The two roads were dark, but the road between them was bright yellow, and the surrounding air seemed to be imprisoned. Izayoi, who came in with Ye Shenyue, was also curious. He looked left and looked like he was shopping. generally.

Looking at the three trembling little ghosts Ye Shenyue leading the way in front of her, she felt helpless. Even ghosts are afraid of this hell.Instead of being frightened, he was slightly excited.

... Really when this is a tour of the mountains and waters?

In fact, if you really want to say that you need to be scared, it should be Ye Shenyue. After all, Izayoi is a female soul after all. It is not uncomfortable to come to a place like hell, and he, a living person, came in without being infected, fearful, and repelling the darkness. Dark breath "Zizzi..."

The three little ghosts screamed a few more times, and then their steps immediately chaotic and their feet were shaking violently.

"Yes, find a woman with a woman who can hack you to death... Wearing a witch costume, she has strong archery skills."

Ye Shenyue is communicating with the little ghosts, but these little ghosts are unwilling to move forward, even more frightened than when Ye Shenyue restrains them with the lock of the sky.

It can scare ghosts like this, Yashinyuki thinks... Well, Miss Kikyo can be used to scare children who don't want to sleep and love to play.

"Don't hurry up and go to bed, or Miss Kikyo, who is afraid of ghosts, will come to eat you!"


Ye Shenyue didn't embarrass the three little ghosts either. The lock of the sky was taken away at will, but she didn't put it away. Instead, she let it appear casually in the air to pretend to be forceful. The ghosts of the eyes do not dare to appear.

"call out--"

At this moment, a piercing arrow flew towards him. The arrow had a smell that could make people tremble, and the magic-breaking power contained in it had already surfaced on the surface of the arrow, as if it could cut through the skin. sharp.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue was holding the body of Princess Sixteen Nights in both hands, and there was no free hand to pick up the arrow, but there was a long silver chain above the sky that claimed to be able to be locked even by gods.

The lock of the sky spun quickly and then, like a long snake poised for prey, it directly wound into several pieces, stuck to the arrow and tied it up.

The arrow was firmly intercepted.


Shout softly.

She deliberately shot crookedly, but the arrow of breaking the demon was still cut off, which made the shooter a little curious, who is this person who rushed into hell?

Dressed in a red-and-white shrine maiden outfit, she carried a bland long sword with a discolored aura around her waist. She threw a second arrow on the ground in her hand, but this second arrow was Can't shoot at all.

Ye Shenyue looked straight at her.

After a long time, I finally saw her again.

Miko Bellflower.

ps: What's the matter with the internet speed?Refreshed N times before coming in...

Chapter 0033 In Hell (one more subscription)

It is indeed the Miko Kikyo, the black is like the long hair of a waterfall, and the white is like the creamy skin, serious and powerful.

This is bellflower.

"Night... Shenyue?"

Seeing Ye Shenyue Kikyo, she was dumbfounded. She stopped and ran over quickly. It stands to reason that Kikyo is a reserved girl who shouldn't run so recklessly. She is just alone in hell. Can't you be excited to see your lover appear after so long?

The girl moved to him.

"really miss you--"

With a soft but deeply nostalgic voice, the girl was already in her hand, and Ye Shenyue also called out the lock of the sky, first caught Izayoi's body, and then hugged the girl forcefully, as if to Integrate the other party into your own bones and blood.

He is promiscuous and at the same time, but there are always a few girls who occupy a very unusual position in his heart, such as Miss Yuko, such as Saber, and Biyou and another example...the Kikyo in front of him.

Just thinking about Yuu or Saber, how could I be the first to think of Yuko-san?

He hasn't pushed her yet...

Well, maybe it's because she hasn't pushed her to that position, so she has a higher position in her heart. Didn't they all say that a wife is not as good as a concubine, a concubine is not as good as stealing, and stealing is worse than not stealing?

But now is obviously not the time to think about these miscellaneous things, feeling the warm embrace of the girl in her arms, Ye Shenyue still exerts force as if only in this way can intuitively feel the existence of Kikyo.

But this is obviously not enough, Ye Shenyue looked down at this familiar face, and looked at the blushing lips and petals, and finally couldn't help the reunion of intimacy, Kikyo's cheeks were slightly red, but she still closed her eyes Let it be done.


It stands to reason that Princess Sixteen Nights is not a person who likes to be jealous. Even if she should be jealous, in the world of April [-]st, she should have been soaked in the jar of jealousy, but it is too thorough to be ignored now, even though I don’t know She has lived for a long time, but she is still a princess of a country in essence, and it is inevitable that Ye Shenyue uses the lock of heaven to take her body aside in order to hug Kikyo.

It feels like... being ruthlessly ignored.

That's not it, the two actually kissed happily as if in the whole world they only had each other in their eyes... and she... was excluded from the world.

Her heart is really sour and empty... If she doesn't have any sense of existence, she shouldn't be so powerless watching them make out.

"You are Izayoi?"

It is said that girls understand the heart of girls best, Kikyo pushed Ye Shenyue away at once, and then looked at Izayoi who was only in a state of soul.

"Ah... yes."

The princess who was still depressed, sad and ignored immediately nodded, but Kikyo's unexpected question made her seem a little nervous.

"This is not the place to talk, you come with me."

Kikyo smiled at her and turned around gently, "Miss Yuko has already told me about your situation."


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