By the bone-eating well.

"It's really hard work... Hey, Inuyasha, can't you do me a favor?"

A girl's voice came from the well and the front of a pink bicycle appeared first.

"I see that you are very strong! If I could save this time after waiting for so many days, I might have collected half of the Four Soul Jade."

The speaker was Inuyasha in red, and Inuyasha actually grimaced at Kagome. He was impatient waiting here. He thought Kagome would come back soon, but he didn't expect this guy to go away for half a month!

According to this turtle speed, the jade of the four souls may have been changed hands N times by other monsters and evil humans. Where can it be his turn to collect it?

So the current Inuyasha is very angry, but although he is angry, he still reaches out and pulls the bicycle up.

"I can't help it either. In modern times, I have to take classes."

Although her grades are not good... but it's not realistic for Kagome to be a good kid and skip classes, and what does grandpa think about have blisters on his feet, athlete's foot, dysmenorrhea...

Such an excuse... She really didn't dare to use it. Once she used it... She didn't want to go to school to face the strange colors of her classmates.

"Gao Wei, is your athlete's foot better?"

"Are the blisters gone?"

"Morstrual cramps..."

If asked by the classmates... Kagome just thought about it and felt that she wanted Sparta.

"Attend class?"

As an ancient half-demon resident Inuyasha expressed curiosity, but the word just came up and felt like a waste of time, "I'll talk about this later, hurry up and see where there are fragments of the Four Soul Jade? Hurry up and collect the fragments!"

"It's not cute..."

Kagome let out a long sigh and could only get on the car and prepare to leave the forest first, but Inuyasha stopped, "Is this the means of transportation for you? It seems that your world is also very strange, Not only clothes but also transportation. And the speed is too slow!"

"...You are too evil!"

Kagome was speechless, is this guy really his brother?The same bloodline Wei Mao himself does not have such ability?One jump is ten meters high and one jump is ten meters!

"After three hours of walking, I can finally rest."

However, Kagome, who was riding the bike at this time, suddenly heard a small sound, and Inuyasha also stopped, and then she felt that the bike was pressed against something and immediately stopped.

"The voice just now seemed to be Mingjia?"

Inuyasha crouched down and saw a squashed humanoid flea monster appeared under the bicycle.

"Master Inuyasha, I love you to death!"

The little monster Meiga with a long, sharp nose for sucking blood immediately jumped to Inuyasha's face and took a deep breath.


Inuyasha slapped it with a slap and made Meiga, who was flattened by the car, flatten again and finally landed on the ground.

Kagome squatted down a little strangely, and then took out a spray specially designed to fight bugs and sprayed it on Mingjia, who had turned from flat to round again.

"Uh what are you doing?"

Inuyasha looked at her strangely.

"Uh...I'm doing this...Isn't it right? Ye Shenyue said it's best to bring some insect repellent spray here. There are a lot of ancient insects here."

"That guy..."

Hearing the name Inuyasha's expression turned bad instantly, he once again humiliatedly remembered the dark history of being sealed in a tree by Kikyo and then tied by Yagami Yue with iron chains.

"What? I heard someone calling my name."

But then a hearty voice came over, Inuyasha subconsciously took two steps back, but Kagome showed a happy expression, "Ya Shenyue, you are here, which means that you have brought me an aircraft that can fly?"


Ye Shenyue has been caught by the owner of the life, and what Kagome is thinking about is his gift...

"Pfft~" With a crisp laugh, the girl showed a happy expression, "I finally made you show a tangled expression, who told you to always bully people."

ps: take a dip for diving.

Also, I don't know why Mao's comments today can't be opened, so I can't reply to you guys, I'm really sorry.

Chapter 0026 The reappearance of the sixteenth night princess (four more subscriptions)

I have never bullied you!

Ye Shenyue felt that his impression in Kagome's heart had become extremely bad, making him the Great Demon King of Confusion, no matter what he did, he was bullying people?

This is a real misunderstanding!

However, the aircraft Yagami mentioned by Kagome is really ready. After all, if Kagome doesn't have an aircraft, she can only lie on Inuyasha's back and... um, there must be physical contact.

As a man who had experience letting Kikyo lie on his back, Yagami certainly knew how much she would take advantage of if Kagome did this.

As a possessive man, Yagami Yue can't allow this kind of thing to happen.

So...even if you are desperate, you have to find a flying machine for Kagome. Of course, like the mica of the coral in the original book, it is very powerful, but this kind of monster is not something you want to catch, and it has to be a mother. Difficult.

Fortunately, he has a subordinate who likes to roam around casually. That guy Kagura has been considered a monster who has harmed one side of the monster in the past [-] years, and a small flying pink kitten can still be caught.So Ye Shenyue directly treats her pet as a gift to Kagome.

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