However, Kagome, who likes to respect the old and love the young, did not expose Mingjia.

Inuyasha was in a very good mood after slashing Sesshomaru with a knife, but when he put the iron broken tooth back into the scabbard and then pulled it out, he found that the iron broken tooth had turned into a tattered broken knife again.

This is how the same thing?

"Is this knife really Iron Broken Teeth?"

Kagome murmured.

"Well, it was indeed reserved for Inuyasha by King Douya, but I originally wanted to let Inuyasha protect me, but I didn't expect that not only did he die so early, but I also made Inuyasha grow up alone. But Inuyasha, It's really nice of you to grow up to be this mom."

A soft and pleasant voice came over.


Inuyasha hurriedly turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, only to see that Princess Izayoi also came to the broad shoulders of the skeleton at some point.

"However, this knife has to have a "protective" heart to exert its power. In fact, it has such characteristics because your father made this knife with the thought of protecting his mother. It is just to protect human beings. The sword was made, so the barrier on the sword rejected the pure-blooded Yokai Sesshomaru, but Inuyasha has human blood so it can be used."

Princess Izayoi explained in detail there, but somehow Kagome had a strange feeling.

It's just that at this time, I can't tell what this strange feeling is.

"Okay, mom is going back to where she's going, Inuyasha needs to take good care of herself, and..."

Izayoi nodded towards Kagome again, "Although Inuyasha is an older brother, I hope you, as a younger sister, will not be afraid and try your best to supervise him."

Kagome stayed for a while. She didn't expect Izayoi to suddenly say such words to her, but it was a little comfort in her heart. After all, Inuyasha still had a rosary on her neck, although it was a restraint, but if Inuyasha's mother knew about it. It made her think that she was suspected of bullying Inuyasha, but now that even the mother said that, it seems that there is no problem.

And Inuyasha was a little dazed.


Even my mother said so, so this Kagome is really his sister?

If that's the case, is that Ye Shenyue really his brother-in-law? ...

"Then... let's go too, we've already fought a battle at Dad's cemetery. If we continue to interrupt, I'm really sorry Dad."

Seeing the mother sitting on the skeleton bird and leaving the figure, she finally retracted her eyes because of the distance.

At this moment, Inuyasha only felt at ease physically and mentally. Although he was injured by Sesshomaru in the body of the skeleton, his body was a little bit painful, but he was happy when he saw Tie Shaya, who had changed back to the prototype in his hand.

Mom also met and the treasure left by Dad was also his.

What a good feeling this is, it's completely different from when my father didn't see my mother die.

Next, as long as he collects the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, no matter if he can swallow the fragments and become a big monster, he feels that as long as he takes this path, he can become stronger.

Like the powerful Sesshomaru, he was cut down by him...

Well, in fact, Inuyasha was secretly happy that he could defeat the pure-blooded Yokai Sesshomaru, so he felt extremely happy.

It feels a little bit of a villain.

It's just that if he knew that the reason why Sesshomaru retreated was not because she was defeated, but because Tieshaya already belonged to Inuyasha, he would not be so happy to leave with a sigh of hatred.After all, Sesshomaru came here to win treasure, not to fight.

"Ah... I finally know that something is wrong there!"

However, at this time, Kagome, who was in a daze looking at Izayoi's distant direction, suddenly called out.

She looked at the distant Princess Izayoi and finally found something wrong. She and Princess Izayoi had not met a few times, but the Izayoi just now gave her a very wrong feeling, that is the shadow!

Although there is no sun in this world, there is light as long as there is light.

She saw the shadow of Izayoi!

If it's just a has no shadow!

But Izayoi has a shadow!

So it made her feel weird.

In other words, Princess Sixteen Nights is someone else pretending to be?

Impossible, a person can pretend but the emotion in her eyes will not be fake, those are the eyes of a mother, when she looked at Inuyasha, Kagome reminded her of her mother in modern times.

And what is the plot of pretending to be?Even if you want to plot, you should stay, but you leave so quickly!

Therefore, it can only be said that it is the real Sixteenth Night Princess.

Princess Sixteen Nights is resurrected?

Kagome exclaimed because of her conjecture.


Inuyasha, who was on top of his head, looked at Kagome. Regarding this "sister", Inuyasha was clearly in a good mood right now, "Well... no, it's nothing."

Kagome hurriedly shook her head, since Princess Izayoi could be resurrected and she didn't tell Inuyasha that she must have a reason, she should not destroy it.


Kagome looked around, Izayoi appeared so where did Ye Shenyue go?

ps: as always asking for comments.Also, the authors of the lords want to smash that book of "Naruto: Shinji's Counterattack" and then write this book with all their might...

Chapter 0040 Fatal flaws (one more subscription)

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