The city lord himself was too frightened. He just listened to the doorman saying that the painter also had fragments of the Four Soul Jade, so he led people to arrest him and take away the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, but the horse at the moment was terrified. Raising hooves in turmoil.

This made the city owner panic and fear.

"Just over there!"

On the other side, Kagome and Inuyasha also arrived. Like the original, they passed by the corpse of the bandit and found that the bandit's blood was gone, but the smell of ink appeared in the place.

Inuyasha searched around and finally found that the painter had the ability to turn the ink drawn into a ghost, and Kagome's eyes even saw that there was a fragment of the Four Souls Jade hidden in the ink jar used by the painter.

Only the fragments of the Four Soul Jade possess these strange and magical abilities.

Seeing the indiscriminate attack of ghosts and gods, Inuyasha pulled out the iron teeth and chopped them off without thinking.

"don't want……"

Kagome stopped him, but Inuyasha attacked anyway, and the gigantic Tetsuya, which was injected with demonic power, slashed a ghost in two at once, but the stench of ink splashed on him.

Kagome paused and then continued, "These are all drawn with bloody ink. The mixture of blood and ink will smell fishy, ​​and the ink will flow out when you cut the monster."

"You must have said it earlier..."

As a dog demon, Inuyasha's nose is many times more sensitive than ordinary people, and the stench has been magnified by N times, and his combat effectiveness has dropped all of a sudden.

But no matter what, the goblin that Inuyasha cut was the goblin in front of the city lord who wanted to eat him. Now the goblin disappeared and the horse stabilized, "Very good, I will reward you!"

The city lord who escaped with his life said happily, and at the same time his heart was depressed and frightened, and then there was some relief, and he muttered to himself, "I didn't expect the fragments of the Four Soul Jade to have such a powerful power, fortunately I did it. With both hands ready to take half of the men and horses to ambush the city of Renjian and the village of the demon slayers, wait for the slayers to get the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, and then use the village's hostages to make them hand over the fragments of the Four Soul Jade. …”

Although he also made plans if the demon slayer fails, the city owner is still quite satisfied with the demon slayer.

The reason why he thinks that the demon slayer can defeat Ye Shenyue is because the demon slayer in this village has passed down the N generation and is powerful and awe-inspiring.

The city lord of Xicheng thinks that these demon slayers are very powerful and are good at dealing with monsters. How can they tell whether the monsters in the city are strong or weak, and they have never seen the strong ones, so they take it for granted that this demon slayer can defeat Ye Shen. month them.

At this time, I was still obsessed, or I saw the power of the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, and because of greed, I imagined everything in my own favorable direction...

"You don't have this chance anymore!"

However, an angry female voice came at the same time as a huge flying bone.

"You are……"

The city owner wanted to say something, but his voice got stuck because his body was torn into two halves by flying bones and he couldn't continue to speak.

"We are the demon slayers calculated by you!"

After attacking the city lord, Fei Lai Gu drew an arc in the air and flew back to Coral's hands again, staring at the city lord's body with red eyes.

That's the kind of person who almost destroyed their entire village for personal gain!Then he gave the lives of the demon slayers in the village in vain!

She is so... hateful!

"Run away—"

Seeing that the city lord hung up, these warriors who had been frightened for a long time even wished their parents had two more legs and could escape faster.

But the ghosts pursued it relentlessly, dyeing the hills the color of blood.

Humans VS ghosts, except for those who are particularly powerful, everyone else can only lose!


However, at this time, Maitreya, who was about to open the wind cave to absorb the ghosts, opened his eyes a lot when he looked at Yashenyue with boiling skin, standing on top of the yellow-colored clouds condensed with demonic energy with coral.

This person...he will definitely not admit wrong.That fist and...that 1.5 rebooting rosary!

This is the great enemy of him and his family!

If it weren't for him, then his family would not be cursed!

"Girl, are you also with Naraku? If you don't leave so quickly, or I won't be able to control myself!"

While talking, Maitreya aimed the wind cave at Naraku.

At this time, Maitreya was full of morale, and he was not good enough. "He actually gave me a rosary for rebooting. Not only did I dare not even have the idea of ​​holding the girl's hand, but I didn't even want to touch it and give birth to a child. Oh... ah, God knows how much pain I endured when I saw the lovely Miss Kagome, it's hard to even have a conversation... um, Miss Kagome, you don't have to leave like that..."

Depression and resentment piled up in his heart, Maitreya said it was cool, but found that Kagome was quietly leaving.The look of alertness in his eyes made his scalp tingle.

ps: begging for comments.

Chapter 0059 The sacrifice of coral (two more for subscription)

"Nailuo! I can't spare you!"

Maitreya, who was utterly disgusted by Kagome and looked at with horrified and disparate eyes, was in a state of pain and dignity, and then pointed the wind hole at Naraku in the sky.

"Girl, please leave... um..."

Maitreya is an unruly lecherous mage, even if the rosary bead is forcibly robbed, once he has crimson thoughts and actions, he will become "hardship", like hitting his own mouth, abusing himself or something, but He still has a heart that can pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.

He desperately wanted to kill Naraku, but he didn't want to hurt such a beautiful girl. After all, if he performed better now, he might have a chance to develop with the girl...


The masochistic voice sounded.

"No, you can't have weird ideas."

Maitreya slapped himself hard with one hand while restraining his thoughts. If someone else slapped him, he would definitely hit him back, but now it's his own hand that slaps himself... Can he still be cut like this?

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