Feelings, aren't you deliberately trying to make things difficult for them?

ps: Ask for advice, what are the skills of the Demon King in general?In addition to the abyss convicting sword, what else?Tentacle play?It seems that some people can't accept this.

Chapter 0054 Revenge of the City Lord (three more subscriptions)

The Lord Mayor arrives.

After waiting for four hours and six minutes, the group of twelve demon slayers finally waited for the legendary youkai castle lord.

Lord City Lord...it must be a monster!

This is the intuitive feeling of the people.After all, how could ordinary humans hide their bodies in layers of boiling clothes?It is said that these demon slayers can only deal with ordinary monsters, but they have no ability to detect monsters, so they can only judge whether they are monsters based on their external images!And now the city lord actually hides his body in a boiling outfit, isn't it a guilty conscience?

Coral's brows suddenly wrinkled, and she thought about the fact that only girls could be seen in this castle, which means... the girls were probably offered as sacrifices to the city lord.

There are some monsters who like to eat people, such as the skin of delicate girls.

07 These poor girls...

The new generation of demon slayers with a righteous mind quickly realized the deep responsibility on their shoulders to save these girls.

In fact, it's not just justice, Miss Coral's sudden seriousness is actually aware of the glances from the Lord of the City.The gaze swept over gently and then fell on her again, as if not even moving.

In fact, Shan Shan is blaming Ye Shenyue wrongly. After all, she is the only girl in the group of twelve demon slayers, so apart from looking at her, do you have to focus on the uncle, Zheng Tai?

It would be bad if some strange hobby was inspired.

"Because we accepted the task of removing demons, we came to the city lord's mansion. If the city lord is a monster and also has fragments of the Four Soul Jade, please give us the fragments of the Four Soul Jade. We were the ones who eliminated the four souls a long time ago. The demon masters guarded the Jade of the Four Souls and then handed it over to the Kikyo Maiden, but later the Kikyo Maiden passed away. I didn't expect the Jade of the Four Souls to reappear fifty years later and turned into countless pieces. I hope the city lord can take the Four Souls Leave the fragments of the jade to us, after all, this is something that countless evil monsters and humans compete for, and the city lord will not be able to survive alone, please rest assured, we will hand it over to the witch for purification."

After waiting for a long time, the city lord finally appeared, but the village chief, who was in the mood of being beaten N times, said weakly. What he said was peaceful and did not seem hostile, but only came to ask for the fragments of the Four Soul Jade.

Go directly to the door and ask for the fragments of the Four Soul Jade?

Looking for a shard of the Four Soul Jade from a monster?

Ye Shenyue poked her nose at this, he knew that the village chief said this to show that he would deal with him and then take back the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, but he didn't care about the fragments of the Four Soul Jade.

"Whose mission did you take?"

"This... I also ask the Lord of the City to understand, we need to keep it a secret, if the City Lord can give us the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, then we will retreat on our own and will not do anything to embarrass the City Lord.


Ye Shenyue snorted heavily, "Anyway, the only people you can accept the mission are humans, and the people who know that I have fragments of the Four Soul Jade here and are hostile to me, apart from those city lords, Who?"

"It looks like I'm going to go to their castle and tell them what fear is."

When the sleeves were opened, there were fluctuations in the air, and a powerful demonic force swayed from Ye Shenyue's body. The wind fell on everyone's body and it only felt as if it had been cut by a knife.


One of the demon slayer's group cried out, and the village chief was powerless even if he wanted to stop it, because the city lord's behavior had clearly revealed that it was impossible to negotiate.

war!Only fight!

But the battle is also the object of scoring!

The village chief, the father of Shaan and Amber, showed signs of weakness. After waiting for so long, he and his party were exhausted. At this time, it would be good if they could use the eight-point method, and perhaps the efficiency would be even lower!

Moreover, this city lord can burst out such a powerful monster just by moving his sleeves, and the power is definitely different from ordinary monsters.

They have been monster slayers for generations, but the number of big monsters that they have really eliminated... No!

The village chief, who knew his own strength, was extremely powerless. He was already prepared to fight a tough battle, but he had no confidence in his heart.


But after being silent for a while, the order was given. The demon slayers lined up in two crossed rows to shoot and sweep the weapons in their hands towards Ye Shenyue, making a swishing sound in the air.

"I think you haven't figured out your identity yet!"

Ye Shenyue stood up, and the reverse hair Jero followed him and handed over her unique red hilt sharp sword.

It was so sharp that even Inuyasha, who was a half-demon with a powerful recovery power, couldn't stop it.

"The fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls are something I must get. Other evil humans will come if they want, and monsters will come if they want! And you... accept my anger!"

Yagami Yueshou waved a transparent barrier and immediately intercepted all the weapons that the demon slayers flew.

Yes, intercepted rather than bounced.The enchantment is like plasticine, sticking the weapon tightly and not letting go.This put the slayers who intelligently attacked with weapons into an unprecedented predicament.

At this time, the sharp blade with the red hilt that Ye Shenyue flew out had already flown over. Even after seeing the sharp blade, five people were slashed by the sharp blade and hit the ground, but the sharp blade did not stop and continued to move forward. , thinking of the little boy in the second row flying away.

| "Not good! Amber!"

Both the village chief and Shan Shan saw the dazzling trajectory of the tachi flying in the air, and saw the final target to be attacked!

Amber, who was desperately trying to pull back her chained blade, looked up and saw the sharp blade.


The blade slid across his chest and hit him hard.

ps: This book has no cups, really.

Chapter 0055 The coral with a cup (one more subscription)

"Do not--"

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