"Uh, what are you talking about, Kagome? Little... Ye Ye?"

What made Kagome a little unbelievable was that Yashenyue's actions froze and then immediately stared at her, her serious and fierce eyes made her panic.


The girl couldn't bear it, and she knew that it was comforting to name the kitten, but the consequences were also very serious.

What Ye Shenyue resents most is her nickname, even if Ye Ye still has at least the first character of his name, but this little Ye Ye is absolutely not good!

Even though it was the name of a cat, no matter what, I felt...very tangled!

little night... little night...

"Change one, definitely change the name!"

Ye Shenyue said mercilessly, "If that's the case, then use your original name. What was your original name?"

Ye Shenyue nodded the kitten's head, but the kitten pressed his hand with her face intimately.

Although the kitten's practice is not enough to speak at 270, it cannot deprive it of its instinct. It instinctively feels that the breath of Ye Shenyue is very beneficial to it, and it seems that even the cultivation has improved many times.

"Meow~~" The kitten raised its face and faced Ye Shenyue with a tearful expression. When it was captured by Kagura, it was directly asked by Kagura to change its name, and then was rescued by "Ye Shenyue". "After that, it was named randomly, and then it was renamed by Kagome without authorization. It knows that its position is low, but now it can be restored to its original name. How comfortable it is!

"Oh, yes, then from today onwards you are the cat demon Shanpu."

Ye Shenyue nodded, while the others looked at Ye Shenyue strangely, because what Shanpu made was just a meowing sound, Qibao Meijia and Inuyasha who were monsters could understand but Kagome who was human listened. Meow's voice still only knows that the kitten is meowing.

Humans can't understand the original voice of youkai!

This guy is even more monster than a monster!

Inuyasha was depressed again.How can such a person be beaten?

ps: To complain about Qibao's girly children's shoes, I just want to say that the next one came from y bar, so the defense is relatively low, this book can also be read with negative defense, if Qibao is a boy, even a child, but always Can you accept being held by Kagome?

It's just that if the male owner has a male pet and is held by the female owner, he will be called thunder, let alone Qibao.

So Qibao can't be seen by girls?And Qibao... um, its appearance, the author can't make up for it, so it's not a base--

Chapter 0050 rosary beads on the spirit (two more for subscription)

"Master Mage, thank you!"

A family respectfully sent a young man in a blue mage robe out of the door, and the young mage raised his head slightly with a dashing smile, "This is what my generation should do, save others from fire and water. among."

The seriousness and smile on the young mage's face made people feel that this was a real mage.

"Really a powerful Master Mage."

"That's right, so humble."

The people who watched the mage leave were full of admiration, but what was surprising was that the mage's sane expression changed instantly, revealing incomparable resentment, "I thought she would be a beautiful princess, but I didn't expect to be so ugly, Well... Forget it, I finally got the fragments of the Four Soul Jade!"

The mage's resentment disappeared instantly, and he patted the purse he just got. "And I also got a lot of money... Where should I go next? It's really refreshing..."

I don't know if I thought of the lascivious look on the face of the girl Mage who accompanied the wine.

"What, this mage looks so scary..."

"Let's leave quickly, it would be bad if we got entangled..."

It was the voices of the girls nervous and panicked as if something terrifying had happened.

"Cough cough..."

The mage finally realized that something was wrong, so he immediately walked in the direction of the hotel, still thinking about how to spend the money...

It's just that the mage's movements suddenly stopped because a man appeared in front of him.

A man who almost hides his body under the guise of a baboon.

The man only showed a chin, but the mocking color seemed to show without a full face.

"It seems that a person with the identity of a mage is just a good-looking young man who can't control himself."

Ye Shenyue looked at the mage Maitreya with slight contempt. After he knew that Kagome and the others had accepted Qibao as a teammate, he remembered the lecherous mage in the original book.This mage doesn't even care about seeing the girl, and immediately goes forward to hold the other party's hand and shouts terrible words like "please give birth to a child for me".

Although he did not succeed, it is undeniable that the girls took advantage of him!

If the mage also joined the team looking for the fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls, he would probably attack Kagome, so Yagami said goodbye to Kagome first and they found the mage first.

"who are you?"

The mage stepped forward with his right foot and took out his staff with a serious look on his face. Although it is unlikely that most of them are suspected of cheating, he is not really at least able to distinguish between people and monsters.

This man who hides his body in a baboon costume not only does not show his true face, but also has the kind of monster aura on his body, which lets him know that the person in front of him is a monster!

And he is a mage!

It is the absolute duty of the mage to fight against monsters.And the other party made him feel bad.

"Half demon Nai Luo."

Ye Shenyue calmly reported the pseudonym, but the opposite Maitreya suddenly widened his eyes and his expression became even more nervous. The two different expressions of nervousness and seriousness merged to reveal the strangeness. Very looking.

"Narro! You are Naraku! So it's you!"

The mage's voice became very excited, "It turns out that you are the guy who cursed our family, I want to kill you!"

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