The mage felt sad and angry, but he was still smacking his mouth, this is... a rosary for rebooting?

Naraku, I hate you!

There are also a few good-looking girls on the street. The mage has just moved his heart, but the strength in his hands is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole face is swollen high.

At the same time, in another wolf mountain.

The environment here is beautiful and the waterfalls and streams are very suitable for the activities and reproduction of wolves.But at the moment, the wolves were constantly wailing because an uninvited guest broke in.

The wolves howled and surrounded a man dressed as a baboon, but what these ferocious guys didn't understand was that they had a sense of fear, and the man just appeared to make them feel a kind of fear. a feeling of.

So even a howl isn't much stronger than a puppy's whimper.

"Is that you? The guy who dared to come to my steel teeth!"

A rebellious youth of the wolf clan appeared.As soon as he came out, he stepped into a pit and looked very imposing. Of course, if he was surrounded by standing men and horses, he would be even more imposing, but these wolf demons who turned into humanoids were lying on the ground without images. The constant screaming was obviously just knocked down.

"Are you Steel Tooth?"

And Ye Shenyue looked at him calmly, the demon power on Gang Tooth was not much, maybe it was weaker than Inuyasha without Iron Broken Tooth except for the fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls.

"It's me! The one who dares to beat me... well, I'm not happy!"

Steel teeth showed two sharp teeth, which are similar to the dog and demon clan. The teeth are very sharp, but steel teeth are not only sharp, but also move quickly.

Like a whirlwind, it disappeared from the spot in less than a blink of an eye, and then appeared on the side of Ye Shenyue and swept over with a heavy leg.

Two pieces of the Four Soul Jade were attached to his legs, so the speed was increased to an unimaginable level.He has the confidence to kick this guy who dared to singled out but didn't dare to show his face!Let him know that the wolf demon is not easy to mess with.

"call out--"

Even the close-range attack made a flying sound because of the speed, but Ye Shenyue moved abruptly to the left, and then gently avoided the attack of the steel teeth, but the steel teeth were not so lucky He can do it easily because he doesn't attack the target, but he sprints forward habitually. If he is not physically agile, he will probably fall into a wolf and eat shit.

"What a fiery guy, it seems necessary to punish you a little."

Gang Ya turned around and saw Ye Shenyue's mouth grinning for some reason. There was a bad feeling, but it was too late!

He didn't even blink. The other party had appeared in front of him and a heavy fist hit him.


There was a sound of broken bones.

Steel Teeth couldn't help curling up because it was so painful.But this is not over yet, the werewolves who fell to the ground and howled with palpitations looked at the man whose body was buried in the skin of the baboon. The jade fragments flew directly into Ye Shenyue's hands.

In Ye Shenyue's hand, there was a string of black beads that looked very wrong.

"Although you are weak at this time, you still have to guard against it. Remember to fight with him next time you see Inuyasha."

Ye Shenyue put away the fragments and recited the words as if dealing with Maitreya.


The rosary of rebooting!

Even if they appeared in front of Kagome, they couldn't take advantage of Kagome.This is a rosary completed by Yagami Tsuki, who has grown up with Kikyo.

Protect Kagome's rosary.

Chapter 0052 Princess Lu Ji who finally came from afar (one more subscription)

People see the city.

"Congratulations, Lord City Lord."

Whispering softly, or in a gentle or youthful voice, revealing a young and beautiful face.

These are the most beautiful girls in the nearby villages. Although the information in the Warring States period was not developed and the transportation was inconvenient, the people who were supposed to come after so many days finally came. The girls have all come to the castle after the release of the "Women's Order".

This is the advantage of the feudal era, whether it is a draft girl or a wife, you can openly choose the most beautiful one or many.

"Okay... Everyone, get up!"

Although she has had affairs with many girls, so many numbers still satisfy Ye Shenyue's vanity. Sure enough, those who are accompanied by beauty are the real city lords.

"What about God without God?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the large yard, but found that Kagura, who likes to watch flowers in the wind when she was bored, was not there. You must know that he has not restricted her to move freely with her recently.

Kagura, the messenger of the free wind, was tired from flying in the air and always liked to play in the yard, and Yagami came down from the sky and didn't see the shadow of Kagura at all, so it was natural to think that Kagura would be in the yard.

It's just seems a little weird.

"Kanna-sama and Kagura are drinking tea."

Kagura, who was casually regarded as the captain of the bodyguard, replied with the reversed hair.After all, this is the castle of monsters, so the identity of the pure monster is much higher than that of ordinary girls, and the responsibility of training the female soldiers who guard the castle recently falls on her. After all, in addition to using hair Kero's swordsmanship is also good.

As for her calling Kagura while calling Shenwuwei Shenwu-sama, it is directly a super resentful Kagura, one can imagine Kagura guessing... Well, bullying this new kid again.

"Drinking tea? It's fine if it's Shenwu, but it's really strange that the active Kagura also likes to do that kind of lady!"

However, Ye Shenyue obviously did not want to help Jieluo vent his anger, and his mind was attracted by Kagura.

"I'm so sorry for drinking tea!"

However, at this moment, a slightly angry voice came out.Then the locked door was opened.

Then it was Kagura who was wearing a pale white kimono. She tied her hair to show a mature style. The fingertips that were still gently hanging on the tatami immediately lifted up and picked up the fan. Waving.

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