after all.

Ye Shenyue sees Kagura's wicked way of tying the kitten's neck and then tying it to the wooden table and only meowing is really pitiful, maybe it's Aiwu and Wu, and Yagami has Feiju, so it's very unfortunate for cats Animals are more emotional, and the kitten jumped on his hand immediately after he reached out his rescue hand, apparently broken by Kagura's bad taste.

How can you raise a kitten that is already spiritual as a specification that is inferior to an ordinary cat, but Kagura is a big devil and it can't beat her, so after Yashenyue rescued it, it has been obedient.

He grabbed his hand to his sleeve, and in the palm of his hand, a light and snow-white kitten appeared. The tip of his tail was a little purple, and even the four little claws were purple and looked extremely cute.

"Meow~~" It called softly and then intimately touched Ye Shenyue's palm with its little furry head, slightly stretched out its pink tongue and head and licked his fingers constantly.

"so cute!"

As a girl, Kagome certainly can't be exempt from "cute" and "cute" things, so her eyes suddenly lit up.Her fingers trembled slightly and touched the kitten's back, the cat turned her head and licked her fingers, and then Kagome made a cute expression.

"Is this kitten really meant for me?"

Her voice trembled, after all, the cat now is more than a hundred times cuter than her chubby cat. Even Chubby's stupid appearance can make her feel cute and even bring it to the bed to play. A really cute cat...that can definitely capture her heart.

"Well...but don't you make a point of showing it? I've worked so hard to save this cat...and quarreled with its original owner..."


The girl's mind took back a little, and she seemed to be hesitating. Ye Shenyue was right. There is no credit and hard work, and now the other party seems to be paying more than just hard work. She... seems to really have to pay a little bit.

The human-friendly kitten opened her dark green eyes and looked at Ye Shenyue. Although it was Ye Shenyue who rescued it from Kagura's hands... how could it only see Ye Shenyue's one-sidedness? Are you reprimanding Kagura?Although its heart is also dark...

On this side, Kagome looked at Ye Shenyue with her eyes closed, and her face turned red all of a sudden.

Looked at the kitten in his hand and then looked at Ye Shenyue's face, and then.

Then there is no more.

"Boom~" With slightly red cheeks, Kagome still closed her eyes and gently touched Ye Shenyue's cheek with her lips and lips, and then immediately turned her head to focus on the pet white cat she just got, which was only blushing. The neck still exposed her mood at the moment.

Such a picture that is not suitable for children makes the irrelevant juvenile Inuyasha turn around.And watching Kagome keep stroking the cat with both hands, he is not in a good mood. As a dog, he doesn't like cats... well, Inuyasha doesn't like it.

He will now squat down and look at Ming Jia, after all, there is still a "living mouth" on the ground. "By the way, Ming Jia, what are you doing here with me? I remember that although you are my retainer, you are always in danger when I am in danger. Which one escaped..."

Inuyasha clasped her slender fingernails on Meika, who finally survived Kagome's insecticide.


Mingjia showed an embarrassed expression, this is a real shame!Abandoning the master and then escaping... Mingjia's face was very red, he thought that Inuyasha didn't know, but he didn't expect... He knew it and still knew it...

"This time, this time there is something very important!"

Feeling that his credit was going down desperately, even Kagome, who met him for the first time, looked at him with contempt, Mingjia couldn't take it anymore and immediately sat on the ground with his feet exposed, "It's about the master, Inuyasha's sister Sesshomaru is now We are frantically searching for the cemetery of the master."

"Dad's grave?"

Inuyasha frowned, "What does that guy Sesshomaru want to do?"

"It's like this. It is said that the master left the sword of the sword for the child in the grave. As long as you get this sword, you can gain powerful power."

Mingjia explained, "Master Inuyasha, you can't let His Highness Sesshomaru take away what the master left you!"

"Dad left it to me?"

Inuyasha was slightly concerned. After all, he was now bound by Ye Shenyue's Heavenly Chain, which made him deeply aware of his weakness. If he couldn't rely on the Four Soul Jade to become stronger, then the knife left by his father...


A heavy cow cry came from the sky, and the whole sky instantly turned black as if it was enveloped by something.

This is demonic!

Powerful demon!

At this time, not only Yagami and Inuyasha looked at the sky above their heads at the same time, they saw the dark sky and an ox cart.

A jet-black cow was running in the sky, but the car it was pulling was extremely stable. You could also see a few little devils holding iron chains standing outside the gorgeous car.

At this time, perhaps the ox was driving too fast and the curtain of the car opened Ye Shenyue, but she was startled.

Because he saw someone who shouldn't be there.

Sixteen Nights Princess.

Inuyasha's mother!

ps: I'm really ashamed. I watched "Dragon Knight of Star Carved" and said that "Dark Bullet" is said to have a loli in an episode and dare not watch it...

Chapter 0027 True and False (one more subscription)

It is indeed Inuyasha's mother, Princess Izayoi, with a soft and beautiful face, long black hair, and fair and delicate skin.

Wearing a gorgeous dark red kimono, her eyes flashed with urgency and surprise through the wind that opened her eyes.

With his hands hanging on both sides of his waist, this time he pulled the curtain straight out and wanted to look down a bit more realistically.

"Moo~~~" the flying cow yelled and then stood straight in the air.

In the original book, Sesshomaru used the Izayoi disguised as a girl without a girl to deceive Inuyasha about the purpose of his father's grave, so what appeared in the sky was Izayoi without a girl disguised as a woman.

Now the appearance of the woman in the car in the sky is Izayoi, but what makes people stunned is that this is not without a woman, but the real Izayoi!

The distance between the sky and the ground is more than [-] meters. The eyes of a monster like Inuyasha can clearly see the appearance of the woman in red, not to mention Yagami Yue who is a collection of various powers.

It stands to reason that the appearance of no woman is very real. Even Kagome was deceived before until she saw Izayoi in the lake without a face, and then she realized that she was a monster, but now... looking at the woman above, Yagami feels that... …

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