"Also, be nice to Kagome."


It seems that Kikyo already knows, and knows that he has been watching Kagome again and again, but she can say that, which means she acquiesced?Even after returning to this world, will he treat Kagome according to the rules he set?

Ye Shenyue just turned around in a dark mood, but found that Kikyo had disappeared, as if she hadn't said that.

"What a dishonest child."

Ye Shenyue thought in a relaxed mood, but when she walked to the golden road, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth and walked towards the dark place full of ghosts.

The temple has divinity. These ghosts in the dark are naturally afraid of this kind of thing, so when the soul of Kikyo leaves, you don't have to be afraid of these ghosts. It's just a rare visit to hell. If you don't have a good time, is it a bit of a loss? ?

And here Kikyo is observing the scene of the tomb of the dog general in the temple with a glass ball infused with spiritual power that can reflect the reality of the scene.

Always mothers have to pay attention to whether their children are in danger or something.

It's just that the loud noise at this time made Kikyo froze for a while and then laughed a little.

The crystal ball turned again and it became a battle in the blood-stained hell. The man named Ye Shenyue was playing with her ghosts who had already returned to their hearts.

Forget it.

Kikyo smiled slightly and then exposed the matter. She was admitted by all the ghosts. It stands to reason that she brought Yagami and Izayoi in directly before, but Yagami came in completely in a human form, and her strength could not be used by others. He only thought he was an ordinary person, but he just went out and went to fight with these ghosts and gods in hell.

While fighting, he shouted, but whenever he saw a handsome male ghost or a male ghost in a humanoid form, he immediately shouted angrily, "The Kikyo is my wife, if I can't beat me, then why would you want a toad to eat swan meat? ?"

She looks like she wants to beat to death anyone who spied on her.

This guy is really a kid.

It's just saying that, but the witch feels a little sweet in her heart for some reason...

The light flashed and Yagami, who had adapted to the colors of hell, couldn't help covering her eyes with her hands, and then she saw the huge skeleton that was condensed from the remains of many monsters, and the broad shoulders at the top of the skeleton.


On the shoulders appeared a huge but smooth and shiny haired dog demon with a half-moon on its forehead, followed by a red fire rat robe holding a silver-white bright sword. The young man, the blade in his hand waved and immediately a strong wind blew the dog demon's hair upright...

That one... is Iron Broken Teeth!

Ye Shenyue looked around and saw Kagome looking at Inuyasha with a surprised look at Inuyasha waving Iron Shattered Teeth. She couldn't imagine why the knife Inuyasha was holding was just a tattered knife when she just pulled it up, but she shouted "" I don't want to, but I will protect you."

Immediately after that, the knife changed, like a prince turning into a frog... um, it should be a frog suddenly turning into a prince!

Even the mighty Sesshomaru turned into the form of a monster with the aura of that sword.

"Seshomaru, just cry! Look at the treasured sword that my father left me!"

Inuyasha, who was originally depressed with the broken knife, was immediately ecstatic when he discovered that the broken knife had turned into a treasured sword, and with the iron broken tooth in his hand, he rushed forward without any fear of the completely demonized Sesshomaru.


Of course Sesshomaru wouldn't cry, she was just roaring, roaring at the behavior of this younger brother.

She was beaten to death by her just now, but when she got Iron Broken Teeth, she immediately started coaxing her, which was really annoying!Make the demon unhappy!

It's just that no matter how hard Sesshomaru tries, it's not enough in front of Iron Broken Teeth, who can kill hundreds of demons.


With a loud roar, Sesshomaru immediately let out a painful cry, and the scarlet blood fell to the ground. If it hadn't been able to escape the ultimate move at the center of Iron Shattered Teeth, then a 3.6 arm would have been completely broken!

But it is undeniable that her screaming has shown that she has lost, lost completely!

The fierce glaring Inuyasha glanced at the huge body jumped up in the air and curled up into the size of a bead, and then fled away with the secret technique of the monster family.

For Sesshomaru to enter the grave... it's really resentment, a lot of resentment, others can still steal chicken without losing rice, but she... she got nothing and almost got her arm cut off.

But now it is impossible to escape!

ps: I want to complain... It means that the cross and the vampire have been written.

However, He Juxin, who recommended the jet-black bullet, doesn't know that the author's defense is too low?I don't even dare to watch the big sword, and I don't even dare to watch this one with a loli in every episode...

Chapter 0039 Leave (three more subscriptions)

The whole person turned into a white bead and fled quickly, and the speed was so fast that Inuyasha couldn't even react, even if he had Iron Broken Teeth in his hand, he couldn't catch up.

"This is the Iron Broken Tooth left by Master Inuyasha. It seems that the legendary monster that can break hundreds of people with a single swing of a knife is not fake."

Flea Mingjia was carrying a dark green burden on his back, and then stood on the shoulders of the wreckage of the huge monster and hugged his shoulders. The luggage that had been packed long ago, ready to escape, was really a bit imposing.

"That's what I said, but where were you, Mingjia?"

However, Inuyasha has one foot on him, and he is also followed by retainers, but Sesshomaru's wrong views are loyal and loyal, but his own Mingjia flees immediately when he sees something bad!

And still leave the master and run away!

"Ah... Master Inuyasha... In fact, I just went to find a way for us to leave this place, look!"

The body changed from flat to round again, and then from round to flat again. Finally, in order to save his life, he immediately pointed all four hands in one direction. 07 Those are two skeleton birds, Inuyasha can't fly and the opening to leave this cemetery is in the sky, so it can only fly up with wings.


Inuyasha still didn't believe it when he moved his feet away, but there was really a skeleton bird standing there, and it was hard to say that Meika was lying.

On the other hand, Kagome is speechless. She is smarter than Inuyasha. Of course, she knows that Mingjia is only saying this to save her life. This skeleton bird is probably found for her own escape, but now she can help it defuse Inuyasha's offensive. .

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