Seeing her brother turn his head and smile at her, Coral collapsed with blood from the corners of his mouth, and felt breathless in his heart.


The remaining slayers who were not injured shouted, they are slayers who will not show mercy to enemy-like monsters, but now it is their comrades who are injured and the hope of a new generation!

Their village is called a demon slayer's village, but not everyone in the village can become a demon slayer. It takes talent and perseverance. It's hard to find the same thing, let alone have both!

As a result, the number of people who can become demon slayers in their village is less than one-fifth of the village's population, and fresh blood such as Amber and Coral is even rarer.

If you don't mention this, then mention this child, who is determined and well-behaved. How can the demon slayer here either be his elder or his friend and watch him die?

"We... can't spare you!"

The demon slayers who had lost all their weapons actually rushed over with their bare hands. Although they were only human beings, the aura they generated was extremely strong.

Because there is one kind of person in this world who can become extremely powerful and that is the person who wants to protect others.

"Looking at their aggressive gestures, why do I feel like we are villains?"

With a wave of Ye Shenyue's hand, the big sword with a red hilt flew back, and Amber fell completely without any vitality!

"...If the city owner is not a villain, then no one is a villain."

Looking at Ye Shenyue, who seemed to be pure and innocent, Jie Luo complained, "But I would feel bored in this situation and leave."

"It seems that I'm going too far, but these demon slayers are really miserable. Even though Naraku hasn't used them yet, they have been used by others. Give them... a family lesson, don't trust people too easily! And …”

"Don't attack me too recklessly!"

The knife in his hand flew out again, but this time, like a meteor, it passed through the chest of the demon slayer who could stand up, pumping in the air, and countless blood droplets were scattered in the air.

"Huh? Sure enough, he is the master."

Jero watched the red hilt of the tachi arc in the air, but finally passed by the shoulder of the demon slayer named Coral, causing her to fall. And only this girl was let go. The master is really the master.

Or did the master do so much just to get this female demon slayer?

If you like it, grab it.

As a traditional monster, Kera has a very monster mind, advocating the law of the weak, and the other party still comes with a purpose not to kill them and who to kill?

It's just that the hatred shown at the end made the lonely Kero feel a little overwhelmed.

Even monsters... but lack... family and friends.

Then Jieluo took the knife back, just looking at the blood on it and then at Ye Shenyue's calm expression, she had a strange feeling that Ye Shenyue did this on purpose, and because she didn't want to. Murder, that's why she used her knife...

What an over-the-top host.

What's even more excessive is to do such excessive things to other people's family members and friends and use his hands to touch other girls' bodies...

Coral had a dream, and there was blood in the dream.

Blood, all blood, she weakly watched her brother fall in front of her and then saw her father and other companions fall in front of her with wide eyes.

Because they are all dead!


Shan Shan suddenly opened her eyes and found that she was sweating for some time, but she found the quilt covering her shoulders, "It was just a dream, how could I dream that my father and brother were both killed? That Hateful half-demon Naraku... wait..."

Coral suddenly stood up because she saw something was wrong with the shape of the roof, the decorations, and the surrounding scene! not my home!

There is a door curtain in front of it that is made of bamboo, and the scene inside can be vaguely seen.

It was two bodies that were attached to each other. You could hear gasping sounds and lingering obscenities. With the bulging shape of the quilt, there seemed to be no need to guess what the people inside were doing.

As an inexperienced girl, Coral's cheeks burned a little, but when she clearly saw the face of the girl dripping with sweat below, her heart trembled violently.


Coral opened the curtain and more intuitively saw the ongoing "love action movie" Yagami Yue turned her head.

She didn't know her, but she saw the girl with short hair and dark ears, the woman standing beside the abominable monster Naraku!

That woman is with Naraku!

It is the helper of the murderer who killed his brother and the others!

Without even thinking about it, anger came up in his chest. Coral wanted to go up and attack, but his body stumbled twice and fell to the ground weakly, then lay on the quilt.

At this time, Ye Shenyue also came to the juncture of the final sprint. It was not until she released all the essence that she breathed a sigh of relief. Although Ye Shenyue deliberately put the coral here, the other party rushed out at this time. ...If he withered, wouldn't all the harem have to settle accounts with her?

"Huh-Master, what are you going to do with this woman? Huairou or... deceive?"

It is impossible for Jieluo to say that. After all, what Ye Shenyue did has made the girl Jieluo very puzzled. If it is said that she wants this human woman, it would be better to directly force it, why should she kill all the other people? Light and then help her heal?

In this way, to get the other party is likely to be deceived. For example, pretending that he is not Naraku or something. This is a fact that Jiero believes in, because Ye Shenyue just appeared in front of everyone wearing a hot dress, this is not What is blindfolding?

What an evil host.

But... Jie Luo was a little puzzled, and always thought, "Ahem... Am I that kind of person?"

Ye Shenyue was almost coughed by Jieluo's snatch, but she still patted her small buttocks, "I'll take care of the next thing, go and see if Kagura is back. "

"Um... well."

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