Kagome looked at the empty surroundings and a big question mark appeared in her heart.

"Princess Izayoi not only appeared but also resurrected, but what about that guy Yashenyue?"

After coming out of the cemetery, Inuyasha immediately put the pupil back into his body, and Kagome looked left and saw but couldn't see Yagami.

That guy must have released her pigeons again.


The little demon who was placed on Kagome's shoulder raised its furry face and looked at its master strangely.

"Xiaoye... No, there's nothing wrong. I'll give you a new name, okay?"

Kagome noticed the movement of her new pet and put the kitten in her palm, stroking its fluffy little head, "A very meaningful name."


Although it is a monster, the IQ of the kitten in front of him is obviously only the level of the mica of the coral, so he can only make a meow sound and cannot speak.

"How about you call Xiao Yeye in the future?" The cat who didn't know why suddenly felt that the girl with a sweet smile on her face was a little scary at the moment.


The kitten's round eyes showed a confused look.


Inuyasha, who is on his head, is also a little bit incomprehensible. Although most of his thoughts are in the iron broken teeth, he is a half-demon after all, and his exposed white ears are not used to eat dry food. His hearing is stronger than ordinary people. More than one.

"Xiao Yeye? Why does this name make people feel a little scary?"

"You must have heard wrong."

Kagome immediately said, "Instead of having this time, it's better to go and see where there are fragments of the Four Soul Jade!"

"Uh... This is your job, right? If I can see where I need to bring you?"

"Then let's wash and sleep first."

The girl felt that there were more important things at the moment, and it was related to the plan to make him sick the next time she saw Ye Shenyue.


Looking at this serious-looking younger sister Inuyasha for some reason, I felt a sense of fear and always felt that the other party seemed to become stronger all of a sudden.

"But shouldn't we find the fragments of the Four Soul Jade first?"

Seeing that the time is still early, Inuyasha said cautiously.

"Fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls? How could there be such a place?"

Kagome's voice suddenly got stuck, as if she had suddenly seen something unbelievable.


There are really fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls!

Kagome reluctantly then waved at Inuyasha, "It's the monster that can only fly, that ugly monster with no hair has a fragment of the jade of four souls on its forehead."


Inuyasha's eyesight is better than Kagome's and then slightly puzzled, "That ugly monster doesn't have no hair, there are three hairs on his head."

"Uh...this...that kind of thing is fine, anyway, there is a fragment of the Four Soul Jade on that monster's forehead. Let's keep up with it and attack it when it hits the ground!"

Kagome complained feebly, what is that kind of head with only three hairs that is not bald?


The ugly looking monster with only three hairs in the sky Mantian took out the mirror and looked at his three hairs, how could he feel unhappy just by looking at it?

But when he looked down, he showed a cruel smile, "I found the fragments of the Four Soul Jade that Brother Feitian needs!"

His big eyes stared at a long fox below with a faint color of joy on his face, "That fox not only has fragments of the Four Soul Jade but also that fur... um, it can also be used as a belt."

It's just that he was going down without noticing that he was being followed.


Ye Shenyue, who was on the move, sneezed suddenly.

Who the hell is thinking about him?

At this moment, he didn't know that he was being teased by Kagome with the innuendo of a cat's name.After leaving the cemetery, he saw Sesshomaru flying away and followed.

Sesshomaru was running very fast, but Yasushi was not in a hurry, as if he was on a sightseeing tour, so when he found Sesshomaru, he was already leaning against a tree with his back on his back and his arms were still bleeding. .

It seems that Iron Broken Teeth's blow was not useless, but was too useful, directly causing the arrogant monster to bleed.It was just that Shenyue was just about to go to the night before, but she hesitated for a while, and then took out the must-have dress for going out from the space - the boiling dress.

Covering most of her face, Ye Shenyue pretended to see Sesshomaru fall, while Sesshomaru was still resting and panting when she found someone coming, and immediately opened her eyes, and the anger in her eyes flashed.

It is also a dog demon and a pure blood dog demon.Sesshomaru is far superior to Inuyasha in both hearing and smell, so when Yagami appeared, he immediately sniffed out his breath and knew it was him.

The glare in the eyes, then returned to calm.

There was a hint of mockery on the corner of the girl's mouth, "I've been waiting for you for so long. I've been waiting for you for a long time. I've already seen your appearance and you don't need to hide it any more."

Between the words, Sesshomaru had already pointed out that he recognized Ye Shenyue.

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