How could this kind of guy be that big hero who lives in the demon camp and cares about mankind?He didn't want the fragments of the Four Souls Jade, that was because he regarded the fragments of the Four Souls Jade as "prostitution", but there was still a silver-haired girl sitting in the room who was already a little impatient.

The reason is that Ye Shenyue's prostitution funds have not been paid off...

As for what my father said to give the fragments of the Four Soul Jade to Ye Shenyue in the future, wouldn't it help Zhou to let this guy continue to prostitute other female monsters?

The fragments of the Four Soul Jade are very powerful. Even ordinary humans can transform into Super Saiyans if they get them, and the monsters are even more so. There are no monsters who don’t want to further their strength, so when Ye Shenyue took out the Four Souls When pieces of jade come to pay for whoring...

Well, many monsters should be able to get started...

Then this guy's selfish desires will be greatly satisfied, and then I am afraid that not two people together but three, four or more people to make fun together! can this be tolerated?

Coral's face was still red because of what happened last night...

Uh, no, now is not the time to think about this!

Coral patted her cheek to wake herself up a bit.But this move was misunderstood by the younger brother, "Sister, shouldn't you fall into evil?" " could it be..."

In fact, it would be great if everything at present was deceived!But Coral knew very well that... nothing happened.

"Sister, I always feel that the city owner is a little immodest."

Amber, who was walking with the coral, frowned slightly and said.

Where is indecent?It's obviously very dishonest!

She was dumbfounded to see her father and the others being bought by Ye Shenyue, and there was an indescribable irritability in her heart, or she felt unhappy that the other party had simply solved their doubts about Father 1.0, or that they had used her father.

But she is unhappy and unhappy, at this moment she has no personal freedom.

Because in order to resurrect her father and Hu, she had sold her body, body and soul.

This time back to the village, I just went to get the little mica to the castle...

"In the end...why did you accept that mission..."

Thinking of the coral stopping here and looking at the bright sunshine in the sky from a distance, her heart was filled with coldness. If she hadn't accepted the task of the city lord of Xicheng, then she would not...

Everyone is resurrected and the only one who is struggling is only her...

This time back to the village, the girl Coral's heart is very complicated.

Chapter 0069 Killing pills and robbery or not? (three more for subscription)

Coral, the strongest demon slayer in the slayer's village, has a complicated heart, and a certain white-haired, cold-faced girl who is still in the castle at the moment feels no less than hers.

It was morning but Sesshomaru didn't leave because the jade fragments of the Four Souls that Ye Shenyue promised to give her have not yet been given, that is, "prostitution"...

The fair-skinned sister Yu looked at the young man sitting opposite her with unblinking eyes, she was saying the most shocking words in the coldest tone, "You better leave me the rest of what happened last night. I didn't allow you to play so many tricks with all the pieces of the Jade of the Four Souls, if it wasn't for me to keep your hands, then your little silver-haired monster would have been killed by me long ago."

Sesshomaru's tone was as cold as ever, or at this time, she was faintly angry. She was in a bad mood because of Izayoi, and the "sleeping" last night turned into a bird that completely caters to this human-faced beast's heart. The beast made her even more angry.

Of course, the most dissatisfied thing is this guy. It's just a human face and a beast heart. It should be the monster face and beast heart that actually made such a small girl do such a shameful action, and even tied her up with iron chains without authorization and then...

Then there is no more, and then the current Sesshomaru doesn't like to see him very much.

Ye Shenyue touched her nose and there was some embarrassment on her face. He knew that Sesshomaru would definitely be angry when he woke up, but what could he do if he couldn't hold him back when he was aroused?

However, Sesshomaru wants the fragments of the Jade of Four Souls, and Ye Shenyue no longer hides them. Anyway, these fragments are easy to come by, and it's better to look for them. Anyway, he knows the plot and knows who will own the fragments of the Jade of Four Souls. , even if you forget the plot, isn't there still two thugs, Kagura and Kagura?

Just let them strike.

Kagura, who was sitting in the city lord's mansion in the west city after Ye Shenyue's good calculations, suddenly felt a little hairy behind her back.Maybe it's psychological.

Kagura tightened his body and instructed the princess... um, he was instructing the princess to serve her delicious refreshments. Although he was angry at Yashenyue and went away, he had to listen to his orders, but if he was in the City Lord's mansion, he would not accept it. For a little pay, it's really a vain job.

"Is the fragment of the Jade of Four Souls so important to you? For the fragments of the Jade of Four Souls, everything is..."

She handed the bottle containing the fragments to Sesshomaru Ye Shenyue. Looking at Sesshomaru's cold but beautiful face, Ye Shenyue hesitated slightly. Fragments of the Jade and Hu Tianhudi with himself, so if you encounter a big monster with fragments of the Jade of Four Souls, wouldn't it also...

"I think the thoughts in your head at this moment are particularly hard to look directly at."

Sesshomaru glared at him disdainfully, "I took away the fragments of the Four Soul Jade here. If there is nothing else, don't look for me again. I'm also very busy."


Busy collecting shards of the Jade of the Four Souls?

According to Yashinyuki's observation, how slow is the speed of Sesshomaru's collection of debris?Because of the appearance of the bell, Sesshomaru is developing towards the tolerance of the original or beyond the original.So most of the time was actually wasted on the journey with Ling, and the time to really collect the fragments of the Four Soul Jade was pitiful.It's just that she didn't drop the bell, so...immediately she was better than a youkai like Kagura who could fly.

"Then if you meet an evil youkai..."

"If you meet an evil monster, you can kill it if you can, and if you can't, then run away. I was taught by my mother when I was five years old. My mother made me understand this truth. She will I threw..."

As soon as she mentioned her mother, Sesshomaru-san immediately became long-winded and talked nonstop and then...

Anger appeared on his face, "One day I will defeat that guy and then kill you!"

"I'm waiting for you. But... before that, you have to remember one sentence."

Ye Shenyue stepped forward when Sesshomaru was angry, raised her chin, and kissed her in her extremely cold eyes, "You are my woman no matter what, no matter what, you can't do it for the four souls. Zhiyu betrayed herself, encountered a powerful monster and came back to me, and I will deal with it."

ご Looking at Sesshomaru's eyes slightly flustered, Yashenyue let go of her in satisfaction.


Sesshomaru shrugged his sleeves and snorted coldly as if he didn't appreciate it, and then wanted to leave but stopped again, "I'll come back and kill you."

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