The beautiful eyebrows of Princess Sixteen Nights frowned slightly and then a spring smile bloomed. The bright colors made Ye Shenyue feel that the princess in front of her... um, it seemed very unreal.

How could he have a kind of... Don't look at the Princess Wenwen's weak, gentle and gentle feeling, but she's actually very black-bellied.

Killing pills...

Ye Shenyue thought of that noble and elegant girl again. Although she was very partial to her daughters, how could she be abusing them this time?

ps: Keep rolling around for support. Speaking of the world you mentioned, where does Gensokyo Shenma have detailed information?

If I can have detailed information, I will write this...

She expressed her interest in that witch with bare armpits and the eldest lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion who likes to supplement her brain.

Chapter 0030 Pearl of the right eye (one more subscription)


The fluctuations in the air are getting bigger and bigger, and it seems that Sesshomaru who is outside can't wait any longer.

Really anxious guy.

Princess Izayoi's face was slightly dark, and she was obviously caught in the boundary between blackening and darkness. I really don't know how her resentment came.Or is this a common problem for women?

For example, feel the smell of Sesshomaru on his body?

Ye Shenyue's intuition told him that it was better to pretend that he didn't know anything about this kind of thing.

"what happened?"

And here Inuyasha and Kagome, who had fallen asleep under the hypnosis of the fragrance of the lotus, finally woke up. Inuyasha looked at the lotus, lotus, and green grass pavilions around with a strange expression, and Kagome was equally confused.

It's just that the two of them were stunned, and the meowing of a cat with purple claws called Xiaoye woke up at the same time, and then looked towards Yagami at the same time.

It's just that Inuyasha stared at Yagami, while Kagome looked at Princess Izayoi in surprise.


"Night God Moon!"

Inuyasha and Kagome shouted at the same time to make their presence more prominent.

The effect is outstanding, and Yagami and Izayoi, who were chatting intimately, looked over immediately.

It was only two pairs of clear eyes that met.

Inuyasha's eyes were the angry eyes of the unhesitating Chi Gogo, while Kagome's was a slightly deeper color.

They are...


Inuyasha's movements were faster than her voice and jumped directly between Yagami Yue and Izayoi, and Kagome didn't know how her human body was able to use her speed so fast, so she ripped open Yagami Yue's shoulders. Then, like Inuyasha, he inserted horizontally between Yagami and Izayoi to separate them.

"Ya, you, what are you doing? Princess Izayoi is Inuyasha's mother. Although she looks very young and beautiful, she is Inuyasha's mother after all. How can you attack her? Although her husband, Douya Wang, seems to have passed away, she is lonely and needs someone to comfort her... No, she is a soul now, and humans or demons and souls cannot be together. So you can't attack her , if according to the relationship you said, she is still my stepmother, so you can't... um... I feel that the relationship is so complicated..."

Kagome finally made herself a little dizzy, and if it wasn't for Yagami, she would probably have fallen over.

And Inuyasha on the other side is also making a cross, saying something like he misses his mother. Anyway, the purpose is extremely obvious not to let Yagami and Izayoi alone, guarding Yagami is like guarding against wolves, because Inuyasha Fifty years ago, I knew that the relationship between Yagami and Kikyo was very unusual. Now, no matter how you look at it, she is a philanderer. What if her mother was deceived by him?

Faced with this situation, Ye Shenyue really doesn't know how to complain. It should be said that these two are worthy of being brothers and sisters who have synced up at once and stood on a united front, destroying the relationship between Ye Shenyue and Izayoi.

But ah...

It seems that no one in this world can separate him and Izayoi, after all, they are a couple... and Izayoi will have a body right away.


The fluctuations in the space were even stronger, and everyone felt a tremor as if the space was about to be shaken.

"Looks like Sesshomaru can't wait... well, let's go out!"

Izayoi stood up and waved his hands in another dazzling white light, but when everyone's eyes returned to normal, they saw Sesshomaru standing in front of them.

Although she was a girl, Sesshomaru was taller than Inuyasha, and Kagome shuddered as her cold eyes swept over.

"Izayoi, can you tell the location of my father's tomb, the place that is visible but invisible, where is this place?"

Sesshomaru's tone was as cold as ever.

"Since you're in such a hurry, it's okay to tell you. What you can see but can't see is just a sentence, but this sentence refers to Inuyasha. In fact, there is another sentence, and that is the black pearl in the right eye."

"The black pearl in the right eye! I understand. No wonder you can't find the original father who put the grave in your right eye! Inuyasha!"

Sesshomaru's tone was slightly surprised and slightly dissatisfied.

She couldn't understand why her father would give up his powerful position to be with a mere human woman, and he still favored human women so much that in the end he even put the grave in the right eye of his and the human woman's child.

Clenched fist.

Sesshomaru stared at Inuyasha with even colder eyes.


Seeing that Sesshomaru already knew the location of the tomb, Inuyasha was a little anxious, but Izayoi shook his head, and then his dark eyes showed determination and confidence, "Inuyasha, it's okay, don't worry, your father said that what was left in the tomb was a The treasure that belongs to you, Sesshomaru can't be taken away. And to enter the tomb, you need her help."

It turns out that Princess Izayoi used Sesshomaru.

Kagome understood, but Sesshomaru snorted in disdain.

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