actually a girl...and she has a great figure!

But the stick is great, the figure is good, the eye is seductive, but the attack is not slow at all, Ye Shenyue spun around in the air and then landed steadily on the ground, but Sesshomaru's offensive came again, she lifted it to her shoulders Bu's right hand suddenly appeared a light green mist, and then slapped violently in the direction of Ye Shenyue with lightning speed, as if there was some deep hatred, the speed not only did not decrease but also increased.

Although she doesn't know Sesshomaru's tricks very well, she gave up using the whip and can only say that this trick is more powerful than the previous one, and the whip just now can crush everything that the whip touches, so what about now?


Ye Shenyue increased her speed to the maximum and then stood not far away and looked at her original position. There was a deep and huge claw print at the same time. At the same time, the grass on the ground completely disappeared, leaving only a little bit untouched. Ashes blown away by the wind.

And even the soil showed black marks.

It can only be a highly poisonous thing, it can only be corruption!

If it is attacked by Sesshomaru then... it is likely to be corrupted.

I originally thought that Sesshomaru's power in the original work was strong enough to a certain level, but now I look at it this way... It seems that it is not a little bit stronger than Inuyasha.

Sure enough, it's because the female version has become stronger?

Ye Shenyue, who has a very different kind of difference between her son and daughter, just stayed for a while and then secretly felt that Sesshomaru was powerful... Well, it's a normal phenomenon.

After all... he also tends to make his daughters stronger.The more powerful, the more conquest, isn't it?And son...

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