"All right--"

Inuyasha gave up resistance, since his mother said so, there was nothing to say, and he didn't covet his father's treasure, so he stood still.

On the other hand, Sesshomaru stood deep in front of Inuyasha, and the slender index finger seemed to gather electricity before reaching Inuyasha's eyes, and the pupils inside flew out immediately.


Sesshomaru shouted, and the little monster immediately ran over, holding a head stick in his hand and inserted it into the pupil.


The two heads of the head cane turned and the man's head laughed loudly, so sadly.

But this is the identification, only the man's head smiles is the real cemetery, and the cemetery where only the woman smiles is fake.

"Lord Sesshomaru, this is the real cemetery!"

After the appraisal, Xie Jian said excitedly, they have been looking for the tomb of the master for a while, but they did not expect to find it so easily.


At the same time, the black pupil immediately erupted into a black vortex after being touched by the head stick and formed a huge black hole.

That's the road that leads to King Douya's tomb.

ps: Keke, let’s talk about the update. The August update was changed to three a day and then added on Sunday. In July, the author is about to peel off a layer of skin...

Chapter 0031 Cherry Blossoms in the Tomb (two more subscriptions)

The huge black hole opened, Sesshomaru snorted and jumped in immediately, and the evil view as a retainer also ran in, Inuyasha gritted his teeth and jumped in, and Izayoi also prepared to go in, but night It was a little strange for Shenyue to see that Kagome didn't move.

"Don't want to go in and see what the tomb looks like?"

"This...that...this matter is Inuyasha's family after all. According to Princess Izayoi, it is something that King Douya left to Inuyasha. I...I won't go in."

Feelings are nothing to do with you.

Ye Shenyue coughed twice and persuaded, "Although it may be a treasure left to Inuyasha, but... as a daughter, I can get inside my father's grave to have a look. Don't forget that your father and Inuyasha's father are the same person."

"Is that so..."

Although I still find it difficult to accept that I have another pair of parents besides Hyundai, what Ye Shenyue said seems to be correct. As a child of human beings, why don't they even go to the tomb?Even if it is to do Kikyo a favor.

Kagome was silent for a while and then jumped into the black hole, while the kitten in her hand was lying on her shoulder and went into the black hole together.



And Princess Izayoi, who had not yet entered the black hole, continued to stare at him with those dark and pure eyes.The eyes are pure, but why do you always feel that there are so many frightening meanings in them?

"Cough cough..."

Ye Shenyue continued to pretend to cough, Miss Izayoi's swarthy and real eyes were really... tormenting.

Are you making fun of him?Or do you want to expose him?

Ye Shenyue felt that she... had to pay a huge price after resurrecting her.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he walked inside with Izayoi. After all, he came to find Izayoi's body and his goal was different from Inuyasha and the others.


A strong wind blew that made people unable to open their eyes until it took a while for the eyes to adapt. Ye Shenyue discovered that after passing through the black hole, it actually appeared in the sky, and could only fall down according to the factor of gravity, but he was not an ordinary person. , watching the skeleton bird flying around willingly to be used as a mount with a chuckle, a pair of wings made of dark red bats burst out from behind him, and his eyes also became blood red.

Then Ye Shenyue saw Princess Izayoi staring at him so directly, which made him feel hairy.

He was flying in the air and Izayoi Princess could also fly because of her soul, but the color in his eyes gave him a strange feeling.

The princess spoke.

The princess said softly, and then looked at Ye Shenyue herself, just when Ye Shenyue felt that she was going to say something terrible, the princess had an excited expression on her face, "Blood red eyes, like this The state is even better than the previous one, don't you think it will be more handsome this way?"


Ye Shenyue felt that it was not time to complain about the princess at this time, so he focused his attention on the bottom. Below was the wreckage of a huge monster, and only the top of the huge skull was high enough to fly.

"That...it seems to be a collection of wreckage that you've been killing monsters and collecting in the past."

The princess glanced down and saw the huge wreckage with only skeletons left, "But it looks really big like this."


Feelings, you just heard about it and didn't see it with your own eyes.

However, since the "old me" has already thought about it and even the skeleton of the "fake Douya King" is ready, then the next step will be according to the development of the plot, but the night Shenyue is obviously not here to watch the plot.

"Where did 'I' put your body?"

Ye Shenyue's goal this time is to resurrect Izayoi. Although this place may have been created by "self", at this time, she has no memory at all and doesn't know which way to go.

"Should be on... that side!"

The princess also hesitated for a while, then pointed to the direction away from the huge skeleton, with a confident expression, "Although this is the first time, it should be in that direction."

"This is the first time? Why are you so sure?" Ye Shenyue was also surprised. He was also here for the first time and had "been here". Even "he" made this place, but he doesn't have any feeling now. Princess Sixteen Nights is so confident.

"Just follow me."

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