So Maitreya is calming down, but that girl is very beautiful, how heroic 07... eh.

Maitreya's slap was even louder. Now let alone the wind cave, it was even difficult to protect himself. He slapped himself while forcing a ghost with a staff. It was really hard for him!

At this time, a voice came from above.

It turned out that the girl who was standing with Naraku actually attacked Naraku!

They...are not actually on the same boat!

Kagome had already heard Maitreya tell about Nai Luo and his family, and knew that Nai Luo had taken away the fragments of his Four Soul Jade, but she had never heard Maitreya say that he was dropped by Nai Luo as a "rosary of rebooting" and now Judging from Maitreya's performance, it seems that the "rosary of rebooting" is more terrifying than the power of family feud.

But as a good boy, Kagome also feels that this "rosary of rebooting" is not a bad thing, at least it can save many lovely girls.

And this time I saw Naruto Kagome who Maitreya said with my own eyes had a strange feeling.


It was a very strange feeling, she looked at Naruo's figure with an inexplicable familiarity in her heart!

Only at this time that girl actually attacked Naraku!

The flying bones in her hands flew out and she hugged Naraku tightly, but it didn't look like she was hugging her lover.

Because the flying bone that flew out flew back and came back in the direction of her and Naraku!

She hugged Naraku tightly and wanted to stop Naraku's actions, and then... let the flying bones penetrate her and Naraku together!

She has already avenged half of the revenge who killed the city lord of Xicheng, and the other half is this Naruo!

Although it is normal to kill people as youkai, it is also normal for them to kill them in a fit of rage when their demon slayer attacked Naraku first.But no amount of normality could erase the fact that her relatives were her friends and her predecessors who were killed.

My father worked so hard to slay monsters all the year round, but every time he came back, he showed a gentle face, and my younger brother wanted to be a great monster slayer like his father. He trained hard every day, even if his hand was cut, and he had such perseverance so young. The younger brother, the younger brother who has a vision for the future...

It was destroyed by Naruto.

When is the time for retribution.But if you don't report it, your heart can't bear it at all!

So Coral attacked Naraku after solving the city lord, or he took the initiative to embrace Naraku.

And Kagome saw it.

It can be seen that this girl is going to sacrifice herself to kill Naraku!

Without even thinking about it, Kagome erected the bow and arrow and shot it out!

"call out--"

The arrow that carried Kagome's wish to save people glowed lavender. It was the arrow to break the demon, the arrow that Kikyo was best at, and the arrow had the power to purify it, and it was just now because of the stench. The fainted Inuyasha was also purified and sobered up.


The arrow full of Kagome's belief did not shoot crookedly and directly touched the Feilai bone that flew back. The Feilai bone is made of monster bones but it is also the remains of a monster, while the Demon Breaker Arrow can destroy the miasma and destroy the demon power. The stuff, as long as it is attached to the monster, then there is no weakness.

Kagome's arrow is very powerful.When it collided with the flying bone, the flying bone fell from the sky with a thud as if it had hit a hard wall, and it lost its attack power, and was even more out of the control of the coral.

Coral can retract the Flying Bones every time after attacking a monster, that's just a skill she threw out. Now that the Flying Bones have no special ability when they fall, or there is no rope attached to the Flying Bones, she can't get them back at all!

"what are you doing!"

Coral looked at Kagome angrily when she saw the flying bones, although she also knew that Kagome might be saving her by doing this, but... She didn't want to live anymore, she was still alive without her father and brother. doing what?As long as revenge is possible... revenge is enough...

And now.

There is no chance for revenge.

Ye Shenyue's hand firmly restrained the coral, and as soon as the demonic energy poured into her body, it immediately stiffened, and then Ye Shenyue hugged her easily, watching Kagome Ye Shenyue from a distance. The hand moved a bit, and the flying bone that fell to the ground immediately flew towards Kagome's head under the impetus of the demon power.


It was a ghost who only attacked Kagome, and the ghost was cut off by flying bones!

At this time, Maitreya finally woke up from the infatuation of the "girl" and opened the wind cave to inhale the ghosts of ink. The situation of this battle has been determined.


However, Kagome looked at the figure of the girl who had restrained Coral's hands in a bit of confusion. The blow from Naraku just now... should have saved her.

Why save her?

The girl's heart was very confused.

PS: In other words, what is your understanding of ghosts and animals?Tune and teach?The author wants to open a book of ghosts and animals, but it seems to be too pure and needs the help of gentlemen (hen) and gentlemen (tai).

Chapter 0060 Want you to be a female name (three more subscriptions)

"You...what do you want to do?"

It was the sound of the coral being held in Yagami's arms as it continued to fly high in the sky.There was anger and regret in her voice. She regretted that the idea of ​​hugging Ye Shenyue and perishing together had failed, and she was angry that Ye Shenyue already knew her intention to perish with him, but now she stopped her from flying. If it wasn't to kill her directly, then it's very likely that there are still plans!

Maybe it's her body...

The girl's heart tightened, because she noticed that Ye Shenyue's hand had somehow fallen on her firm buttocks.It was itchy and crispy, as if it had been crawled on by something.

"Put your affairs aside for now, and then go to the city lord to take care of you."

However, Ye Shenyue slapped Coral's butt heavily, causing her to grit her teeth and lip and finally glared at him.

"City Lord?"

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