However, the princess seemed to mind Ye Shenyue's suspicion and did not support her body to stand with him like a swirling butterfly flying towards the place she pointed away from the skeleton frame.

It was a brightly colored forest. It was the favorite and most beautiful cherry tree in Nihongguo. A whole row of cherry blossom trees were in full bloom. The petals swirling in the breeze had unusual colors, and the fragrance seemed to cover people completely. I live in general, but I feel refreshed just from a distance.

Izayoi had already fallen from the sky and stopped on the ground, but her spotless feet sank slightly. It was just that her soul seemed to be able to walk on the ground, but it was actually the reason why she was floating in secret.

But she spun around in this soil, and the wide kimono danced a gorgeous dance as if being blown by the wind.

On the other hand, Ye Shenyue stood quietly watching the cheerful dance of the girl, his eyes were a little blurry, and there seemed to be a vague impression in his mind, and it seemed that a luxurious princess danced for him in the midst of the cherry blossoms.

It's amazing, Ye Shenyue didn't feel familiar when he first arrived at the tomb, but now in this cherry blossom forest, he always felt extremely familiar.

Ye Shenyue closed his eyes and he was feeling, feeling the most familiar place in this cherry tree.


Izayoi has stopped dancing, she really likes this cherry blossom, and she recognizes that this cherry blossom was planted by someone she likes, so she dances happily.

Then he stopped and found that Yagami actually closed his eyes and walked towards a huge cherry tree on the left.

There is……

She suddenly understood, and at this time, Ye Shenyue's palm had already touched the tree trunk, as if stroking the lover's face, the whole huge cherry tree trembled and a figure slowly appeared.

Izayoi looked over and raised her head, she saw, saw the woman with clothes and ribbons floating quietly standing there.

The dark red one was a kimono made of high-quality satin, with long jet-black hair hanging down from the shawl, and a peaceful face with closed eyes.

This figure, this girl who was standing still, was her.

sixteen nights.

More precisely, it was her body.

ps: See bellflower again in the next chapter.

Then roll around asking for a subscription.

Chapter 0032 See also Campanulaceae (three more subscriptions)

The body hidden in the tomb appeared, not so much the tomb that entered this world to replace the identity of King Toya, but the tomb of Izayoi.After all, what is buried here is Izayoi's body and everything else is just a pretense. Like Inuyasha and the others, the huge body of the Tooth King is actually just a collection of various monsters, otherwise it will be in the stomach of the skeleton. There won't be so many tiny skeletons that will be broken into pieces.

The soul returned to the body, but then Izayoi's soul floated again, because the perfect fit between the soul and the body had dissipated for too long, so there was no way to control the body and could only fly again.

Then the girl stared at Ye Shenyue with dark and faint eyes without further ado, meaning to ask him what to do.She used to only listen to Ye Shenyue's promise that she would be resurrected and didn't know the specific steps, so now she can only count on him.

"Don't worry, I will do it if I promise you."

Ye Shenyue first comforted the princess, and then observed the cherry blossom forest. It stands to reason that if "he" arranged it, there must be some secret code or hint for him who does not have this memory now.


Ye Shenyue walked back and forth and looked at Izayoi. The serious expression made Izayoi almost couldn't help but want to see the flowers painted on her face from time to time, otherwise how could she be caught? Staring like this?

She followed Ye Shenyue's line of sight to look at her body and saw that the hem of her wide kimono was entangled with three little devils holding iron chains?Just wanted to shake and let the little ghosts fall, but a silver light flashed in the air, the three little ghosts screamed and were firmly bound by the lock of the sky.

"I'm really dozing off. Someone brought a pillow."

Ye Shenyue grabbed one end of the chain with one hand and hung the little devils up. The faces of the three little devils showed horrified expressions, kneeling and bowing again and again as if they had met the great devil.

How can they not panic?

They are the little ghosts of hell who specially come to capture all kinds of souls and go to hell. No matter who it is, whether it is a human being or a monster, as long as it is dead, they can take these strong or weak souls with a bundle of iron chains in their hands. tied up.They originally saw that Izayoi was a soul, so they ran over and wondered if they could catch her, but when they got close, they found that their bodies were so comfortable that they seemed to be illuminated by some nourishing light, so they watched Izayoi jump to the Inside the black hole, they followed suit and held onto Izayoi's skirt.

But I didn't expect to be trapped with iron chains now!They are little ghosts, not a species that can be harmed by humans or monsters!

But they were locked by iron chains, and the black iron chains on their hands were compared to the shiny silver ones...

The iron chain of the other party is much stronger than the one in their hands. It is not a level at all. They have no doubt that this person can kill them!

No one wants to die...not even a ghost who is already a ghost.


The voices of the little devils are hard to hear, but they are surprisingly understandable.

They are actually begging for mercy.

This time, even Izayoi's eyes widened. She returned to her own world from the world on April [-] and was entangled by three little ghosts in the car, but they didn't mean to attack, so she ignored them. But now these little devils are begging for mercy!

The kid who is neither afraid of humans nor monsters is begging for mercy!

"Open the gates of hell!"

Ye Shenyue is no nonsense. Originally, Izayoi was in hand, so I just cut Izayoi to bring her back to life, but Izayoi had already given her to Kikyo, so now I can only revive Izayoi from Kikyo. return.

And Kikyo went to hell to practice again, and now... it can only go to hell!And these little devils are hell species of course know how to enter hell.


The three little ghosts didn't dare to resist at all. They looked at each other and said something at the same time. The black iron chain in their hands also started to turn, and in front of the two of them appeared a dark wind that was constantly swept by a cold wind. hole.

"let's go."

Throwing the three little ghosts aside, Ye Shenyue picked up Izayoi's body and walked into the black hole, while Izayoi's soul quickly followed. Although the environment here was good, she didn't want to stay here alone. ...


First black and then bright!

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