Even the top shirt Kanshin, who is said to be Uesugi-san, used his identity as a man to conquer the world in this world where men are superior to women.

Even a woman who is capable of commanding the army and owning a country has a hard time stepping up to the front, at most a puppet.Because men are superior to women!It's hard to say whether the soldiers on your own side will obey you without saying what others will think or not.

Not to mention the endless attack of the title of "male superior to female" supported by other city lords who just explained that she was a woman and then wanted to lead the country.

So it is really difficult and difficult to become a female celebrity.almost impossible.

But now Ye Shenyue has proposed to make the princess... a daimyo?

Female name?

Is this... not knowing the truth or doing it on purpose?

"Would you like it or not?"

Ye Shenyue didn't explain that she just asked the princess's wishes, "If you agree, then she will be the first female daimyo in the world today, and it will become the colorful vase I have collected. If you don't agree, then it will be an ordinary vase."

vase?One colored one normal?

There is no choice at all!No matter which one you choose, it's the vase and it's all yours!

The restrained coral complained in his heart.

The princess bowed her head for a while, then raised her face, bit her lip and said, "I am willing. If I can do my best to prevent the people around this city from being slaughtered and looted by other cities, then I am willing. I am willing to be a vase or an ordinary vase."

Her face showed seriousness.

Is this the princess' decision?

Then the princess saluted Yeshenyue and Shanshan again, "I also ask you to help me. My power is too small, and this city can easily be taken away by other city lords."

The princess is sincere, but Coral's sight is a little off. Although the city lord designed them to eliminate the demon master family, this princess is not her enemy, but she killed the princess' father.

"I want to tell you that I killed your father just now because your father planned to frame and even threaten us with the villagers of my village."

I killed your father.

The father was killed and the ethics of this world are very heavy, so the princess will be angry or angry no matter what.

But that's not the case.

The princess swayed for a while but did not fall down and stood strong, and then gave a salute to the coral, "I'm very sorry, two days ago, I heard my father and his retainers discuss how to seize the city of Renjian. The fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls also know that the demon slayer family is to be used. I am very sorry, I can't save you. Moreover, on the battlefield, no matter who kills anyone, it is only for self-interest, and there is no justice for themselves. I am also sad that my father was killed, but it is useless. All I can do is to prevent the city that my father has messed up over the years from being taken away by others. "

In general, it means that the city lord is self-inflicted... Can the Temporal Princess watch so openly?

Is it cold blooded?No, it's for more people.What can she do when her father was killed?And that's the father's fault.

This princess... is really a strange woman.

Ye Shenyue once again felt that her colorful vase plan could be implemented, but now she still needed a person to sit in the city lord's mansion to deter those who would rebel after knowing that the city lord was dead.


At this time, a white feather floated in the sky. It was the feather of Kagura. Kagura was still sitting like a lady and waited until the sky above everyone to drive the feather straight down. She is a girl and can't learn Ye Shenyue jumped directly from the sky. Although Kagura looks more lively, it does not mean that she likes to go out.

So some actions are still very feminine.

"It's really time for Kagura to come."

It's a pity that Ye Shenyue didn't notice the feminine Kagura's actions, and he was so excited that he almost hugged the girl.


The girl was quite surprised, this guy must have lost his mind, why is he so kind to her all of a sudden?Or is it loyal to understand that she is essential?

"I need you to pass an order, um, the city lord of the west city is their model, if anyone wants to see the city's thoughts to me, then the city lord of the city is their end, I don't expand the region but except for the princess The city lord's men and horses were all slaughtered, and then he helped the princess to become a daimyo... If only there were a few more people like this, it must be very interesting in this Warring States period..."

Ye Shenyue suddenly showed an interested look when she thought that the name of each region was a delicate princess, so even if she collected a few more vases, it seemed to be very good.

"...I don't think other city lords will act rashly."

Kagura grumbled feebly.And the throbbing in his heart has also decreased, and his feelings just regard her as a messenger, and it seems that this princess has caused the master to induce some abnormal hobby.

Thinking of the red eyes that glanced at the princess, the princess has a very unique temperament and is slightly different from Izayoi and Lu Ji. It is normal for the master to like it. After all, everyone likes different but beautiful things.

And the princess's line of sight shifted slightly, she always felt that this line of sight was a bit aggressive, when did she offend her?

"Hey, I think so too. Those people shouldn't be so stupid. Shall I put more news that we already have ten pieces of the Four Soul Jade?"


Do you really want a princess in a colorful vase?

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now. We need someone here to help the princess to clean up the rebellion. Kagura is just in time for you, so this task will be handed over to you. You should come here to inform me that Sesshomaru has arrived, then I will Go back first, just stay here obediently, you can kill whatever you want."


Kagura was stunned and stared at Ye Shenyue with wide eyes. She wanted to tell him that she was not a murderer and had no interest in how to kill.

It's just that Ye Shenyue, who had already condensed her demonic power, did not have a deep sense of the sadness in Miss Kagura's heart.Seeing this scene, Kagura was even more depressed, feeling that she really came here to be a toiler!Perhaps, she should let the reverse hair knot come over, so that she doesn't have to be a thug.

At this time, it was very noisy outside.

"The city lord hangs up, it's not good for us to do this..."

"What's wrong? At most, after this vote, we don't do it! Isn't it because of money that we work so hard? And now the castle's guard is low..."

"If that's the case, then let's do it!"

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