"I am waiting."

Ye Shenyue stood in the yard watching Sesshomaru's leaving figure, and then added, "Your brother Inuyasha also collected a few pieces of the Four Soul Jade."


The only one who responded to Ye Shenyue was Sesshomaru's cold snort.

But Ye Shenyue didn't care, because he knew that Sesshomaru's words were wrong, but this cold expression was really... people wanted to bully.

And the other side.

Kagome Inuyasha, who was leaked by Yagami Moon to Sesshomaru and revealed fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls, stopped at a water source and rested.It's only been two days now, so Kagome can stay in this world for another four days to finish the weekend in the other world and then go to class.

Because of the cat Shanpu, who can change into a huge cat demon at any time, she stopped riding a bicycle and let the slow-moving Maitreya ride it.Then Inuyasha ran behind with his bare feet...

For some reason, Kagome always has a sense of disobedience. Although I saw that Inuyasha's ears are the same as those of a puppy, such a big person is still chasing after him...

Really contradictory feeling.

But fortunately it was a peaceful scene.

There were just two people watching them at the top of the hill, two monsters to be precise.

A white robe is better than snow and silver hair is flowing, and the other has big lantern-like yellow eyes.

It was Sesshomaru who came out of Renjiancheng and Xiejian who was waiting outside.

"Master Sesshomaru?"

Xie Jian, who rushed over with a head stick, raised his head and looked at Sesshomaru, "Do you want to attack Inuyasha and his party below?"


Sesshomaru didn't answer him but was thinking, she had let Suzu and the two-headed dragon stay together, and then came to look for Inuyasha with her evil views.

It was the easiest thing for her to find someone as an Inuyasu and a complete bloodline, so it didn't take long to find Inuyasha and the others.

And they were looking for Inuyasha because of Yashenyue's sentence "Inuyasha is also collecting the fragments of the Four Soul Jade". For the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, this can enhance the demon power and then shame on his mother Lingyue Immortal Fairy. Dongdong she is bound to win.

As Ye Shenyue said, if she wants to collect the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, she will inevitably encounter strong or weak monsters and humans. If it is weak, just kill 433 directly. If it is strong... ...retreat first and then drive Yagami into action.

Sesshomaru didn't say anything about it, but his heart was as bright as a mirror.

For Ye Shenyue, her heart has always been a contradictory existence. She doesn't like him taking away her body so much, but this guy is the only person she can open up and tell Ling Yue that Immortal Fairy is not.

To be precise, she doesn't actually hate him too much. According to the monster's opinion, the women among the monsters like strong people. She has no objection to this. If he is weaker than himself, who is the man who needs to be protected by himself?

And Ye Shenyue seems to be able to do this.

Sesshomaru's heart was full of contradictions.


Sesshomaru snorted softly, and Xie Jian's eyes opened wider. It was carefully savoring the words of His Highness Sesshomaru. Does this "hum" mean to rob Inuyasha or not?

Immediately afterwards, a feeling of pain and relief came from his head, Sesshomaru picked up the head cane of the wrong view and poked its head.

Xie Jian held his head and looked at Sesshomaru.


Sesshomaru has only cold language.This made the evil view cry without tears.

Your Highness Sesshomaru, since you want to rob, you can just say it directly, why are you so arrogant?

Xie Jian shook his head, but before he could say this, he caught a glimpse of Sesshomaru Linglie's eyes, and immediately lowered his head, and then he held a human head stick in both hands and waved a hot tongue of fire, and a huge low When the monster received the signal, it immediately rushed towards Kagome and the others, and Sesshomaru also quickly shrank in the direction of Inuyasha and attacked.

Chapter 0070 The Battle of Killing Pills (one more subscription)


The huge two-headed monster with two heads galloped down, and its limbs and hoofs continued to churn and appeared in front of Inuyasha and the others in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the dust caused by the monsters flying over will directly "..."

Not only was the whole body covered in mud, but the golden, ready-to-eat fish that had been baked was also covered in dust.

Inuyasha spit out the dirt in his mouth, glanced at the "mud fish" that was no longer delicious, and jumped up quickly, "Damn monster, I chopped you up!"

The Inuyasha who injected the demon power into Tieshuya at the moment is full of anger index, and Tieshuya immediately changed from a broken knife to a treasured sword.

The group of them collected another fragment of the Four Soul Jade and prepared to take a break and eat grilled fish and then...then there was no more.

Dinner is gone.

Inuyasha picked up Iron Broken Tooth and wanted to slash at this wretched-looking two-headed horse monster that suddenly appeared.

And the words in its mouth, "Fragments of the Four Souls Jade, give me the fragments of the Four Souls Jade" are even more irritating. If you want to grab the fragments of the Four Souls Jade, just grab the fragments. What did you do for dinner?"

At this moment, Inuyasha was angry, not only Inuyasha, but also Maitreya and Kagome stood up. After all, everyone has a share of this dinner. You must know that everyone was looking for clues for the fragments of the Four Soul Jade. At noon, there was nothing. Eat and now... can't eat anything!

Dinner revenge must be avenged!

Kagome has already stretched the bow and arrows, and Maitreya has opened the wind cave. As for Qibao and the cat demon Shanpu, they are still on standby, but they seem to be aggressive. After all, they also have a share of the dinner...

"Inuyasha, your opponent is me."

Qing Lu's voice came, and at the same time, a white shadow appeared in front of everyone.

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