A dozen or so soldiers who had escaped had become rebels.

"These rubbish..."

Kagura smiled slightly, as if she could let out her anger. She glanced at the princess, asked the princess to step back, and took out her fan.

The brushed wind blades flew away as if they didn't want money, and the rebels immediately screamed.


It's really what the man said just now, you can kill whatever you want.

The princess looked a little frightened.

It's just that Kagura knew what she said in her heart, and she didn't know if she could make her say "I'm not a murderer" in a senseless way.

Because how it looks like at the moment.

Chapter 0062 Subdued coral (two more for subscription)

After dealing with the princess, Yagami took the coral, which had regained the ability to move freely, back to her own city.Someone was already waiting there on the roof.

It was a girl with long silver hair, and she was wearing a bloated but aura of a broad white kimono.Whole body white is a rare girl.

"That's a monster too?"

Coral, who already knew that the castle was the monster's nest, frowned slightly. The monsters under Naruo were really unusual.

And myself... when will I be able to kill Naraku for revenge!

But looking down at the coral in the yard from a high altitude, her eyes suddenly straightened. What did she see?She saw that the [-] people who were killed by her demon slayer were actually frozen by ice. She thought she couldn't see her father's body because it was directly disposed of, but now it is parked in the yard.

How ironic.

She saw that there was still bright red blood on her brother Amber's chest, but it was frozen, and her brother's body was frozen together.

Yes, the younger brother, father and companion... were all killed by the man beside him!

The terrifying memory resurfaced in her mind, her lips were about to bleed, she... what the hell is she doing!Obviously with this enemy, but the idea of ​​revenge has subsided!


Sesshomaru stood quietly, the refreshing wind blew her sleeves open, and there was an indescribable sense of freedom and ease, but those lingering but strangely calm eyes and fair skin made people feel a sense of arrogance. Grim.

This is the monster of the monsters, the nobles of the monsters.

Sesshomaru didn't show impatience, but Yagami, who had a close relationship with her, had a faint feeling that if she ignored her, she would go crazy in her own way.

This is a man's sixth sense, because this mysterious yet extremely useful feeling can always keep him out of trouble.

It was the same this time, Yagami knew that Sesshomaru had been in a position for long enough to show that her patience was running out, so she landed on the roof with the coral, and at the same time an unexpected thing happened.

Ye Shenyue unlocked Coral's restraint, but she didn't know where she got the dagger and stabbed it directly at his chest.

Because Shan Shan was the closest to Ye Shenyue and her injuries had already healed, she directly performed a knowing strike without any obstruction, while Ye Shenyue raised her brows and remained motionless.

It wasn't that he was willing to be assassinated by Coral, but because someone shot, and the speed of the shot was faster than him. It was a powerful whip made of dark green demon power, and the whip turned into a dagger as soon as it touched a dagger. Then, if it wasn't for Ye Shenyue's quicker action, the human body of the coral would be torn to shreds in an instant.

Because Sesshomaru's knowing hand immediately turned to attack the coral.It seemed to tear her apart.

Yagami's actions were not unexpected, but Sesshomaru's actions to stop Coral made him very strange.He really likes Sesshomaru's body and his "not cold" expressions but that doesn't mean Sesshomaru likes him.

"What do you mean?"

Sesshomaru's whip attack stopped, and then he looked at Yashin Yue with a slight frown.She could see that this woman was going to assassinate Ye Shenyue and yet Ye Shenyue wanted to save this woman.

Isn't this what it is?

"What do you mean?"

Ye Shenyue asked back.

"I don't want to die at someone else's hand before you die at mine."

Sesshomaru's tone was very cold.Let Ye Shenyue feel a chill.

"It's just an ordinary dagger, even if it is stabbed, it won't hurt."

"I know, but it's not okay to have this idea. You are the person I want to kill alone, so I can only kill you."

The silver-haired girl still said such cold words with a cold expression on her face.

It's just that the meaning of these words is surprising, and the power to be killed is still in such a struggle?


How terribly possessive is this?

There is a subtle feeling in Ye Shenyue's heart, and she always feels that she has attracted a woman who is not very easy to deal with. In some ways also inherited the mother's tradition...

On the other hand, Coral lost her mind, "You can kill me."

This time Coral once again decided that she couldn't kill Yashinyue and couldn't take revenge.His heart is already gray, as Ye Shenyue said, his skin is not something that ordinary swords can pierce, and the skin can't be pierced, so how can he kill him?

Because Coral is a human, and the other party is a monster and not the low-level little monster that used to eliminate monsters.

"The question of whether or not to kill me will be discussed slowly when we get to bed. You can kill whatever you want at that time, but let's deal with this demon slayer first, because I've lost patience."

Ye Shenyue grabbed Coral's arm and took her to the ground, and threw her to the ground by the way.

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