Inuyasha read and looked at Kagome, and Kagome just happened to look over. It seemed that they had already decided on a candidate, and there seemed to be only one person who could dangle under Naraku's eyes.

"It's just that bastard I don't know where he is!"

Kagome dragged her cheeks with one hand and looked angry...

Not to mention that the people on Kagome's side have regained their morale, but Yeshenyue's side fell into a small water pool holding the bellflower. This is the place where Yeshenyue first saw the bellflower. He still remembered that he was standing there. Outside the tree, I saw a girl in white bathing.

At that time, the girl just wanted to wash away the sins she was carrying through clear water. Although she dealt with the evil monsters from the standpoint of human beings, it was inevitable that guilt would arise in her heart. peaceful state.

She is the witch of the village and the pillar of the villagers. She cannot fall, so she must be strong.

And the girl from before is now in his arms again.

"Chikyo, you acted really well just now. If I hadn't known the truth long ago, maybe I would have been deceived by you."

Ye Shenyue, who had been flying with the bellflower for a long time, looked at the girl Yagami with a cold expression in her arms, who seemed to be incapable of oil and salt, and admired that the bellflower's acting skills were really good.

In hell, he just told Kikyo that he wanted to "resurrect" her, but he didn't tell her what to do when she met Kagome, Inuyasha and the others when she was resurrected, but Kikyo was able to master it. Kagome and the others showed their hearts still on their side to reassure them, and the reluctant expression that seemed to be controlled by him was also vivid.

...Could it be that these are the natural instincts of women?


The girl raised her head and looked at him with a cold and unfamiliar gaze, causing Ye Shenyue's heart to flash with surprise.

The state of Kikyo at this time doesn't seem right!Because now there is no need to act, but she... why is she still looking at him with such an expression?

"How can you say that I'm a deduction? Naraku, although I don't know when you were a half-demon, but... as a witch, I will definitely kill you. For the peace of this world, I have to deal with your inner evil. guy!"

The shrine maiden's voice was flat but unusually firm. She raised her head without any deviation from Yagami Yue's dark gaze.

She's showing...she's telling the truth!

With her hands on his shoulders, a scorching and stinging silver radiance emanated, and Ye Shenyue stared blankly at the woman who was using spiritual power against him.


Kikyo...I don't know him!Just when he's the evil yokai half-yokai that popped up out of nowhere!

This... what's going on here?

Shouldn't Kikyo's soul in hell be injected into this body?

Yes, because Kikyo has become a god in hell and cannot come to this world rashly, otherwise the coercion of the god itself will completely crush the world, so he thought of letting Li Tao make Kikyo's body and then let it go. The soul of Kikyo is infused to achieve the effect.

It was only to make up for the lie that Kagome was the reincarnation of Kikyo, so I deliberately let Rita take Kagome and then take her soul away. Of course, it was just a pretense, so Kagome's soul went back very quickly, at that moment Kikyo The true soul of the man was also transferred over.

But at this moment Kikyo's soul is already in this manufactured body but doesn't know him!

And also want to kill him... this, this... is this possible?

Why does this error occur?

Ye Shenyue didn't understand, he didn't even know which link went wrong.

"This...what the hell is going on?"

Ye Shenyue was already stunned, she didn't resist and let the girl use her spiritual power to the maximum to burn his arm, but at this moment, the girl who stunned him hugged him tightly, her slightly cold lips pressed against him. on his lips.

Then he saw the slyness in her eyes.

Chapter 0078 A woman who is born to act (three more subscriptions)

Yes, that's cunning, the look of female liars!


"Kankyo, you liar!"

Ye Shenyue pushed away the bellflower that was attached to him very unpleasantly, and when his eyes opened wide, what appeared in those eyes was fire except fire.

Ye Shenyue looked extremely angry, he should have known long ago that Kikyo was lying to him!

Although the expression looks quite similar, the irritating spiritual power purification attack is full of loopholes. As a traditional priestess, spiritual power is an innate ability, and it will not disappear because of the transformation of the body. It shouldn't be that he used so much force that he only felt a slight tingling in his arm and then he didn't react at all!

That is to say, Kikyo deliberately lied to him and made him feel that she lost her memory and then forgot him.

"Yes, I lied to you!"

The witch who was pushed away showed a disappointed expression. As she spoke, she slowly dipped her fair feet into the clear water without taking off her clothes. The cold touch made her cry softly. one sound.

Although the body is made of clay and ashes, it is similar to the body of an ordinary human being, with the same blood and rich emotions.

"Do you know why I agree with your body made of ashes and clay?"

Kikyo gently held up the clear and cold water, and then the water slid through the gap between his fingers. At this moment, Kikyo seemed to focus on playing with water instead of talking.

But Yagami doesn't think so. Because of the experience of "being deceived", he deeply realizes that Kikyo seems to be explaining why she is deceiving him.

"The ashes..."

Ye Shenyue is also thinking about it. It stands to reason that he should make a body for Kikyo and then directly inject its soul into the body, but it is impossible to make a body that is exactly the same as Kikyo. It's not the same, because it was originally the body of Kikyo, so it's just recovering...

wait, no!

The ashes, the bellflower didn't hang at all, how could there be ashes?But the ashes actually exist and... and the body of Kikyo is really recreated after being fired in the pottery.

Why is this happening?

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