Ye Shenyue is someone who came back from Gay Pass, so she is not very interested in chrysanthemum and flowers.

But now is obviously not the time to think about whether you like Chrysanthemum Flowers or not. Yashin Yue stabilized her figure and then used her legs like sharp blades to slam into Sesshomaru.

His speed is no less than Sesshomaru's "Poison Claw" "Hey..."

Seeing that Ye Shenyue not only escaped her two attacks, but also had the courage to rush forward, a slight arc appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth.

That was sarcasm or disdain.

Yes, the opponent's speed was very fast to dodge her two attacks in a row, but... but coming head-on like this is completely seeking death!

Blindly moving forward is almost no need to aim!

Sesshomaru directly used the poisonous claw attack without even thinking about it. At such a close distance, unless the opponent can instantly speed up and move to another place, it is impossible to avoid it.

And now, the opponent is already in the attack range and can't even accelerate!

Since you are going to die... then let you die faster!

The girl didn't care that her innocent body was exposed to the air, her right claw went straight forward, and the pale green poisonous claw had already slammed into it.

The opponent can't escape!

"not good!"

It's just that the joy of Sesshomaru, who was about to succeed in killing, did not pass, and found a silver light in the sky. The light flashed and the body of Yagami, who was about to be hit by her, suddenly disappeared and her attack failed. The huge poisonous The claws flew on a large tree and the tree withered into black ashes in an instant.

"Where are you looking?"

A slightly muffled voice sounded from behind her, and Sesshomaru, with a speed unmatched by ordinary youkai, instantly used poison claws at the place where the voice came from, but as soon as it reached the silver brilliance, it wrapped around her hand one step earlier.

Strength... was instantly suppressed and the poisonous claw attack inspired by the demon power was also completely suppressed, but the power was trapped in her hands, but she had no hands. Even when she was suppressed by the lock of the sky, she still had to attack the sneak attack. human action.

"It looks pretty fierce."

Ye Shenyue grabbed Sesshomaru's wrist with one hand, and the wrist was smooth and delicate. It seemed that not only the appearance but also the perfect skin was worthy of recognition.

Because Sesshomaru had turned to him, she showed her perfectly upturned body without wearing any clothes. Whether it was a flat belly or a triangular horn that made people care about, she was extremely attractive.

Because of the closeness, the faint fragrance suddenly became stronger. If it hadn't been for a little isolation with boiling clothes and thinking that he is now Naraku's identity, then Ye Shenyue's little friend may not only be just around the corner, but will soon want to action.

"First meeting, but I want you to know that I have no ill intentions."

Ye Shenyue's voice is hearty and righteous, and the expression on her face is very serious, even though the current Sesshomaru can only see his chin...

"……What do you want to do."

It was obviously a question, but at this moment, His Highness Sesshomaru used a positive tone.

After all, the person who binds the person and then holds the person's wrist seems to have no other adjective except malicious!

As for Ye Shenyue's harmless words, she directly poked her in the nose. After all, her strength was suppressed, her wrist was grabbed, and she was finally bound by iron chains.If this is not malicious then there is no malicious in the world.

It's just Sesshomaru herself... Well, she didn't even think that she attacked first, and Ye Shenyue was just defending herself and then resisting.

But the reason at the beginning was because Ye Shenyue came to peep and take a bath, so now it's not clear who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.

"Lord Sesshomaru!"

A slightly hoarse voice came.

This was the voice of Sesshomaru's retainer's wrong views.

"Lord Sesshomaru!"

At this time, the evil view, who heard the sound of fighting, also grabbed the crutches and ran here.

"Xie Jian, get out of here!"

But Sesshomaru's voice stopped the evil view.Intuition told him that His Highness Sesshomaru was in a bad state at this time, but he had to obey the master's order.

Under the situation of worry in his heart, he can only linger in place and defend here.

Then at this time, Sesshomaru, still in a cold tone, said something that made Yagami Yue almost let go with a shake of her hand.

That's what she said.

"If you think that you can suppress my power and get me, then you are wrong. All you can get is my body, but my heart... will have no room for disgust and resentment towards you."

ps: Roll around and ask for comments, let’s get acquainted with the diving.

Chapter 0022 was originally taught by the mother (four more subscriptions)

Sesshomaru's words are very long, but the simplification is: "If you force me, then the body that has been conquered cannot conquer the heart?"

To simplify it again, it is to occupy the body and not the mind.

"What did I say I would woo-ah-ah--?"

Ye Shenyue's eyes were wide open, as if she didn't know the girl in front of her. In fact, she had only just met. It's a pity that his face was buried so deeply under the boiling outfit that his chin was exposed, and Sesshomaru could see a ball. Weird.

She "can't see" Ye Shenyue's face, but she can hear Ye Shenyue's surprised tone, and then Sesshomaru easily misunderstood Ye Shenyue's shocked tone.

"Although I don't know where you came from, but if you lose, you lose. I can't stop what you want to do to my body, but whether it's a rush—chrysanthemum or tentacles—my heart will not fall, as long as I If you are still alive, then you must accept my wrath!"

The girl looked at Ye Shenyue with a serious and stern expression, making it impossible to doubt the authenticity of her words.

Then Ye Shenyue showed an even more stunned expression.

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