The temperament that was finally cultivated disappeared again.

"Whether you're sorry for me or not, it's just that your current performance can't match the lady."

Ye Shenyue complained as she looked at the girl who had already lifted her sleeves to reveal her snow-white lotus arms.

There is a kind of human being who is silent and has a ladylike demeanor, but as soon as he speaks, he immediately reveals that he is as unlady as he wants to be. It is obvious that Kagura is in such a state at the moment.

Comparing with the god sitting quietly on the side, it is far worse.

Ye Shenyue walked into the room and looked at the teacups on the tatami, there were three in total, and they were ready to give him a drink.

Ye Shenyue directly picked up the cup without being pretentious, but Kagura cried out, "What are you going to do?" ? I very much doubt that your IQ has been transferred to Shenwu."


The girl was speechless.However, her cheeks were flushed, and she was obviously angry, "Hmph, if that's the case, then you can drink it! I'll go see your Princess Lu Ji!"

What the envoy of the wind hates most is being bound, she wants to be free and respected!

The angry girl stood up without thinking, her ladylike temperament completely disappeared, just like the grumpy and impatient little girl.

"Kagura is really a little kid."

To this, as the elder sister who was born the moment before, Shen Wu gently shook his head, and then saw that Ye Shenyue had already taken a sip from the slightly fragrant tea cup and added, "The tea cup you drank just now was used by Princess Sixteen Nights, she Busy to receive the new Princess Ruki. Kagura came to remind you just now."


This time, Ye Shenyue was speechless.

... He looked forward and could only see the expressionless face, and then he could raise his dark eyes to face his Shenwu.

This girl without three is not simple.If you want to stop him then you can stop him in the first place and not now after Kagura gets pissed off and he finishes his tea.

Ye Shenyue had an illusion, and she always felt that the girl in front of her was actually broken.

"Take me to see Princess Ruki."

Ye Shenyue changed the subject and said that after Princess Izayoi came to the castle after her resurrection, she called herself a lady... Well, Yagami has nothing to say about that.

Just hearing that it was Izayoi went to receive Princess Luji, Ye Shenyue, I felt a little prickly in my heart, even Shen Wu had become such a black-bellied loli, what should I do with Izayoi who dared to compete with Kikyo for favor? What about the married Princess Lu Ji?

Is it the golden branch of desire or the golden branch of desire?

A terrifying image suddenly appeared in Ye Shenyue's mind. A girl who had changed out of her fancy clothes and was only allowed to wear sackcloth and linen was wiping the ground very seriously, wiping it back and forth many times.

Still rubbing.

She was working very hard, and there was wet sweat on her white face and her pink back.

"Oh hoo~~" The arrogant and arrogant queen let out a laugh, it was Princess Izayoi who deliberately kicked the bucket away and let the dirty water overflow.

The princess has a serious face and a serious look, but what she does is not serious.

"I'm sorry, I'll clean up right away."

Princess Ruki hurriedly knelt down and apologized for not being her own sin. She lived a very pitiful and pitiful life.

It would be nice if you didn't get married.

If you don't get married, you don't have to be so hard on your original spouse.

What a poor princess.

The crystal teardrops of the princess who was cleaning up the floor intentionally stained by Princess Izayoi were dripping down her cheeks, she was wiping the floor with tears.

"Report to the city lord, there is a team of demon slayers asking to see you."

However, at this time, there was new news that the fantasy of Yashenyue came to an end.

ps: begging for comments.

Chapter 0053 The rebel city owner and the demon slayer (two more subscriptions)


Ye Shenyue frowned, a demon slayer came to see the castle and then came to ask for it?

Who didn't know that this castle was directly seized by him with violence. The nearby castle lords who lived around at that time knew that he was a monster, and Kagura, the messenger of the wind, was even a monster among monsters.

It is indeed a monster among monsters, because the prototype of Kagura is a special monster that uses the purified monster power to condense.

We all know that the owners of this castle are all monsters, so what else do these monster slayers who come to eliminate monsters do?

Provocative?Or are you here for a challenge?

"Let them go!"

Ye Shenyue refused directly without even thinking about it, didn't the demon slayer want to see him directly to capture the thief first and then the king first?


The girl who reported the message nodded and wanted to convey the order.The hierarchy of this world is very obvious, no matter how powerful the demon slayers are, they have to follow the feudal system. Obediently ask to see the city lord. Only if the city lord agrees can you see the city lord. If the city lord refuses, then you can only leave or break in.

Ye Shenyue has already given them a lot of face. If they leave knowingly, then it's fine, but if they don't know how high or low they break in, I'm sorry, and only Miss Kagura's angrily venting and attacking will greet them. Or the ruthless attack of Ms. Jera with the reverse hair, who has a hobby of collecting hair.


However, when the girl got up and was about to leave to give orders, Ye Shenyue suddenly thought of the world-famous demon slayer.

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