The mage's voice was excited but his movements were not slow. When he finished speaking, the seal on his palm was released, revealing the wind cave inherited from his grandfather who was attacked and cursed by Kagura!

It was a dark cave that seemed to have infinite suction.The huge suction came and sucked the stalls on the street, but it was very strange that when the huge stall and the big tree were uprooted, the wind cave was still sucking, and poured directly into the wind cave!

Like a black hole.

"There really is such an ability in this world."

Whether it's Iron Broken Teeth, or the Thunder Beast Brothers' ability to control thunder and lightning, or Zhu Jiujie's obedient collar, this world is amazing. Let Maitreya have strong suction.

The only downside is that the suction will continue to grow and eventually swallow Maitreya.

Not only items but also livestock were sucked into the wind cave.

"But it's still too weak!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly sprinted forward and got closer in the Mage's surprised eyes. Maybe the Mage at this time was still thinking about whether this Naruo was looking for her own death, but Ye Shenyue's offensive suddenly stopped. Standing like a mountain, it can still attack.


With his fist embedded in his abdominal cavity, Maitreya squatted down because of the severe pain.

"It's just that you can't kill me now, so you can't unravel the curse, but this time I'm here to give you something."

, "East... something?"

Knowing that he didn't need to die, the mage felt a little more relaxed, but still glared at Ye Shenyue.Because his grandfather was cursed by a monster named Naraku and died young.

If Naraku is not killed then he or his children will continue to be cursed!

"This is it!"

Ye Shenyue took out a string of completely pitch-black beads from the bag, "The rosary of rebooting!"

According to the method taught by Kikyo, Yagami put the bead in her hand and injected a part of the magic power, and the rosary immediately exploded towards Maitreya's neck.Eventually a ray of light flashed through the air and was completely trapped around his neck.

ps: Speaking of which, what do you think of the dark bullets?Well, I saw a lot of loli authors and I couldn't hold it anymore, even if I knew there was thunder, I was tenacious...

Chapter 0051 The rosary bead speaks the spirit (three more subscriptions)

The rosary of rebooting!

Maitreya stared blankly at the departing figure of Yashenyue, who had the rosary wrapped around his neck with the Spirit of Words.

Not only did he not kill him and then gave him a rebooting rosary?

What does this naruto mean?

Naraku is the big enemy of their family, the guy who cursed them!To unlock the curse, only kill each other!

But why didn't the other party kill him?

and many more……

Maitreya looked at the small bag that had emptied in his arms. The fragments of the Jade of Four Souls had disappeared. It should have been taken by Naruo!Ban Yao Na Luo also wants to collect the fragments of the Four Soul Jade!Could it be that Naraku left him just to let him continue to collect the fragments of the Four Soul Jade and take it from him again|!

Treat him as free labor?

And also used rosary beads for rebooting.Is it to make him unable to find a girl to give birth to his offspring and then die like this?

Naruto!You are poisonous!

The mage stood up from the ground and touched the rosary with his hand, but found that there seemed to be no problem. Could it be that the effect is not good?

"Hey...beautiful girl!"

The mage stood on the street and looked at a girl in fancy clothes walking by with a confident smile, "Can you give birth to me... eh? What's going on?"

The mage found his own sentence, "Have you given birth to a child for me?"

His signature words could not be said, as if some force directly restrained his mouth and let him say it.

Is it the rosary?

Seeing the girl's pretty face, the Mage's heart sullenly stepped forward and wanted to hold the girl's hand familiarly, but only had this idea and his hands actually betrayed like this.

"Clap clap clap!"

With the crisp sound, people on the entire street looked strangely at the mage who was smashing his own mouth.

"Isn't there something wrong with my brain at such a young age?"

"It's terrifying, I saw this mage laughing so lewdly just now... It's really unbelievable..."

Again there was a lot of discussion.

"Ah...what's going on here!"

The mage screamed.

"Hey, Inuyasha, let's go to the side, it would be bad if we got involved."

Kagome said with lingering fears, the target of this mage was her just now, but I didn't expect people in this world to be really strange, and slapped her face all the time.

It's terrifying.

It seems that Ye Shenyue is still normal, but I don't know where that guy has gone, and he always disappears.


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