Kikyo-san... You are jealous... jealous...

"That... Actually, I also prepared a gift for Kagome."

Ye Shenyue avoided Kikyo's eyes and said, but even he felt guilty for what he said.

"I didn't mention the gift, why are you so nervous?"

However, the sorceress suddenly raised her head, her dark eyes shining brightly, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Ye Shenyue instantly knew that she had been swayed by Kikyo.

However, if Kuang Guikuang showed a weak side at this time, he would probably lose his momentum for the rest of his life...

After the one with Princess Izayoi, what Ye Shenyue recovered was not only a part of the memory of Douya King, but also a guess.

According to my memory, I ran into this world because I couldn't stand Miss Yuko's strength, so I ran into this world and acted recklessly, but even if I didn't do anything, I still managed to keep the world roughly and didn't change the plot too much, that is to say, it was for the sake of Let the world go on according to the plot and then... wait for the current self to come.

My former self went to great lengths to hide from Miss Yuko and came to this world definitely not because I wanted to wait for my current self.

Especially after contact with Miss Yuko, Yagami Moon became more sober.

He seemed to understand what he was going to do with such a big net in the past - so, if he can't be caught by Kikyo now.

"I'm just worried that you say I'm biased—"

Ye Shenyue hugged Kikyo in her arms and kissed her white cheek, "According to the direction of the world, except for the iron broken teeth will be given to Inuyasha, and this natural tooth will probably be given to Sesshomaru. It's Kagome..."

Ye Shenyue paused and tightened the Kikyo House, "Why didn't you say we already had a child at that time?"

"Even if I fall into hell, I want peace in the world, so reincarnating Kagome in another world is the best way."

When it comes to the child's shrine maiden's body softening a bit, there is no real mother who does not show emotion when dealing with the crystallization of her lover.

"But now the Jade of the Four Souls has come back, and it was splashed out by Kagome's arrow of breaking the devil into countless pieces, but we can take this opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to spy on those who have evil intentions on the Jade of the Four Souls. Kill the monsters and humans! Otherwise, even if the jade of the four souls returns to modern times, these humans and monsters with dirty hearts will follow. There are so many people and so many monsters, how can you tell that they are good at once. It's still bad, so we just need to aim at these monsters and humans who have grabbed the fragments of the Four Soul Jade. This is faster than when you received the news and killed the monsters one by one. Do you think it's ruthless? The urge and desire to play hard?"

... "It does seem so—but."

Kikyo touched his face suddenly, "Why do I feel that you are trying to help me and want me to return to this world with you?"

A woman's intuition is really amazing!He really wanted to deceive Kikyo into the world and then leave it to Kikyo to do things like Kikyo when he had nothing to do.

However, Ye Shenyue's face did not show the slightest bit of embarrassment, "I really want to be with you, otherwise I wouldn't be here."

Originally, he came to resurrect Princess Izayoi, but now it is said that he came specifically for Kikyo. Even the thoughtful Kikyo understands, but looking at his serious expression, he can't think of rejection.

God knows how these [-] years have passed, and she has already let Princess Sixteen Nights go back. If there is no accident, then it is very likely that Princess Sixteen Nights will monopolize Yeshenyue, and she has to stay here. ?

This is so... unpleasant!

Kikyo looks gentle but slaying is resolute. Back then, the witch Tsubaki wanted to plot against her because of jealousy, but she mercilessly threw Tsubaki's shikigami back with a bow and arrow to make Tsubaki lose his appearance.

From this, it can be seen that no woman is a fuel-efficient lamp.

And if you don't know now, even if you know it, you still let other women mix with your lover. Even if the name is true, it will make people feel dissatisfied, and the princess of the sixteenth night is very wrong, because The princess' husband is called "Douya King" and now Ye Shenyue's name outside is still Ye Shenyue, not Douya King.

In other words, this is her man.The man who always guards her side with a gentle smile and defends against monsters with her.

Well, to put it bluntly, the Miko-sama at this time is actually jealous.Especially after listening to Princess Izayoi revealing how her husband cared about her inadvertently, not only accompanying her but also planting countless cherry trees for her.

The most direct consequence is that now, Lord Kikyo is like a vinegar jar with a sour taste. If he didn't have self-control, he would have turned it over by now.

Otherwise, how could Ye Shenyue hug and hug her?

But when Ye Shenyue proposed to take her outside and continue to be together.

Slightly pinching the placket, the witch shook her head.

Somewhat lost.

"I can't go to that world anymore."

ps: Thanks for Liyu's suggestion, it's very useful.

Chapter 0038 The defeated Sesshomaru (two more subscriptions)

I can't go to that world anymore.


Ye Shenyue could see that Kikyo didn't want to but lost.

Her fair hands seemed to be cold with the loss in her heart, Ye Shenyue held her tightly, and then saw the sudden flash of inspiration in this splendid palace, she remembered whether it was the active Gaia or the temporary world. Migo Shizuku, the chairman of the power of management, said a word.

As a god, if he is too powerful, he cannot bring his true body to the world.Because once they appear so powerful, they will directly crush the plane.

So both Gaia and Yuko either sealed most of their power or appeared in the world through other means.

Yuko can appear in various worlds and can still be calm. In the world of April [-]st, it is estimated that he has sealed most of his power, and the president is only acting on behalf of him without the real power of God, so he can reach the world of King Arthur. .

And now the Kikyo, even the temple is out, obviously can only stay here, when her real body appears, the world of Inuyasha is estimated to be ruined.

But it doesn't seem to be impossible.

Contacted the ceramic bellflower in the original work, well, Yagami immediately grabbed the bellflower again and pulled her into his arms.

When he was about to bring his mouth to Kikyo's ear, he quickly said a few words, and then watched the girl's expression slowly become happy, Yagami Yue knew that this method would work.

"Take care of yourself outside, even if you need can't be too unrestrained, it's not good for your health."

It's just that when Kikyo sent Yashinyuki to the gate of the temple, she said what she shouldn't have said.

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