"Let go of me...in front of so many people...and in front of my father and Amber..."

The girl's cheeks turned rosy in an instant, and she pushed with both hands as if she was going to use all her strength to push him away, but the coral was still too weak. The face is really beautiful.

These two are so weird.

Amber, who didn't know what the emotion was, shook his head slightly, while the other demon slayers showed clear expressions. Except for the exchange of expressions of a few middle-aged people, the three young people sighed and kept going. The child is drinking stuffy wine.

It seems that coral is very popular in the village.

Ye Shenyue rubbed her chin while watching the three drinking young demon slayers, but she noticed Shan Shan's father.

Coral's father, the village chief, looked at him hard.

Does he have flowers on his face?

"I dare to ask the name of the city lord? I always feel that I have seen the city lord..."

This is what Coral's father said after carefully looking at Ye Shenyue's appearance. Because of the previous level difference, he didn't look up at the city lord, but now he finally has the time to look at the city lord after the illusion is solved.

Illusion unlocked?

Yes, it is illusion.

Ye Shenyue succinctly explained that everyone was in the illusion, he didn't want to kill and had a relationship with the demon slayer, so he just used the illusion to let them know that they knew the gap between them and him.

When the illusion is unraveled, nothing will happen.

Because he woke up and found that nothing really happened, so everyone believed it.

Moreover, Ye Shenyue also explained that they were used by the city lord of Xicheng, and the testimony of the soldiers in the village who were going to bury the demon master made them clear that they were actually calculated by the city lord of Xicheng. In the end, the city lord of Xicheng, because of course, Ye Shenyue told them this, but he did not say that the city lord of Xicheng died in the hands of Shaan, which made Shaan think whether it was really just an illusion, because it was real and accurate. , but fortunately, her friend, father, and younger brother are all alive. This is her greatest wish.

The only downside is that Coral accidentally rubbed the "wound" and frowned slightly after struggling and was powerless, and then found it extremely depressing, all of this |... Well, it's not an illusion but something called reality.

Looking at the confused villagers for a while, Coral had a feeling that everyone was drunk and I woke up alone.

But the emotion that followed was immediately frightened by his father.

"It turns out it's really you. Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I was fortunate to see the portrait drawn by my father. Of course, the portrait is not very good, but I am really sure when I hear the name of the adult. It is really the adult."

The father who was the village chief suddenly stood up and bowed sincerely to the city lord who was a monster.

This performance is shocking to know that my father is a demon slayer!

Shouldn't demon slayers and monsters be incompatible?

But what now?

The stunned people quickly understood, the village chief raised his face, "I'm very sorry, it's all my recklessness, I not only fell in the tricks of the city lord of Xicheng, but also took back the fragments of the Four Soul Jade from you. I am afraid that this world is not only you. No one is better suited to take charge of the fragments of the Four Soul Jade."


Everyone looked at Ye Shenyue and his father with amazement, even with Coral.

Coral's father showed that he took a look at Ye Shenyue and got the other party's advice, and then began to explain it, nothing more than that the demon slayer obtained the Four Soul Jade and handed it over to the most powerful one fifty years ago. The Miko Kikyo came to protect and purify, and the person who was by Kikyo's side was Yagami at this time.

If he wanted to win the Jade of the Four Souls, he could have obtained it long ago.

That being said, what Ye Shenyue said just now is related to the demon slayer, and it makes sense that he doesn't want to do it, because he was the one who accompanies the shrine maiden Kikyo to pick up the jade of the four souls.

Chapter 0068 The slayers who have been fooled (two more subscriptions)

According to legend, fifty years ago, there was a man who accompanied the shrine maiden Kikyo and guarded the Jade of the Four Souls until Kikyo was seriously injured by a monster and died, and the man disappeared.

Unexpectedly, that person is standing in front of him at this moment.

"I didn't expect it to be so long, but my purpose hasn't changed."

Ye Shenyue showed a nostalgic expression as if recalling the beauty of the past, "I want to protect the world she protects, so I accept the power of the monster, but please rest assured, I have not lost myself, the monster power in my body is the power of the monster. Kikyo was purified. Then something big happened in the world. Kikyo's reincarnation brought the Jade of Four Souls. Unexpectedly, the Jade of Four Souls turned into pieces and was acquired by many evil monsters."

Ye Shenyue narrated slowly, "The fragments of the Jade of Four Souls fell into the hands of many evil monsters and humans, making the already turbulent situation more complicated, and making the relationship between the evil monsters and humans even worse. , so it is my duty to take the fragments of the Jade of Four Souls back from the hands of these evil guys. And the original city owner of this human city was an evil human who got the fragments of Jade of Four Souls and tried to use the fragments So I got rid of him, and at the same time suppressed the monsters that were robbed by the news of the fragments, gathered them up and fought against the other monsters..."

Ye Shenyue said the sincerity and sincerity of sacrificing herself for the peace of mankind and then commanding powerful monsters to restrain them and prevent them from doing evil to human beings.At the same time, he is still working hard to collect the fragments of the Four Soul Jade.

Such a posture is completely dedicated to human beings, the hero who will go to hell if I don't go to hell!

Big... big hero?

Obviously it's just to satisfy his own selfish desires, but he can say so... fair and fair!

Shaan raised his head with a shocked and amazed expression on his face, but unfortunately, the "unbelievable" performance of Shaan did not make Yagamiyue's thick skin turn red.

Soon the village chiefs, who were already guilty, bowed their heads, and finally left with guilt.

They actually believed the enemy's words and asked for the fragments of the Four Souls Jade from the person who was most unlikely to take the fragments of the Four Souls Jade.

"Lord Yeshenyue, please rest assured, as long as we get the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, we will send someone to give it to you, and then let you transfer it to the reincarnation of Lord Kikyo for purification."

"This is easy to say, but I hope you don't call me by my original name, village chief. I have changed my name after I became a half-demon and ruled over these monsters. You can call me Naraku in the future, and it's better to say my reputation. Worse, so that other evil monsters can come and I can get rid of them."

"Well, I know that."

The head of the village nodded his head completely because Ye Shenyue was the leader.

Only the former demon slayer named Shanshan, who now sees the little maid in the city, looked at their conversation with a stunned look. She could hardly imagine that her father and the others believed in Ye Shenyue's nonsense so easily!

Yes, the current Ye Shenyue is wearing an exaggerated costume of the city lord, and there is a bit of justice on her face. Even the expression on her face that should be angry and hate the monster looks righteous and awe-inspiring, but when she looks over, she is winking concealed. So... Damn!

Father, they must have been deceived!

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