
How did Sesshomaru know the lines of this chrysanthemum?

No matter how you look at the Sesshomaru in front of you, he is an educated, very noble and extremely elegant person. Such a person can only exist in perfection... How can he even know this kind of chrysanthemum and sixty-nine styles?


Ye Shenyue felt that a certain string in his heart had just been raised and was cut off. First, he saw that this perfect Sesshomaru was a girl, then the string in his heart rose, and then he could not support it for ten minutes, and then he was cut off. Cut off without hesitation.

The image of the perfect Sesshomaru was destroyed.

"Wait! You give me a pause! How did you know this stuff!"

This is a really serious question.

This kind of feeling is like a father holding a condom and preparing to talk to his son about "safety knowledge". He didn't want to fight a simple son, but he is more proficient than him.

This kind of disparity...the contrast that makes people sting inside and out...is really... unacceptable!

After all, as a father, he found out that his daughter has been instilled with so many abnormal "ideas" that it is no wonder that it can be normal!So at this time, Ye Shenyue must first destroy the guy who taught Sesshomaru this kind of abnormal knowledge.

Is it evil?Is that the double bulb?

Ye Shenyue's body was faintly showing a terrifying aura, which made the evil view, who was worrying about her master and turned around, suddenly sweated. What does it feel like?

Could it be that what happened to His Highness Sesshomaru?

He wanted to rush up but... His Highness wouldn't let him move.


Because the wrong view, who didn't know what to do, grabbed his head vigorously, but the culprit who caused his troubles was furious at the moment.

Even though he couldn't see Yagami's face, Sesshomaru could still feel Yagami's anger.

Ye Shenyue is very angry, is there a more suitable person to teach Sesshomaru this "knowledge of love" and this "culture of continuation of human civilization" than him as a father?

Such a person...if it's a man...then it must be done a hundred times, a hundred times, chrysanthemum rushing—or something, of course, he didn't take the initiative to slam it—but throw this man into the pile of gays, I believe Bulky gays will love it.

Therefore, Ye Shenyue, who was annoyed that her daughter was taught "knowledge" first by others, was ready to close the door and let go of the gay.

Sesshomaru looked at Yashenyue strangely. She didn't understand what was going on with this man who didn't even dare to show his appearance, but she still answered Yashenyue's question.

"It's my mother-in-law, why do you have any opinions? If you are going to find her, please hurry up! She should not have slept at this time. But I tell you seriously, even if you put me on the bed with the mother-in-law. Let me suffer humiliation and I will not be conquered by you, at least my Sesshomaru heart will not."


Sesshomaru's hoarse and serious words made Ye Shenyue stunned for a moment, and then even Sesshomaru's wrist loosened, and the girl gained a brief moment of freedom, but her power was still suppressed by the Chain of Heaven.

Still can't use magic power.

On the other hand, Ye Shenyue was completely stunned.

He has already figured out how to punish the guy who dared to steal his limelight and impart knowledge about the "human treasures" of Sesshomaru.

Guys just let gays [-] times ah [-] times.

Girl...if you look good, come on, if you don't look good... um, what if you don't look good?

Ye Shenyue frowned slightly.

However, the current Sesshomaru has already said "the real murderer behind the scenes" - mother!


That is Sesshomaru's mother!

It's normal for a mother to impart knowledge to her children and it can't be normal anymore.

And also passed on the knowledge of mother and daughter together...

Ye Shenyue's expression was a little lewd.

Well, since it's Sesshomaru's mother-in-law... um, then this one hundred times is still effective, it's just that the perpetrator becomes himself.

Ye Shenyue's heart slowly recovered and then secretly made an oath.

And in the kingdom of monsters in the far west, the noble silver-haired woman leaning on the throne bored stretched her waist, "Is there still no news about Sesshomaru?"

Below her were a few monsters kneeling respectfully.

One of the monsters replied, "His Royal Highness Sesshomaru threw off our eyeliner and threatened to kill him in place if he continued to follow him."

"What an unlovable child..."

Madam pouted her lips slightly and then showed an interested expression, "That guy seems to have returned to this world, but I don't know what the scene will be when he encounters Sesshomaru? I taught her a lot of knowledge... Hopefully he won't be surprised."


The leaders of the monsters on their knees didn't even ask who the "he" was in the mouth of the bored Lingyue Fairy. After all, who else could make the princess of the monster clan talk about the current lady? ?

ps: ah ah ah... let me shout a few times, I have been reading novels for too long today, and my mind is confused.

Chapter 0023 The resentment of the killing pill (one more subscription)

Beside the pool, the girl was bound by iron chains and stared at a man in a white robe with bright eyes. After the girl found her answer, the man did not speak, as if he was silent, and added.

"If you are thinking about the success of catching the mother, then I will tell you directly that [-]% will fail, because she is guarded by powerful monsters of various races. Of course, if you can suppress the monster power. It may be possible to suppress those monsters. This may be the one percent success rate, but..."

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