
After asking three times in a row, Miss Coral decided to shut up. Anyway, this kind of person who can threaten her with the lives of her relatives, and then make people feel sad and happy... No, it should be a monster, and there must be many enemies.

Because his character is really bad.

But Coral seemed to underestimate Yagami, and it was only when he saw that he carried a completely naked, silver-haired, expressionless little loli into the bathroom.

This guy's character is not bad, but a ghost!

Such a small girl... he actually made a move!


Kneeling and red-faced, Coral first glanced at the silver-haired silent and cold-faced Sesshomaru who had already taken off his clothes and naked, then glanced at the smooth yogurt being held by Ye Shenyue. The same expressionless silver hair and then came to an astonishing conclusion in his mind.

Do you say, do you say...

Could it be that this little silver-haired girl is Naraku and Sesshomaru's child?

And then... this beast not only takes a bath with his daughter, but also wants to have sex with the child's mother?

"This beast..."

Seeing such a picture coral can only finally make such a correct sigh.Sure enough, for this guy, there is no such thing as the most bird and beast, only more bird and beast!

The fingers were separated and then closed again, and then the face became more and more rosy. After taking a look at the two students, the face was finally completely rosy.

Because she saw that this beast-like guy was directing the silver-haired little girl to lie on the wet ground, and her white calves were all white and tender.

The little girl who looks like a flower is actually bullied like this!

Then Yashenyue asked Sesshomaru to stick to his body from behind, and then he moved forward slightly.

That kind of posture... he actually dared to do that!

Coral was anxious, ashamed and a little angry, to actually do such a thing to a little girl...

"Coral? Are you resentful? In this case, let's speed up the process... Come here obediently, um, lying on your stomach like Shen Wu..."


Coral, who was already ashamed, red and angry, was stunned at this time.

On to her!Finally got to her!

It's her turn, is it her turn?

"Who else but you?"

Looking at the coral did not respond.

Ye Shenyue's tone was already a little dissatisfied.And Coral gritted her teeth and took a deep breath, "Can you...can you not use this posture?"

Coral is a girl after all, and she is still a young girl. She once fantasized about half of Prince Charming fantasizing about her own future.Of course, I also quietly fantasized about the circumstances under which I lost it for the first time. What I hope most is the place full of colorful flowers in full bloom, how beautiful it should be with the sound of birds and flowers...

No matter how bad it is, it has to be a clean and tidy two-person cabin.

But... most likely now.

This is a scene of chaos and obscenity.But she couldn't resist being humiliated by Ye Shenyue and put on a puppy's tummy.


There was a muffled groan from the stinging pain, and now there is no chance to go back.

ps: The title gentleman was originally "how could he be like this", but unfortunately he had to change it for fear of being harmonized. Don't blame everyone.

Chapter 0067 Everyone is drunk and I wake up alone (one more subscription)

"What the hell happened to us?"

A group of demon slayers showed bewildered expressions. It was already dawn and the "severely injured" Coral wanted to see his relatives early, so he climbed up "desperately", just to see that he had already put on his clothes and met in the yard. A certain man who seemed to have the aura of a city lord and the demon slayer and his party glared at him both ashamed and depressed.

"Coral, you are here, do you want to sit by my side?"

However, Ye Shenyue said with a smile, giving people the feeling of being approachable and approachable, while a group of demon slayers were sitting below, everyone was sitting in traditional Japanese style and there was a small table in front of them. Plenty of food is on display.

If you don't know it, you will think that this is the city owner's banquet.In fact, it is also a banquet.You haven't eaten yet, have you?

Ye Shenyue beckoned to Shan Shan, and the girl who had changed into a neat flower kimono first stayed for a while, then clenched her fists, and there were crystal tears in her eyes.

It was true, she saw that her father and brother Amber were alive!

They are alive and well!

Coral's excited heart stirred and tears fell involuntarily.

"elder sister?"

Amber looked at her sister strangely, but why did she cry after a while?

Ye Shenyue made Shan Shan sit beside her. Even the meritorious ministers could only sit under the city lord when facing the city lord, because this was the Warring States period with strict hierarchy, and only the daughter of the city lord could be seen. Only close people can sit next to him.

And the coral is obviously not the daughter of the city owner, so it can only be...

One handsome and one beautiful.

Everyone watched helplessly as Ye Shenyue hugged the coral in his arms.

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