Although Jero wanted to see how things continued to develop, he still obediently went to the roof... Well, let's see if Kagura, who was sent to invite someone, is back.

"Hey Hey hey……"

Letting Jieluo help him approve the clothes, Ye Shenyue finally began to pay attention to the girl who fell on his bed because of her weakness.


At this time, her long hair has been completely let down, less heroic but more innocent and rhyme of a girl.

Sure enough, she's a beautiful girl, um... The girl with the third most appearance in the Inuyasha world.

"who are you?"

Coral didn't faint, so she heard the conversation between Yagami and Jiero, but she was still a little unsure of Yagami's final identity.Or is it deliberately to cover up what she is going to do next.

"I'm... it's Ban Yao Nai Luo, this person sees the city lord of the city."

Ye Shenyue opened her mouth and smiled, revealing a smile like a spring breeze.

ps: I beg for comments and subscriptions.

Chapter 0056 An insatiable conspiracy (two more subscriptions)

"Are you... the half-demon Naruo? And the well-known city owner, the man hiding in the boiling skin?"

Coral's voice has a slightly raised pitch that looks a little emotional.

"Yes...but you are too stupid!"

Ye Shenyue just nodded her head when she found that Shaan suddenly changed from a well-behaved and gentle girl to a little female leopard biting directly at his neck. She could imagine the intense hatred and anger in her eyes. If you get bitten, it will really be... um, bursting with blood.

He is her worst enemy.

This is probably the most direct thought in Coral's mind at this time.


The girl's knowing strike hit, but the next moment, she suddenly crawled down from Ye Shenyue's body, with sparkling tears in her eyes.

Because Ye Shenyue's neck is too hard, it seems to be harder than her Feilai bones, and biting her teeth on it not only did not cause the opponent to bleed, but her own teeth became very painful!

What a shame...

Because the strength that the girl who was in unbearable pain had finally accumulated disappeared again, and after a while, she realized that the other party was looking at her with tears in her eyes, and her face was not red but angry.

She glared at him directly, but she didn't say "you kill me" that the cornered girl used to say, because although she couldn't bite the other's skin with her teeth, she couldn't take revenge, but... she I don't want to die like this, I don't want to lose the chance for revenge forever.

Her name is Coral, not to mention the most powerful but the most thoughtful slayer in the village.

"What are you leaving me for?"

But Coral is not the kind of person who can swallow her anger for revenge. As a demon slayer, she still has arrogance and righteousness, but she is not cowardly!

If you want to live and then take revenge, it seems simple but it is not something you can talk about in the current situation.

She can live.

Because she noticed the bandage on her shoulder, if the other party wanted her to die, she would not bandage her.

It is also useful to the other party!This is her reliance.

"Sure enough."

Ye Shenyue praised and rubbed the neck that had just been bitten by the coral with her hand. The girl's face turned slightly red. Although she did not achieve the purpose of biting the other party's skin, this action made her instinctively a little embarrassed. Of course, if Now it's not a scene of fire and water, so the girl may really show a little shyness.

"But you are still stupid! Don't you know that you have become the knives among the people who borrowed knives to kill?"

"What do you mean?"

Although she wanted to kill this murderer immediately, Shan Shan forced herself to calm down, because now she couldn't kill him at all.If he was killed, he really couldn't get revenge.

"Literally, tell you that there is an army in ambush in the forest on the road that must pass through my castle."


Coral's eyes were slightly puzzled and then suddenly widened, "Could it be that..."

"It is estimated that it is the arrangement of the city lord who entrusted you with the task of eliminating demons to ambush yours or want to ambush me."

Ye Shenyue's voice slowed down, and her tone was full of sarcasm, "I didn't expect those city lords to be really unbehaved, and they made a comeback at the same time. Will he be killed by the demon slayer?"

Ye Shenyue spoke to herself while Shan Shan lowered her face, she was thinking about what happened.

Two days ago, the village came to the confidant of the lord of the castle in the west. The confidant explained to them that the lord of the castle was a monster, and he had killed the lord of the previous generation, and the fragments of the jade of the four souls still fell on this. In the hands of the monster castle lord.

This is a big thing. How terrible would it be if the city lord used the fragments of the Four Soul Jade in an evil place?

The cronies left them a large reward and the task of eliminating demons.

Not to mention that the purpose of exterminating the monsters is to prevent the fragments of the Four Soul Jade from falling into the hands of evil monsters.

This monster city lord is too powerful and completely different from the monsters he has encountered before!

It's almost impossible for humans to handle it!

But the city lord of Xicheng didn't think so. He thought that the slayer would win and even if he won, it would be a tragic victory, and then they could ambush where the slayer passed by and collect the four souls that the slayer got from the monster. Grab the jade fragments or directly capture the castle to incorporate the city into your own territory!

Even if they can't be included, they can snatch all the girls inside!

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