She shattered the yokai armor of the yokai shawl that she had condensed with her monstrous power.

In other words, her demon power was blocked by Kagome.

"It seems that not only is the Demon-Breaking Arrow, but also a rare talent with this abundant spiritual power... Woman, who are you?"

"Kaige, Kagome at sunset. Of course, you can also say Kikyo."

Kagome originally only wanted to say her name, but when she thought that her spiritual power was inseparable from Kikyo, and she was even bewitched by Ye Shenyue to regard herself as the reincarnation of Kikyo, so now she doesn't reject this name.

"Sunset Kagome?"

Sesshomaru murmured a little, but the name was instantly ruled out by her, but the name Kikyo made people frown slightly. Sesshomaru does not often walk outside, but he has heard the name of Kikyo. The person who originally kept the Jade of the Four Souls was Kikyo but in the end she died because of being seriously injured by a monster.

At that time, Kikyo was accompanied by a man.

That man's name is also called... Ye Shenyue.

Ye Shenyue, isn't that the one you've met now?Naruto?And let her rob Inuyasha...

Treat her as a pawn and come to disgusting Inuyasha and them?

That guy's thoughts made her unable to understand, but she couldn't understand, but she couldn't understand but couldn't stop her from taking the fragments of the Four Soul Jade.

"Then the man that I took from you must have a funny look."

However, at this time, what surprised Kagome was that she saw Sesshomaru smiling, and the smile was so... impure.

There seems to be some conspiracy.

However, Kagome's neck was slightly aching and found that Sesshomaru had forcibly snatched the bottle with the fragments of the Four Soul Jade hanging from his neck.

"Inuyasha, you'd better grow a little more, otherwise I will definitely kill you next time!~" Sesshomaru with the fragments in his hand kicked the evil view to make it come alive, then looked at Inuyasha lightly, "I will come again. Yes, or in other words, just obediently collect the fragments of the Four Soul Jade for me!"

The cold but sarcastic tone makes people angry but helpless.

" bastard!"

Inuyasha cursed angrily but could only watch Sesshomaru disappear into the sky...

the other side.In a calm mountain, Ye Shenyue was also in action. He had already received the news that Sesshomaru went to Inuyasha to plunder the fragments of the Four Soul Jade. Ye Shenyue smiled slightly, it seemed that this unlovable girl Children are really obedient.

He deliberately let Sesshomaru go to plunder Inuyasha. In addition to wanting Sesshomaru to avenge Inuyasha for being wounded after he got Tianshengya, he also wanted to disgust Inuyasha. He had Iron Broken Teeth and Maitreya's help and Kagome. Inuyasha, with the help of the Demon Breaking Arrow, probably felt that he was invincible, so he deliberately let Sesshomaru abuse him.

Let him know what it is.

Moreover, let Sesshomaru and Kagome meet first, to see what kind of spark this pair of real sisters will create.

Well, these are Ye Shenyue's bad tastes, but what to do now is the real thing.

"Kagura, I'll leave this to you!"

Ye Shenyue came to the deep mountains with Kagura, who was finally freed from the fate of continuing to be a thug Now, no matter how many people she wants to kill, there is only a smile in her eyes and no irritability.

Because she is a monster with hair, her favorite thing is her hair, and people in this age who rely on their body, skin, and skin are naturally unable to give her their hair, so...

Well, you can only get it by killing them.


The girl who is currently sitting in the office is not hoping for the samurai to surrender but to resist. Only in this way can you collect more hair...

"Why is this..."

And Kagura, who was finally welcomed out of the City Lord's Mansion, heard Ye Shenyue's order and showed a very unhappy expression. Why did she treat her as a thug?

Could it be that she was destined to be a thug all her life?


But the previous offensive showed no sign of slowing down because of her low mood, because these enemies were all dead people, made by monsters using ashes and mud to burn, and they didn't feel like they were just puppets that obeyed orders. That's it.

"Where did the monster come from to dare to come to my mountain to be presumptuous!"

An elderly but aggressive old woman appeared.

Chapter 0072 Miserable Maitreya (three more subscriptions)

The old woman was aggressive and aggressive and then lay on the ground without any temper, because Ye Shenyue was stabbing her on the ground with her crutch...

"Lord Naruo, what do you want to do? As long as you can use Li Tao, please leave it to Li Tao."

The monster Li Tao showed a flattering expression.

It's just that a wrinkled face looks more difficult to see when it smiles.

In fact, Li Tao felt wronged in her heart. She was burning clay, and she unexpectedly met someone who ran into the mountains and beat her to the ground... There is no way to do this. After all, her ability is nothing other than burning clay. .Therefore, the anti-strike ability was a mess, and Kagura made her twist her waist...

"Do you want the fragments of the Four Soul Jade? I can give you the fragments, but you have to do one thing for me, help me burn the Kikyo..."

Ye Shenyue took out a fragment of the Four Soul Jade obtained by killing a monster on the way, and threw the purple radiant fragment to Li Tao, but his mind returned to hell, On the day I met Kikyo.

"I will resurrect you in this world, no matter what method you use. Even if you can't get your real body to come, I will help you make a body that is exactly the same."

the other side.

Because the people who were attacked by Sesshomaru passively returned to the village where Kikyo was at the beginning to rest.They are going to discuss how to fight Sesshomaru's next attack next time.

He worked hard to collect the fragments of the Four Soul Jade and then was taken away by Sesshomaru. No one could swallow this breath.

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