"What? Kikyo's ashes were stolen?"

Inuyasha said stunned, he was very curious about the fact that some people in this era steal the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, but now they even steal the ashes... It's really...

"What's the point of stealing the ashes?"

Kagome showed a curious expression, although it was strange to hear that the ashes "before reincarnation" were stolen, but she was here after this "reincarnation", so she didn't think it was very important.

"I don't know either, but this guy disturbed Sister Kikyo's rest, and... let the high ground in the hearts of the villagers collapse. The ashes represent the living people's nostalgia for the dead, and the proof that the dead live in their hearts, that monster. Do this." "Since that's the case, I'll go after it no matter what."

Kagome and Maitreya nodded and said, even Inuyasha... Well, although he was in a bad mood because Kikyo sealed him, Inuyasha is still a good monster in essence, and it's a bit awkward like his sister, So even though it was awkward, I agreed to go after the monsters.

Then, at this time, Sister Feng added, "And I saw that the monster was carrying fragments of the Four Soul Jade. She stole Sister Kikyo's ashes probably because of the Four Soul Jade."

"Fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls?" XN

Several people looked very excited and looked slightly abnormal.

"If that's the case, then it's even more of a pursuit."

Inuyasha Road.

"Well, that's it."

Miller nodded.

"Then let's go! We must take back the ashes of Kikyo and... also take back the fragments of the Four Soul Jade. How can a monster who likes to steal people's ashes hold the fragments of the Four Soul Jade? Right... …”

In the end, even Kagome stood up, and the others seemed to be in high spirits.

Of course, after being robbed by Sesshomaru, everyone seemed to be at a loss, but they were very angry, and now they can get back the fragments of the Four Souls Jade... Well, only I kill myself after possessing the fragments of the Four Souls Jade. Only when Maru will be hooked will everyone be able to... a shame.

Not only the hatred of dinner, but also the hatred of being ridiculed for stealing jade!

Don't forget these things!

"Let's go!"

Everyone stood up, and the cat demon Shanpu roared and turned into a big cat demon that was twice the size of a normal horse and took the initiative to serve as a mount.

Kaede, Kagome and Qibao sat up. As for Maitreya... Well, because the road was not very easy to walk, he gave up riding a bicycle and then rode Inuyasha... No, it should be carried by Inuyasha.

"Maitreya. You should lose weight..."

Inuyasha's temper has always been bad, especially when dealing with Maitreya, a boy. Although there is no such thing as "male gay" as Kagome said in this era, but after Kagome said that, Inuyasha... I really feel that I am carrying Maitreya had an indescribably strange feeling.

"...Inuyasha, it should be more important to pursue at this time!"

Maitreya was stunned for a moment and then said righteously as if he had not heard anything.

He looks serious from the outside and looks very bluffing, but the truth is that he is crying secretly. In fact, he also wants to sit on the body of the cat demon Shanpu, which is much better than being carried by this half-demon, but because of the rebooting rosary Before he could sit up, he slapped himself, and his cheeks became hot all of a sudden... Because there is only one... The cat demon Shanpu is a woman... As long as she is a woman, she cannot have any physical contact and strange thoughts. ...

And as soon as the idea came out, he moved his hand, constantly slapping himself.

One slap, two slaps, three slaps...

Inuyasha's body suddenly stopped.He looked back at Maitreya.

"I think it's better for you to run on your own."

Inuyasha seemed a little hesitant to listen to Maitreya's slap in the face. It was disgusting enough to bring Maitreya and Maitreya was still there at the moment... Well, he slapped himself, in the eyes of others, this Maitreya...

Not a pervert, not a masochist, what is it?

But he had to carry such a masochist on his back, and Inuyasha felt that his image would also be greatly damaged, so he wanted to throw Maitreya directly in this barren mountain.

"No, Inuyasha, how can you say that? I must have no other ideas..."

Maitreya immediately persuaded, if he really walked by himself, wouldn't his leg be broken?He is not a monster, so both the hardness and resilience of his legs are a lot weaker than the monster...


Inuyasha stopped talking, and immediately chased after Kagome and the others as they all disappeared.


Naruto... I must kill you.

Maitreya, who was humiliated by pumping himself again, roared in his heart.

Then he continued to slap himself, the swollen old Gao whose cheeks were all beaten...

ps: If you have free children's shoes, please vote.Speaking of which equipment the Demon King needs...

Chapter 0073 The meeting between Nai Luo and Kagome (one more subscription)

"That's the mountain! But what's going on with these people?"

Everyone chased the scent of Kikyo's ashes to the hillside, but they were a little surprised to see these warriors holding weapons standing on the suspension bridge from a distance, because these people didn't look like ordinary people. .

"Whatever they are, it's not right to block me!"

Inuyasha was the most impulsive and directly shouted "Soul Soul Iron Claws", and then the claw prints condensed with demonic power immediately flew out, and immediately cut the few warriors who were blocking the front in half.

But what was astounding was that it was not the body that was cut but the mixture of ceramic and clay.

These are just fakes and not real.

"I just heard that there is a monster called Li Tao who is good at making pottery figurines on the top of the mountain. I didn't expect this hill to be here, and I also understand what Li Tao did to steal sister Kikyo's ashes. It's probably just... think I will use the ashes to burn the body of Kikyo sister and resurrect Kikyo sister in this world again."

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